NorthPoint Journal for May 6 to 12, 2019

NorthPoint Astrology Journal
Your weekly guide to planetary influences
May 6 to 12, 2019
by Pam Younghans
RELATIONSHIP ISSUES draw our attention throughout the coming week. Venus, goddess of love and beauty, is very active, encouraging us to address issues that have limited fulfillment in intimate, friendship, and familial relationships, and perhaps business or financial partnerships as well. 
Venus is square the nodal axis on Monday and then squares Saturn on Tuesday. Challenges that arise are likely to be long-term problems that finally reach a crisis point. Given the involvement of the nodal axis, the patterns behind the problems are karmic in nature, having been with us for many lifetimes — or at least deeply ingrained in our psyches throughout this current incarnation.
Saturn always provides a reality check. As we work with Tuesday’s Venus-Saturn square, we’ll be coming to terms with the quality of our current alliances, as well as gaining clarity on how we have personally contributed to any lacks in this area. We are drawn to renegotiate contracts, based on a better understanding of what works and doesn’t work.
LATER IN THE WEEK, Venus is again in the spotlight. On Thursday, Venus is trine Jupiter and square Pluto, at the same time that those two planets are in semisextile aspect with each other. We tend to go big with Venus-Jupiter in trine aspect, and the Venus-Pluto square brings up issues of intimacy and honesty. Jealousy and resentments are typical, and suspicions arise that secrets are being kept.
Then, early on Friday, Venus aligns with Eris, the goddess of discord. This conjunction can aggravate any arguments that have been brewing. On the bright side, it should also help us be very direct in expressing our feelings, if we are usually less able to assert ourselves. But, with a Mercury-Jupiter sesquiquadrate also in effect, what we say may not be exactly what the other person hears.
COMMUNICATION SKILLS (or lack thereof) are highlighted on Wednesday, when Mercury activates the energy of the Uranus-Neptune semisquare. The Mercury-Uranus alignment can be a very positive influence, bringing through new insights and higher-level information. However, this alignment can also overwhelm our brains, if we’re not quite ready for accessing the Higher Mind. If you’re more scattered or forgetful than usual on Wednesday, or find it hard to finish any tasks, you can blame it on this aspect.
The Mercury-Neptune piece of the puzzle confounds attempts we make to convey our thoughts clearly. Given the focus on relationships this week, this can make any relationship issues even more complicated. While this might be a good day for writing poetry, transcribing and interpreting our dreams, or channeling, it’s not well-suited to being able to accomplish concrete tasks in an orderly manner.
SURPRISING INFORMATION could come to light with these aspects. We may also become more aware of the next step in spiritual growth that the Uranus-Neptune semisquare is asking of us.
A Sun-Neptune sextile is in effect on Wednesday as well, helping to ease some of the day’s tension. This aspect enables us to access our physical senses and our intuition in equal measure, increasing our capacity for navigating both the earthly and nonphysical realms.
WE START TO FEEL a bit more grounded on Saturday, when the Taurus Sun trines stable Saturn in Capricorn. This aspect helps us be more focused on practical tasks and on finding solutions to the problems we’ve been dealing with.
But it’s not quite smooth sailing, with the First Quarter phase of the Moon beginning at 6:12 p.m. PDT on Saturday. Here’s a self-quote from my forecast column in the current issue of The Mountain Astrologerabout this lunar event:
“The First Quarter Moon provides a choice point: Do we follow the example of the earthy Taurus Sun, which highlights the value of self-reliance and dependability? Or do we dance to the exuberant fire of the Leo Moon, which is oh-so-bored with the same old routine and longs to find new outlets of self-expression?”
With next week’s Full Moon occurring in revelatory Scorpio (on May 18), change is in the air — and the First Quarter Moon will challenge us to loosen our resistance to the shifts that are underway.
IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: You will have opportunities to make substantial changes in some area of your life this coming year, based on the house location of your natal Sun, and the house that Saturn and Pluto are transiting. And, while you may opt to take a very different road than the one you’ve been traveling until now, the process of shifting gears can happen slowly enough to make your pragmatic Taurus self happy. Your natural self-reliance is strengthened, as well as your capacity for practical, reasoned change. (Solar Return Sun trine Saturn, trine Pluto)
In Gratitude and Light,
Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2019. All Rights Reserved.
Aspects of Note This Week
All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours. 
MON: Venus square nodal axis, Mercury enters Taurus
TUE: Venus square Saturn
WED: Mercury semisquare Neptune, Mercury conjunct Uranus, Sun sextile Neptune
THU: Jupiter semisextile Pluto, Venus trine Jupiter, Venus square Pluto
FRI: Venus conjunct Eris, Sun semisquare Chiron, Mercury sesquiquadrate Jupiter
SAT: Sun trine Saturn
 About the NorthPoint Journal
Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this NorthPoint Astrology Journal based on planetary influences and guidance received. Her hope is to offer perspectives and insights that will assist you in utilizing current energies to enhance your life experience and accelerate your spiritual and personal growth.
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