Message from the River
We went camping over a long weekend by a beautiful river. When we arrived The river was flowing at a decent speed. It was beautifully hot and sunny. This must have caused a rapid melt of snow off the mountains.
The next morning we woke and took a hike and I was shocked at the change in the river. It was much higher, louder, and forceful. I watched the River rage. I watched it take limbs, rocks, soil, even a young tree or two. Anything that was in her path was simply washed away.
I stared at her beauty, listened to her roar, felt the coolness in the air. I watched her rage with such power as she funneled water from the mountains to the fertile delta and reservoir below. She provides drinking water and irrigation for so many.
Sitting on a rock above her, I was overcome and began to cry without really understanding why.
Then I heard her speak
“Can you let yourself go? Can you let yourself flow for the sheer purpose of being who you are in this moment?
Imagine if I stopped myself for every tree, rock, bug or even animal that got caught in my path.
Imagine if I held myself back, forced myself into a trickle of what I really am. Can you imagine the pain I would endure?
Can you see all that would suffer as they would not receive my fullness?
Now I say to you, you are no different. When you force yourself to be the trickle, you harm not only yourself but all those counting on your fullness.
Let yourself roar, let yourself flow with no apologies.”
I then felt her presence drift away from me, off to different things.
I sat in awe at the message. So many of us are sitting at the precipice of another huge jump, another huge leap in consciousness, in embodiment. While it is so very exciting, it is also scary. It’s a leap into the unknown AGAIN. What was once us living in our fullest has now become only a fraction of our truth. We must embrace this new level without the mind worrying over the bug, the tree, or anything that is in our path.

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