The Inner Knowing that is Love


New Message Channeled by Ailia Mira
Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Divine Ones —

We greet you in love. We are happy to be here with you and we look forward, as you think of it, to each opportunity to consciously connect.

When we are consciously connected, the expansion in your life, is an expansion of consciousness. Your consciousness expands.

And when you do this, you transmit internal messages to your DNA, activating and changing, over time with repetition, the physical expression of your own body. Evolving form to hold more expansive consciousness.

Part of this is experiential and part of this has to do more with processes in your life. So some of this expansion is felt as it occurs, and some of it? Changes the way your body works – translating and receiving, perceiving Life Itself in expression.

What we wish to offer you today is the realization that all inner knowing is a manifestation of Love. You receiving it, is you allowing yourself to be loved.

Life Itself so wants you to thrive. And is always providing your with the clarity that will serve you in the present and this clarity? Comes as inner knowing. The deep quiet steady feeling and understanding that is beyond words. The knowing that comes prior to you being able to express something in words.

This knowing, is always love, emanating to you and being translated by your physical form into that which you think of as clarity and gradually altering your body-process, evolving your capacity for Light.

Love, beloveds, is fueling the expansion of the Universe. In a very direct and wonderful way.

Your form evolving, is an expression of the very basis of spirituality in life. The evolution of your embodied presence, is the foundation for understanding the meaning and purpose of your Life and your embodied relationship with Life Itself.

This truth is the great gift of unconditional Love, meets, Oneness.

Can you feel this? The realization of this. That you, are the realization of this? Made possible?

Oh, dear ones. The world is exquisite and magnificently beautiful.

Let all of this sink in and feel who you truly are.

The realization of that, is heaven.

We love you very much.

I AM Archangel Michael with the Council of Radiant Light

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