September Ascension Energies – Freedom Bound

So much shifting internally in August. There have been intermittent days where I’ve felt as if the magnetosphere was so quiet that we were at moments of reset. Then times where it felt so strong that it was overwhelming. The energy of Building Momentum was strong as things were surfacing for change.
Areon spoke of the importance of consistency and amplification to Build Momentum. That was interesting to observe as I had some experiences that felt like such an amplification, yet it was clear that the consistent steps had really been the foundation that manifested the amplification.
As the energy of August began bridging with September, I was shown that the entropy is increasing, which can manifest as chaos, but it is also an increase in potentials.
It was a month of deep internal changes that were reforming the energetic structure. September will continue that flow. The courage of the Lion’s Gate was opening us to a new level of responsibility, which means a new level of creativity.
September feels like the start of an intensification of change. The energies I was given for September are Freedom Bound. It is a play on words—is your freedom bound and restricted, or are you bound for (heading toward) freedom? The mirror reflects what is, and in the physical realm, the layers that reveal are what the shadow can’t conceal.
The unhealthy bindings are breaking and as the readjustments settle, we’re discovering where we can no longer inhibit our freedom from this next phase of enlightenment/density release. There are limitations that are beneficial, like a cocoon as the caterpillar transforms into the butterfly, or the cast that supports a healing bone. But at some point, those old limitations must be shed to experience a new level of freedom.
As August began the catalyzing momentum of change, September calls you to continue that process of transforming coal to diamond. As your crystalline energy body realigns, you’re creating a clearer flow of energy that moves faster and has less distortion that slows the time/space experience. This is the raising of vibration, the shedding of density and the foundation of Ascension—the resonance of human consciously embodying connective divinity.
Letting go of patterns of blame and shame open the shaman to excel. Letting go of heavy stories enlighten the heart. Letting go of the density of the past allows the wisdom to arise.
As you excavate the gems of courage revealed, you find your brilliant Love illuminating your life. Sometimes you have to dig to find the jewels. Consistence is key.
When the moments are quiet, the mind can hear the heart.
This allows the mind to touch the infinite connection that Love allows. This teaches the mind the safety of trusting the self when moments are loud. The consistency of this inner connection creates the strength to Follow the Heart—the overall energy of 2020.
It’s not always easy to find Love in the midst of challenge. This is why consistency, like exercise, builds the strength and flexibility to maintain capability when it’s needed.
Sometimes Love is amplified inwardly so that you have the inner structure that supports you to sustain. What began in August and continues in September, is amplifying self-love so that your energetic structure, and thus physical structure, is nourished for deeper connection. This is the work of forgiveness, self-soothing and choices that promote a healthy environment for you and others.
Sometimes Love is amplified outwardly so that you are connecting with life in ways that nourish others. This can help them see the reflection of Love that is within them, even if it is not acknowledged. You can’t do it for the response, you do it for flow. As your infinite wellspring of Love flows, your energetic structure is bathed in the flow of Love. This excites your ions into new form, for every desire becomes ions longing for completion. How excited are you—what momentum have you built? What new freedom are you creating?
September amplifies what has been consistent this year—incredible change. Change is always good, even though it’s not always easy—because Life always evolves toward more Love, for it is the core of connection.
The time and space that bind you in the Earth experience, are the very catalysts for your Freedom from them.
The space within you is the sacred connection to All. The time that moves you is a straight path to the circle of life. As the spiraling speeds, you are bound for the freedom of the infinite Love, the infinite connection you have always been.
Have a powerful September, Lightworker!
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