Sweet New Moon Wishes of Softening PotentialMAY 22Posted by Tania Marie’s Blog


Wishing everyone a beautiful New Moon of sweet possibilities. I’m feeling like a cool breeze has blown in carrying with it a refreshed and inspired energy around this Gemini Moon, and as if a softer layer has been revealed under any resistance that might have been present. It’s perfect support for the current book cover painting commission I’m working on that is a portal of possibility itself.

I was never hugely drawn to pink, except for when I was a little girl and now that the little girl me is so much freer within my inner world, wearing pink feels nurturing. There’s an innocent little faery giggle I hear in pink that feels like a burst of sweet strawberry icing on the tongue or puffy cotton candy clouds dancing in a baby blue sky. Perhaps the shedding of more and more layers has uncovered a magnetism for it. Pink feels soft, vulnerable, innocent, sensitive, hopeful, romantic, calm and joyfully loving.

Softness, to me, being a message on a wider scale asking of us, where can we soften our inner dialogue, rigid perspectives, angry behaviors, harsh judgments of others or self, and our hardened shells we learned to erect for perceived, self preservation?

Protection can help nurture freedom, but can also restrict evolution. It’s not about having no boundaries, but the comfort in knowing you can energetically create these when needed as balance, and not simply out of constant separation, judgment, insecurity, and isolation projections.

Themes I keep sensing and are increasingly revving up for people include anxiety and stress at an all-time high, amplification of fears while illusion and escapism don a cloak of intuition that hides the reality of them, confusion as to how to navigate the deeper, darker depths in order to open the wisdom behind the fear doors that keep you away from yourself, and barriers to self knowing, love, and care because the conditioned cycles have been circling around for so long. It’s easy to get caught up in what’s going on outside and with trying to make everyone else change, but this is a futile mission without softening your own inner world around the ways you might resist change yourself.

There aren’t only contradictions in our outer world circulating, but also within us, which can torment us endlessly and war with each other to the detriment of own exhaustion. This New Moon window aids us in illuminating the possibility to see yourself more clearly. Gemini brings new perspectives so that misunderstandings can be brought to light.

Communication and perspective are highlighted now, which includes how you see things and communicate with yourself. An invitation to truth is a way to practice opening up to real conversations and discovering what you’re holding back or holding yourself back from. This is a great time to clear out the mental chatter, inner clutter and stories that are taking up time, energy, and space in your world.

Fear can hinder your expression, creativity, growth, and overall well-being and potential. A new approach to life constantly beckons us and doorways like this New Moon can support that if you’re willing.

Connection is also valuable right now and finding ways that suit you to feel more connected with others, All That Is, Nature, and yourself. Finding avenues that resonate for you and help cultivate this more are wonderful…writing, communicating, networking, reaching out, being in Nature, sharing your gifts…are forms of connecting.

Perhaps if you do too much technological connecting, then simpler ways might be a fresh start via communicating through your talents, immersing with Nature, using energy work or meditation. Or, if you’ve felt more isolated, maybe a technology upgrade to help you tune in with others or share your gifts on a larger scale might be activating.

It’s also a wonderful opportunity to recreate yourself…imagining a whole new you you’d like to express in the world. Here you can ask yourself how your life, actions, speech, and feelings align with your values. What message are you embodying and transmitting to the world? Are you consistent in what you believe, say, feel, and how you behave?

A lot of people tell me that they’ve done everything – positive thinking, self-healing, growth processes, and sometimes even exhausted medical help if they have a physical challenge….and are exhausted. Understandably they want so much to learn the lessons, feel better, and be done with things. They share that they want to feel whole and sense there must be more than meets the eye, as they simply can’t shift out and break free. I understand that frustration, having been there many times myself.

They ask me if there’s anything missing?

I don’t claim to know all of the why’s of their challenges, as there can be many levels to it to explore and uncover, but what I do find that can many times fundamentally be at the core is that sometimes people aren’t fully ready to embrace being freed or “healed” as they call it, as this would call for a whole new way of life, being, and responsibility.

The challenge seems to serve them in some way and there’s a part of them that is not really ready for what it means to not have the challenge anymore. It can be something very deep we hide from ourselves. So it becomes important to root out any thoughts and impressions, deep beliefs and feelings for why you may not feel “deserving” of this integration to take place. And perhaps even why you may be afraid of the “responsibility” that comes along with it.

Perhaps the very challenge is also what fuels the beauty of who you are and what you have to impart in service to others – in essence, it provides the “gusto” behind your message and dreams.

Sometimes we can’t see our wholeness that already IS within the experience we are having. That there is a perfection in the experience when we release it from definitions of life’s should’s and should not’s. We get in our own way when we think we know it all or have tried everything.

First off, this is not possible, as the universe is unlimited and it is self-deceptive to think you have explored all possibilities. You may have gone as far as your current perspectives are open to, but I assure you that they always have more room to expand…limitlessly in fact. And simply, too.

Sometimes it can be the smallest of tweaks that makes the difference, which comes at the right time and place for that click to put things into motion. There’s no time frame or right or wrong about this. It’s a journey and an experience of spirit in motion of being human.

If you find yourself hitting a wall, learn to love this wall, as it is there for a reason, take a break and allow your feelings and mind to refresh and let your subconscious percolate with the feelings and frustration for a while. When you separate from the need to have to get a solution then you work with and align with your energy instead of against it. It’s this embracing and love that will enable you to see more than one solution and from your heart you can find your creative power to create something new.

Life really calls for a softening in our hearts on all levels and toward life itself. It’s understandable that life circumstances can create a hardening, but at some point we may need to unlearn that, as hardening tends to crack and break at some point.

Clarity and true compassion comes with softness.

Softening isn’t about weakness. It’s a strength that knows it needs no false shield to be empowered. Standing fiercely in transparency and truth comes with a softer approach. One that is willing to reveal the authenticity and trusts the power of that to speak for itself.

Quick Update:

Online Reiki Training Certification Classes are half or more than half full. I’m only taking 6 participants per class and here is the current availability.

Reiki Level 1: 2 spaces available

Reiki Level 2: 3 spaces available

Reiki Level 3 Master Teacher: 3 spaces available

You can register in full or hold your space with a deposit here:


And our Magick Rabbit Etsy Shop continues to host our biggest sale through June 20th, Summer Solstice. We have a few notebook journals, greeting cards, prints, and original mini and large paintings remaining. We continue to support rescue rabbits with sales, and with the current, mirroring, deadly virus strain (RHDV2) pandemic for rabbits (killing both wild and domestic rabbits), this is especially dear to my heart to do.

Sweet New Moon Wishes of Softening Potential



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