Solstice Season-Birth of the Diamond Mind 💎 – Lauren Gorgo


On Thursday, December 21, 2017 3:45 PM, Lauren C. Gorgo

<> wrote:

The final report for 2017 and it is another jam packed article with important information for this life changing moment on the journey…all in preparation for the new energy of the new year.
Here is what you can expect in the FULL version of the article:
Transcending the Monkey Mind- anchoring in neutrality
Diamond Consciousness -crystalline lens of perception
Crystal Palace Activation-portal to the Higher Mind
Die Mind to Diamond- deconstructing the lower mind
Act Before You Think – new human modus operandi
Bodhisattva Vow Completes -our original promise
Diamond Light Grid – crystalline communication matrix
New Body-Mind Processor-transforming the atom
New Life Plan- shifting our lives into a brand new gear
Our Highest Destiny- interplay of sacred art & science
Diamond Rainbow Light Visualization- light body tool
Solstice: birth of diamond consciousness
Lauren C. Gorgo
December 20, 2017
Happy solstice! It’s hard to believe but here we are at the very end of an intense, but extremely transformational year in which we are being (re)born into Higher Light.
We are still deep in preparation for what awaits us in the new year and, while tumultuous and unruly in parts, what surrounds us both personally and collectively is also supremely confirming that we are at the true end of the lower self…and consequently the world we created around that (false) self.
For those prepared, this particular solstice marks the entrance to the gateway to the Higher (Diamond) Mind, but only if and after we complete the death process of the lower mind…of renouncing the lower self, of surrendering our lower will to our Higher Will.

After this comprehensive and demanding process completes, there is a new level of Self mastery that awaits us all…but first we are required to reconcile with our past and bring closure to all unfinished (inner) business so that we are free of karmic residue when we step into the new frequency of the new year.
© As LOVE, Inc. 2017 All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy and redistribute The 5D Report’s FREE VERSION ONLY on the condition that the content remains complete, intact, full credit is given to the author, and it is distributed freely.
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