Unplugging From the Lower 4D Communities/Teachers/Relationship Matrix
By Jelelle Awen
You are your own mystery school. There becomes a phase in awakening when you no longer need to seek an outside source to guide you and remind of what those mysteries are. You no longer need to attend someone else’s school around this. You don’t need (even as you might enjoy them as a mirror) the channeled messages from other sources (from the light or otherwise) as you are connected to your OWN sources/aspects/guides from your Metasoul and star family. You remember your soul’s wisdoms and gifts as you connect directly with it (through connection with your Gatekeeper aspect) and your veil of amnesia lifts…what has previously been a mystery becomes clear again.
Some of what is presented as ‘mystery school teachings’ these days is still filtering through an outdated model of spiritual teaching anchored to many fear-based timelines. This outdated model is also what we could call the Lower 4D Matrix…or what some have called the ‘false light’ matrix. The Lower 4D matrix is still running on the fumes of fear-based energies, more polarized energies of good versus evil….a sense that there is something to battle and to protect yourself from. Spiritual warfare realities are from the lower 4D….the sense of battling the ‘dark’ for the ‘light’. If you sense a shaming and blaming frequency in a message or teaching, then there is still an anchoring/fusion to Lower 4D and even 3D aspects (such as the Inner Punisher) going on.
These lower 4D spiritual battle ground realities are VERY real to the aspects of your Metasoul (individuated soul source) that are experiencing them. These Meta sisters and brothers of yours may be ‘trapped’ in often very traumatizing timeline experiences of cultic groups, Artificial Intelligence, One Mind (mind control), narcissistic/controlling/manipulative leaders, etc. Some of these timelines are ‘ancient Egypt’, ‘ancient Greece’, dark and middle ages, Atlantis during the fall, Draco/Reptilian (not ALL though), some Orion, and many others. If you have Metasoul aspects in other timelines that are stuck in deep programming that keeps in place suffering loops of unworthiness, judgement/shame, abandonment/separation from the Divine/star family, etc….then their suffering will be bleeding into your reality in this life.
This bleed-through often leads to being drawn to these very same lower 4D energies playing out in this timeline. That can show up in narcissist/empath toxic relationship patterns in birth family members, romantic relationships and especially in spiritual communities and groups. Spiritual communities are increasingly becoming the WAY that souls are experiencing a recapitulation of the Lower 4D energies through experiences with non-vulnerable, controlling, manipulative even sexually abusive leaders that are ALSO caught in this cycle themselves.
This experience is needed by ALL the souls involved until it no longer is needed anymore. Some souls need to be activist and truth tellers for a phase about these Lower 4D realities and the corruption/manipulation/distortion of the ‘leaders’ within them. The waking up out of the Lower 4D matrix (the unplugging from it) is often a painful process of realizations, clarities, and advocating for your worth, your goodness, and your right to be treated with respect and sovereignty and equality. It needs to be lead by each individual soul and you can’t really ‘save’ someone from the experience of the Lower 4D mess/hell states while they are needing to be IN it.
This unplugging is often challenging because of how many timelines your Metasoul is experiencing this process on and also because the current mostly 3D consciousness collective is going through this too. The Lower 4D matrix can be quite ‘sticky’ in this way….difficult to extract yourself from due to how deep the entanglement can be in other timelines and collectively/archetypal.Â
Connecting with your Higher Self, your star family in higher dimensional timelines, the Divine Mother and Divine Father DIRECTLY and PERSONALLY offers a bridge out of 3D and Lower 4D matrix realities. Healing the trauma from karmic cycles and patterns from this life and other lifetimes frees you up too. You can connect directly with these Metas in these Lower 4D timelines and help them to unplug, escape, and shift their timelines into higher vibe frequencies. This is a more direct way and much deeper way to heal the karmic wounds rather than just ‘studying’ and learning about these timelines.
As you experience yourself as the Divine spark that you ARE and the Infinite Love that you will eventually return to flows through more, you can separate and defuse from these matrices of control. They have served a purpose of offering polarized experience, yet you’ve now and finally outgrown them from your soul’s perspective.
So many more souls are now ready to move into total sovereignty and free will expression. It is your time to rise and shine? To allow YOUR own wisdoms, gifts, and remembered experiences to overflow from your self loving heart in service of love to those that may still need the mirror?
Here is a guided meditation and Q & A I did about unplugging from the 3D and Lower 4D Matrix:Â
I’ll be offering a group transmission over zoom on May 11th to unplug from the 3D and Lower 4D timelines through meeting your Gatekeeper. I’ll offer a transmission of energies that are beyond these realities through the deep inner work of connecting, loving, and transmuting them over many years in personal process with my own parts and Metasoul aspects. This provides a template of you of YOUR soul’s version of this embodiment of freedom, sovereignty and life lived and experienced beyond the veil and beyond any matrixes. You can offer the $11 USD donation here:paypal.me/jelelleawen and I will send you the zoom link to join us and/or the recording afterwards.
More info here:Â soulfullheartwayoflife.com/events
Jelelle Awen