NorthPoint Journal Oct 19 to 25, 2020

NorthPoint Astrology Journal
Your weekly guide to planetary influences
October 19 to 25, 2020
by Pam Younghans
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WE ARE CROSSING a bridge into a new reality – a world so new that we cannot yet visualize what it might look like, or even conceive exactly how we will get there. Our task at this point is not to presume to know each step we will take in the journey, but to focus on how we want to feel as we step into that new landscape, and what we can imagine as the best of all worlds manifesting.
What is the quality you most long to see more of in the world? Kindness? Equality? Spiritual consciousness? Hold the image, the energy of that quality in your awareness, in your very being. Practice holding that energy and vision as much as you can in the days ahead, for we are in a pivotal time. It takes all of us working together to create the world we will step into on the other side of the bridge.
ALTHOUGH the planetary forecast for this week doesn’t include as many dramatic aspects as we’ve seen in past weeks, we are less than four weeks away from – and already feeling the influence of – the final Jupiter-Pluto-Pallas Athene alignment that perfects on November 12.
This aspect first occurred in late March/early April of this year, setting into motion a process of deep transformation. The second pass was in late June/early July, a reminder that we cannot return to previous ways of approaching this reality. Now, with the third alignment in November, we more fully embrace the understanding of how far-reaching the changes have been, and that we are indeed at the threshold of a new world.
“Real-world” manifestations related to this alignment are occurring on many levels, and how the change is unfolding in our personal lives depends on our individual soul contracts. But, common to all of our timelines at the first two alignments were increases in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations. According to current charts, we’re again on an upward trajectory in both these areas.
More about this final alignment and its manifestations in the coming weeks – but for now, here’s the day-by-day listing of aspects for the next seven days:
Venus quincunx Mars, Venus trine Jupiter: Adjustments that we make in how we approach confrontations can open the door to new growth in relationships.
Retrograde Mercury opposite Uranus: This opposition, while its surprising twists and turns may make us feel like Alice Through the Looking Glass, also has the potential to bring in cosmic insights and inventive new ideas.
Venus square nodal axis: Relationships and values we once held dear are called into question as we compare them energetically to the growth path we are currently traveling. Our minds may be especially drawn to past alliances, or we may encounter someone from long ago.
Sun trine Ceres: This heart-opening influence makes it easier to respect others, even if their perspectives are different than ours.
Mercury semisquare Venus, Venus trine Pluto: Some communication snafus may occur, but relationships can deepen as we allow ourselves to more fully trust and merge with another.
Sun enters Scorpio: We enter a month of endings in preparation for new beginnings. This is a time of revelation, as repressed emotions and unconscious patterns come to the surface to be cleansed or released.
Mercury quincunx Chiron: Some feelings of insecurity and frustration in our ability to express our innermost thoughts. Another day to be very respectful of Mercury being retrograde.
Venus quincunx Eris, sesquiquadrate Uranus: Some discord and feelings of distance in relationships, especially if we criticize or attempt to control the other person.
Mars square Pallas Athene: Anger comes to the surface in response to the frustrations of feeling controlled, either by circumstances or by authority figures.
Venus trine Saturn: A stabilizing influence in relationship and financial matters. We’re more able to be objective and realistic in these areas.
Mercury sesquiquadrate Neptune: But, not a good day to make long-term decisions, as we may not yet see all the consequences.
Sun conjunct Mercury: With Mercury retrograde and both planets in hard aspect to Neptune, this is a day best spent in inner contemplation rather than outer planning.
Neptune sextile Pallas Athene: This aspect awakens our spiritual nature, helping us get in touch with insights and visions that positively affect our goals for the future.
CLASS IN NOVEMBER! As I mentioned last week, I’ve decided to offer a class next month to talk about the new energies that are coming in. Please read the announcement below to learn more!
(“If Your Birthday Is This Week” follows this announcement.)
Paradigm Shift
A new dawn on the horizon
Thursday, November 19, 2020

Broadcasting LIVE on Zoom and Recorded for Replay
4 pm PST | 5 pm MST | 6 pm CST | 7 pm EST
One-hour class, $25 by PayPal or check
THE YEAR 2020 has been, by far, one of the most life-changing and disruptive years in our lifetimes, driven by the Saturn-Pluto alignment that occurred back in January. As we enter the closing weeks of this incredible year, we look to the planets to see what they can reveal about our next steps.
On the not-so-distant horizon is a very new energy: the much-anticipated Jupiter-Saturn alignment in Aquarius, which will perfect on Solstice Day, December 21. Although Jupiter and Saturn align every 20 years, this is the first alignment in Aquarius since the year 1405. It represents a significant paradigm shift for humanity, as well as a major impulse of energy into each of our individual lives.
In this class, we’ll talk in greater detail about that Jupiter-Saturn alignment and consider its effects, both globally and personally. We’ll also look beyond the immediate horizon and into 2021. We’ll explore the possible manifestations and purposes of the Saturn-Uranus square that will be our companion throughout the new year, as well as the ongoing effects of the dynamic Pluto-Eris square that has already stirred much social change. To round out our overview, we’ll also touch on the impact of the six eclipses – half of which are powerful Total Eclipses – that will occur from now through the end of 2021.
Please join us! To register:

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: The challenges of 2020 may be disruptive, but they are inspiring you to make positive changes in your life. In particular, as you navigate the continuing global shift in the months ahead, you will be learning how to nurture yourself in new ways, while also being supportive of loved ones. Your interests may be especially related to nutrition and diet, or perhaps involve food sources and sustainability. You also have the opportunity in your personal new year to make a stronger commitment to your own spiritual growth and, as a part of that growth, to find ways to be of greater service in the world.  (Solar Return Sun trine Ceres, sextile Vesta, square Saturn, square Pluto)

In Gratitude and Light,
NorthPoint Journal © 2020 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved.
Aspects of Note This Week
All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours. 
MON: Venus quincunx Mars, Venus trine Jupiter, Mercury opposite Uranus
TUE: Venus square nodal axis
WED: Sun trine Ceres, Mercury semisquare Venus, Venus trine Pluto
THU: Sun enters Scorpio, Venus quincunx Eris, Mercury quincunx Chiron, Venus sesquiquadrate Uranus
FRI: Mars square Pallas Athene
SAT: Venus trine Saturn, Mercury sesquiquadrate Neptune
SUN: Sun conjunct Mercury, Neptune sextile Pallas Athene
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