NorthPoint Journal for Mar 11 to 17, 2019


NorthPoint Astrology Journal
Your weekly guide to planetary influences
March 11 to 17, 2019
by Pam Younghans
THE SUN crosses paths with retrograde Mercury this week, highlighting the need for pause and reflection in the face of recent setbacks. It is natural to feel discouraged when we encounter difficulties or delays — but we must also consider that perhaps what has been lost is actually clearing the way for something better that is coming our way.

There are also circumstances in which an apparent reversal is really a sign of forward motion. These are possibilities to ponder this week as we slow down, breathe, and allow ourselves to reconnect with our deeper knowing.

ON WEDNESDAY, the day before its rendezvous with Mercury, the Sun forms two aspects of note — an empowering sextile with Pluto, and a disorienting square with Jupiter. As these two influences are likely to provide conflicting messages, it’s helpful that they occur several hours apart, to help us differentiate truth from fiction.

The Sun-Pluto sextile perfects at 7:29 a.m. PDT on Wednesday, so we are more focused in the morning hours, more able to align our intuition (Sun in Pisces) with our practical knowing of what needs to be done to achieve our goals (Pluto in Capricorn). By the end of the day, with the Sun-Jupiter square exact at 6:29 p.m. PDT, we are likely to be much more scattered, our capacity for practical reasoning foggy at best.

In other words, if we have mental work to do on Wednesday, it’s probably best to get it done early in the day.

NOT WITHSTANDING the usual precautions about not making major decisions while Mercury is retrograde, a Mars-Saturn trine on Thursday can help us make concrete progress toward our goals — especially if we’ve successfully navigated the pitfalls we encountered the day before.

From my personal experience, the best advice to follow when Mercury is moving backward is not to let the pressures of time or fear drive your decisions. If a sale will be over by day’s end, making you feel that you “have” to make a choice or lose a great deal, that’s a red flag under Mercury retrograde. These are the types of decisions, when made in haste or under pressure, that will come back to haunt us later.

The Mars-Saturn earth trine, on the same day as the Sun-Mercury alignment, seems to be assuring us that we can proceed in the direction of our goals now — as long as we go cautiously, a step at a time, and do not ignore either the warning signs in the physical world or the urgings of our intuition.

MERCURY, having passed the Sun in the cosmic hallway, then squares Jupiter on Friday and sextiles Pluto on Saturday. In essence, this is a time reversal on the notes written about Wednesday’s energies. We’ll want to be careful when under the influence of the Mercury-Jupiter square on Friday (exact at 4:16 p.m. PDT), since it can be easy to over-expect or over-think, resulting in disappointment.

If we pass the test, and exhibit patience and restraint on Friday, Saturday morning’s Mercury-Pluto sextile can help us explore any matter more deeply. This is the time for diving into the heart of the matter; Pluto in Capricorn can help make sure we comprehend all the nuances of any contract — and understand more fully the motivations of all participants — before affixing our signature.

SUNDAY’S aspects are supportive for any activities that involve words, especially Piscean ventures such as dream journaling, channeling, or writing poetry. Mercury aligns with the asteroid Vesta early in the day (7:31 a.m. PDT), helping focus during mindfulness meditation or our spiritual practice.

By evening, when the Mercury-Mars sextile gains the upper hand (exact at 8:23 p.m. PDT), there’s a bit more frontal-lobe activity involved. Even though it’s the close of the day and the end of the weekend, we are eager to share our thoughts with others, or to plan out how we want to use those insights we gained earlier in the day.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: Your innate sensitivity, intuitive knowing, and creative expression are enhanced this year. It will be more important than ever to know your boundaries, to be aware of which thoughts are yours and which ones you may be absorbing from others in your environment, or from mass consciousness. Be sure to take your time with any decisions, for sparks of inspiration may rapidly become a blaze, but die out equally as quickly. Under this influence, it is best to wait a day or a week before assessing the value and validity of any new venture. Use this time to access your deeper knowing and higher guidance, before deciding which path to take. Ultimately, your heart will guide you in the right direction. (Solar Return Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury, square Jupiter, trine North Node)

In Gratitude and Light,


Photo taken by Alfred Feil on February 28, 2019, at Mefjordvaer, Island Senja, Norway.
Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2019. All Rights Reserved.

Aspects of Note This Week

All times listed are Pacific Standard Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 8 hours.

MON: Venus sextile Ceres, Mercury semisquare Venus
WED: Sun sextile Pluto, Sun square Jupiter
THU: Mars trine Saturn, Sun conjunct Mercury
FRI: Venus semisquare Chiron, Mercury square Jupiter, Jupiter trine Eris
SAT: Mercury sextile Pluto
SUN: Mercury conjunct Vesta, Mercury sextile Mars

About the NorthPoint Journal

Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this NorthPoint Astrology Journal based on planetary influences and guidance received. Her hope is to offer perspectives and insights that will assist you in utilizing current energies to enhance your life experience and accelerate your spiritual and personal growth.

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