The Council of Love,
Virtual Global Gathering,
November 20 – 21 2021.
Beyond the Horizon.
20 Fabulous Teachers will present 14 Different Workshop Sessions.
Dear Friends,
I am sure many of you know of The Council of Love. Linda Dillon has been its earthly representative for more than twenty five years and has over the last few years been teaching and training a group of twenty beautiful souls who have now qualified as Council of Love Teachers.
One of those twenty teachers is my beloved partner and very dear friend Genoveva, and she will be one of those presenting a great on-line Workshop, the above named event, and I felt that many of you might like to attend to be spiritually inspired and uplifted by by this Virtual Global Gathering. Therefore I am bringing it to your attention, and for further details please check out the link below.
Blessings to you, John.