Gemini Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse ~ November 30, 2020
At 4:31 a.m. Eastern US time on November 30, 2020, we’ve got a Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse at 8°38′ Gemini. This is a North Node Eclipse, in that the transiting North Node will be at 19°53′ Gemini. While not a close conjunction, in context of a possible 360°, the energies of Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse and the collective’s North Node flag this as a destiny level transit.
For me personally, this event occurs exactly between my natal Mercury and Venus. On the collective level, this Full Moon will quincunx Venus at 10°57′ Scorpio. Again, it’s not an exact hit, but we’ll all feel the influence. Quincunx energies feel uncomfortable, with an urge to integrate things that seemingly have nothing in common. Connecting Venus and a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse increases tensions in relationships, love, creative expression of emotions, and a need to find new balance in what and how we value things, including inner being.
Love Goddess Venus in deep, dark, smoldering Scorpio will also oppose volatile Uranus and Black Moon Lilith in Taurus. Whenever Uranus and Black Moon Lilith come together, they seem to bring out extra levels of surprise, change and reactivity. Plan ahead for this potential: be aware of any urge to fly off the handle. Uranus brings liberation, and Black Moon Lilith in her highest expression gets us back in touch with our inner Wild Woman. Approached in a conscious way, this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse offers a chance for radical self-acceptance. Reacted to in an unconscious way, this combo could urge intense projections onto “the Other.” Pause before you project. Breathe it all in and out, then assess the situation.
On collective and personal levels, new information about emotions and relationships (Moon) will be obscured (eclipsed) and then revealed. Gemini deals with duality, so some of this new information might feel counter-intuitive or contradictory. Do your best to roll with it. This is a powerful, collective destiny level event, which means it’s necessary to human evolution.
Because of the eclipse, the meaning will probably not seem clear at first. As it starts to become clear, it will probably do so through a lens of “this and that are true.” For more ideas of how this could play out, please see:
Astrology King: Full Moon November 30, 2020 — Lunar Eclipse
AstroButterfly: Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Gemini — Disclosure
Energies remain intense for quite awhile longer. Most people are at least a little bit on edge, some more than others. Remember to spend time in Nature, and pay attention to any dreams, especially around the time of the eclipse. As the collective roils and boils, we’ve all got our own internal super volcanoes churning from the depths of the Unconscious and Subconscious. Everything reveals itself in the proper time and way, despite appearances.
When we lean into the energies of big events, we get more out of them. They also tend to carry us along instead of knocking us off our feet. Whatever surprises arrive before, during and especially after the eclipse, try to play with the information. Curiosity might kill the proverbial cat, but curiosity saves the Gemini. Open your mind. You can usher in delight when you allow yourself to realize that “this and that are true.”