Daily Message ~ Monday August 13, 2018


Daily Message ~ Monday August 13, 2018
By Trinity Esoterics on Aug 13, 2018 10:52 am

With each profound shift you go through, there is a releasing of density, a purification, if you will, accompanied with an integration of higher vibrational energy. Because you have lost a layer of density that can act as a buffer between you and other energies, the result can be feeling raw, naked, vulnerable, exposed, uncomfortable, and with heightened sensitivities. If you are already an empath you will feel this quite strongly. If you have not felt energies before, you may suddenly start. This is all proof positive of the transformation you are all going through.

It can take several days to get used to your new normal after a shift. Be kind and gentle with yourself through this process. Let your body take the lead and give it what it is asking for. The most effective way to make this process more comfortable is through the use of love. Think of being deeply in love with someone and remember how deliciously love can wrap you up like a warm, supportive blanket. You can give this to yourself by simply intending to surround yourself with your own love, and to ask for your favourite guides, helpers, angels, or masters to cocoon and soothe you with their love. Love is the most wonderful energy to use for such a purpose for it comforts and calms with inclusion and acceptance, supporting you in all ways possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Have a wonderful day !
Love, Shelley


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