NorthPoint Journal Feb 15 to 21, 2021

NorthPoint Astrology Journal
Your weekly guide to planetary influences
February 15 to 21, 2021
by Pam Younghans
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A MAJOR TRANSITION POINT is reached this week. The energy for this shift has been building since late December, when Saturn entered Aquarius. Since then, Saturn and Uranus have been slowly moving into position for their rendezvous by square aspect. They will be precisely square – separated by exactly 90 degrees – on Wednesday, February 17.
This Saturn-Uranus square, which will repeat on June 14 and December 24, is the most significant astrological influence of 2021. It represents a challenge to our plans and expectations, but also an opportunity for us to “jump tracks” in some way, to make a shift in consciousness that radically alters the course of our personal and collective future.
SATURN AND URANUS have very different agendas and methods, which complicates any interaction between them – especially a hard aspect such as the square we’re currently working with. Saturn deals with physical manifestations and social structures, while Uranus activates the higher mental planes and a consciousness that goes beyond the third dimension. And, even though Saturn is now in progressive Aquarius (the sign that is “ruled” by Uranus), it still tends to be somewhat conservative, dedicated to working within existing forms as it realizes change. While step-at-a-time progress can be beneficial, Saturn’s vision can be limited by a certain perception of reality and a more traditional approach to creating new forms.
Uranus, on the other hand, works intuitively, without a net. It is too restless and impatient to work within existing systems. Instead, it breaks down old paradigms to allow the new to be birthed. Currently transiting through earthy, grounded Taurus, we can think of Uranus as cracking the eggshell so that the hatchling can emerge, or splitting the concrete so that a seedling can grow.
TO PARAPHRASE an old Johnny Mercer song, “when an irresistible force (Uranus) meets an old immovable object (Saturn), something’s gotta give.” As the two planets square off for the first time this week, we can expect more “earthquake-like” events that will shake us up, that crack our old perceptions of reality so that ultimately we can birth a new world. Or, perhaps more accurately, we could say that events catalyzed by the Saturn-Uranus square have the potential to alter our awareness so that we perceive potentials that we may have only glimpsed previously.

As always, any time Uranus is activated, we can experience both breakthroughs and breakdowns. We are also advised to “expect the unexpected” this week, since Uranus likes to express itself in radical ways. Surprising events that may feel destabilizing can actually provide a more direct route to an expansion of consciousness, as we seek answers outside of our usual frame of reference. Remember that Uranus has several aliases, which include “god of chaos” as well as “god of the starry heavens.”
MOON ASPECTS to the other planets are mostly very short-lived, usually only in effect for a few hours. This is why I don’t usually reference Moon aspects in this Journal, other than events such as lunations and eclipses that do have a longer-term influence.
But this week, the Moon will be playing an important role in the unfolding of events. On Wednesday, the day that the Saturn-Uranus square perfects, the Moon will be in Taurus. Luna will exactly square Saturn and conjoin Uranus at 9:48 a.m. PST, just a little more than one hour before the exact Saturn-Uranus event (at 11:08 a.m. PST).
THE BROADER EFFECTS of the Saturn-Uranus square are, of course, not limited to Wednesday, nor to this week. But the Moon’s involvement on that day indicates a likelihood of heightened and potentially erratic emotions and behaviors.
In mundane astrology, which is the study of how the planets affect groups and nations, the Moon symbolizes the “common people,” public affairs in general, women and children, and crowds. Although each of us is working with the influence of the Saturn-Uranus square in our own individual lives, we may see the effects of this first square manifesting in a very public way.
THE OMEGA/CHANDRA SYMBOLS for the eighth degree of Aquarius, where Saturn will be on Wednesday, shed additional light on some of the energies we’ll be working with on that day. And, since Wednesday is the “birthday” of the Saturn-Uranus square, these themes will continue to play out over the course of the year.
Here are the symbols and their interpretations from astrologer John Sandbach:
Omega symbol: “A man experiences much pain and discomfort as wings sprout on his back.” The letting go of any personal limitations can be difficult, and can create fear. This degree believes without reservation that people are capable of change, and can be very encouraging of the process of them doing so, no matter how hard it is. To enter into a new way of being requires new abilities and skills, and this degree has a clear sensing of what these are and how to develop them.
Chandra symbol: “A book. The words in it keep changing.” When you quit expecting life to be consistent, everything becomes more interesting. This degree can look at the same thing again and again and each time see something different. This is much truer to how things really are. Its multiple interpretations, when shared, can help others to be more open-minded and flexible in their assessments.
OTHER PLANETARY ASPECTS that occur this week are not as significant as the ones we’ve been discussing, but they will inform our mental and emotional states on a shorter-term basis.
Here are my day-by-day, very brief interpretations of the other influences we’ll be working with over the next seven days:
Mercury semisquare Ceres: A minor aspect. Difficulty communicating our thoughts and needs to others, in particular family members.
Mars semisquare Chiron: A minor aspect. Angry exchanges as some latent insecurities arise. We may be uncertain of what we truly want and need, or how to assert ourselves.
Saturn square Uranus: See above!
Sun enters Pisces: The Sun enters the last sign of the zodiac, indicating a month-long phase of releasing what has been, and surrendering to the callings of our Soul.
Venus semisquare Chiron: A minor aspect. Hurt feelings if we base our self-worth too much on whether we feel accepted or rejected by others.
Venus square Mars: Tension between the receptive/assertive aspects of our own natures, or between feminine/masculine forces in the outer world. Stubborn resistance to being told what to do or how to do it.
Jupiter semisquare Ceres: The “need to be needed” can interfere with our ability to say no, leading us into unhealthy situations. There is a tendency to seek nurturing and reassurance through food or overindulgence.
Mercury stations direct: Mercury begins to move forward again in Aquarius, supporting the implementation of the new ideas and insights we have gained through introspection over the past three weeks.
Venus conjunct Pallas Athene: Artistry, creativity, and inventiveness are enhanced. This can also manifest as a strong female taking a stand, and a focus on humanitarian concerns and equal rights for women.
IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: Your capacities for insight and creativity are enhanced this year, and you may also reach a deeper understanding of your life purpose. There is an inner strength that you can call upon now, based in your ability to see what steps will lead you and others into a more enlightened future. You may be particularly drawn to humanitarian causes and social reform, or perhaps to working with vibration, color, and sound to facilitate healing for yourself and others. (Solar Return Sun conjunct Pallas Athene)
In Gratitude and Light,
NorthPoint Journal © 2021 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved.
Aspects of Note This Week
All times listed are Pacific Standard Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 8 hours. 
MON: Mercury semisquare Ceres
WED: Mars semisquare Chiron, Saturn square Uranus 
THU: Sun enters Pisces, Venus semisquare Chiron
FRI: Venus square Mars, Jupiter semisquare Ceres
SAT: Mercury stations direct
SUN: Venus conjunct Pallas Athene
 About the NorthPoint Journal
Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this NorthPoint Journal based on planetary influences and insights received. Her hope is to offer perspectives to assist you in utilizing current energies to enhance your life experience and accelerate your spiritual and personal growth.
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NorthPoint Journal copyright 2020 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved.


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