

Hello again and welcome to those of you who are new to this publication! It’s been almost 3 months! Please enjoy today’s edition. It has left me with a sense of comfort. I hope it does the same for you.

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With love, Sophia

October 19, 2020

While on a walking meditation today I was in conversation with my Pleiadian family. Here are some take-aways from the conversation. It was not recorded as it happened, but recalled for you here and now, a few hours later. I feel that as we head towards the end of 2020, some of these things will give you hope. These are not different words than were spoken in August, but a bit more detail and in truth, I have different ears today than I did then. The Lion’s Gate Portal introduced a profound change for me and has impacted the work.

What I was told is this…

Their desire to help with the medical pods is as real as it has been for these last 4 years (of contact with me), yet their ability to do so has had to remain flexible and tuned to what occurs for us on the planet. Initially, they did not understand that our consistent belief and acceptance was necessary in order for any technology to work here, for humanity. Trial and error demonstrated that truth. It has been frustrating, for sure.

As the med beds have now become part of the broader discussion here, success is assured. It is seen however that they will more than likely not be delivered until after the event, or after some event. I am not clear on exactly what event, only that it will push our unity consciousness over the top and then they will arrive, be put to use, and help our race as they have always intended. They assured me that they are ready and also that they expect this to occur before the end of 2020. I pushed a bit for this confirmation, yet it was repeated to me.

I felt a great deal of love and even more than that, a sense of power being transmitted. It was thrilling, I felt as if I was sitting in a kitchen full of soul-mates, who know me, love me, and cannot wait to see me again. I was assured that physical contact awaits us. Such a sense of peace and love accompanied the conversation. Also, a calm anticipation was broadcast. They are ready.

That is all for you today. I hope this brings you hope and peace.

With love, honor and great appreciation,

©2011-2020 Sophia Love All Rights Reserved.

We are the ones.
We have anchored the light.
It is done.


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