Dear Ground Crew:
Here is the latest from Apollo, November 30, 2020: “Make no mistake, the war between the dark and the light is over. The positives and the negatives have been canceled out. It is time to leave the old. There are a few stragglers who have not gotten the message but I am telling them loudly and clearly, it is over! They are done! They are off to some other place because the earth is finished with them! We have all had enough. I make this pronouncement and it holds. Our Creator has spoken. All obstructions are cleared. The New World is ready for those who can rise in consciousness and who will be able to allow and live in the Golden Age and the golden light. Welcome!”
November 29, 2020, “The gateway to a new tomorrow is opening. Things will never be the same on Mother Earth. We are preparing our landing craft. All systems are ready. The dark have lost their grip. There is much cleaning up to do. Completion is at hand. As above so below. The light is blasting through. The total cleansing of the planet is going on in a very big way. Look out for the debris! Humanity is in for a huge awakening. Say goodbye to the dark forces of evil. You are ascending and you are free!”
Twenty-five years ago, when I first started writing on the Internet for the ground crew, we mistakenly thought that we were ready for ascension. Reflecting back, it is obvious that we had to go through much more. We were told that when the Schumann Resonance reached 12, we would be in the null zone, zero point. The Schumann Resonance measures the heartbeat of the planet. At that time 7.8 was normal. This past year, or more, it vacillated all the way up into the high 90’s and has been hovering recently around the mid-teens. It is interesting to note that as of this writing on December 1, 2020, the Schumann Resonance is at 70!
We are in the null zone of the photon belt which comes around every 26,000 years. Just think about what we have learned since the mid-nineties and how much more aware and awake we are right now. This 2020 year has been the most challenging for most people. It is the great awakening.
There are forces of dark who would like to prevent the awakening by using lies, censorship, mind control, physical force, chemicals in the sky, vaccines, prevention of human gatherings and connection, and by polarizing friends and family. Many lightworkers have been taken off YouTube and other bringers of truth have had their platforms attacked. We have to remember that none of this will work. Censorship is like putting a blanket over the sun to prevent the light. The light is for our enlightenment and cannot be stopped. Light is information. It is far more powerful than any of the means the dark forces are using to prevent the ascension.
Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council. I am pleased to speak with you. Much is occurring on the grandest scale. Truly, this is a huge operation in which we are involved to shift the earth into the fifth dimension and all of life along with it.
You and the earth are pivotal in the ascension of all creation. Never forget for a minute how important you are and how grateful we are for the work that you’ve done to get the earth and the consciousness to the stage that you are in now. We acknowledge your greatness and the vastness of your light, your determination, your commitment and your skills that are facilitating this grand shift.
We know this has not been easy and again we know that you are tired. You are working diligently day and night to make this happen. You have no idea how important your work is. It is making a huge difference.
On the earth counsel we observe that some of you are rattled at times due to the outrageous behaviors of the dark forces. Please do not let them get you off-balance or in fear. Hold the light constantly and remain in the fifth dimension in your consciousness. You are the way showers. We need you to stay straight on purpose focused on the ascension.
Please take excellent care of your body’s, minds, hearts and souls. Do what brings you joy, laughter, and peace. Get lots of rest, eat well and do whatever you need to do to nurture your body. The body is going through upgrading including the endocrine system and your cellular structure, along with the amount of light that it is bringing in. Every aspect of creation is assisting you and the earth right now. Everyone will benefit when the ascension is complete. Major shifts need to happen now. Life is too untenable and too precious to be tampered with in the way that you are being forced to live right now.
It was decided earlier this year that time would be sped up so that the ascension would go faster because the dark forces were creating too much destruction.
The chaos with the election in the United States is part of the Ascension process. It is intended to add light and truth to what many did not know was happening. It is also necessary for empowering people to take their power back to claim their freedom.
What is most important is that our lightworkers keep their vibrations up and that they follow the truth in their own hearts. The disinformation being spread “like a fire hose” as one recently said, can be disarming and disheartening. If you buy into it you are lowering your vibration and are not as capable of holding the light and doing your work.
We do not want you to energize the dark schemes with your focus or your energy. It is unproductive. Trust and believe in the divine plan and know that it is in action. Every aspect of it is brilliant and is designed for the truth and the light to come out for all to see.
We are with you with each breath, each choice, and each victory, whether large or small. We celebrate you and we celebrate every victory. Soon we will be dancing together in the streets.
I am Mira and I love you and support you.