Montague Keen – May 4, 2014
Last week will remain in your memory forever. Your sadness when you learned that one of your greatest supports must leave for a while. Understand that he has work of great importance to carry out. He will return and work alongside you when the timing is right. He will be safe. He is your friend and will always be there to support and assist you.
We opened your minds to the ley lines, etc. Now we show you what is being done to control you: all of you. We arranged for Andrew Bartzis and you to connect. Andrew was able to explain what those who control your world are doing to you to change your life paths. Andrew has written a very effective method of CUTTING THE TIES THAT BIND YOU AND KEEP YOU LOCKED INTO THE SYSTEM OF CONTROL.
THEY ARE EXTREMELY POWERFUL. YOU KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE. You know what you experienced when you did them with Andrew on the 1st May. It opened your eyes to so much, and my dear, you have been so much better since you did the revocations. This is a MUST for everyone on Earth. You will find them on Andrew’s web site:Â Andrew Bartzis Galactic Historian. You will be amazed and delighted with the results which you experience.
Continue to do these until humanity is FREE of all the illicit restrictions that have been imposed. Your controllers use every contract you have had in every life you have ever lived. Sometimes they ALTER just one word, and that alone can prevent you from carrying out whatever mission you returned to Earth to do. THESE TIES MUST BE CUT as soon as possible. You do not have time to waste. You are in a window of opportunity. Do not delay. You need to protect yourselves and your families. You are up against THE SYSTEM OF CONTROL AND DOMINATION IN THE PURCHASE OF SOUL CONTRACTS.
They can travel back and forward in time, and thereby change the outcome for many of you. You need to protect your SACRED SPACE and create boundaries. Do not allow yourselves to be targets, to be manipulated and controlled. You now understand what was done through the control of the ley lines. You must continue with this. These two exercises complement each other; they must work in tandem. You are working for the survival of the human race on planet Earth.
Veronica’s attention was drawn to CERN and what the cabal hopes to do. They know that the game is up and they accept that they have lost. They are not like you. They do not think as you do. They want to use Cern to destroy the lives of thousands of you, and part of your world as well. Do not be fooled by those who try to lull you into a false sense of security. I have never, nor would ever, instigate FEAR, but let me assure you that there are steps that you need to take in order to protect yourselves.
Follow the steps we advise and you will truly awaken. When you truly understand what is being done to you, you will take the steps necessary to free yourselves and you will be fine. The media is set up to alter your sense of perception. The mind control elements in it, serve to prevent you from ever seeing the facts and judging for yourselves. Every word, every intonation, every gesture, is calculated to keep you controlled. Always remember that when it comes to control, you are not dealing with humans as you know them, so you cannot judge them by your own standards. They do not think or act as you do. The fact is, my dear, that they are cowards. Without the support of those of you who support them and prop them up, they are nothing at all. See them now as scared rabbits, caught in the headlights of TRUTH; exposed and frightened of the 99%. Do not fear them, for without your support, they could not even harm a hair on your head. YOU are in control now. Handle it with care and compassion, for this is a huge responsibility. Consider every eventuality before taking action of any sort.
The true history of your world will be released when the Vatican falls. They know they cannot survive as no one is fooled by them anymore. The enlightened have moved on, and they now wonder how they could have been taken in by such evil practices and control. Of course, what you see there, is how they have used FEAR to take over your world. The Vatican created all the other religions in order to create conflict, division and confusion. It certainly worked until the light of truth exposed its real purpose.
2014 is the year when you will have to face the facts and deal with them. The corrupt have lived off the fat of the land and have had everything their own way. But as the saying goes, the truth will out.
We in Spirit are delighted that so many of you have taken the ley lines and obelisk projects to heart. You have done a magnificent job. Do not give up until the last vestige of the sabotage of the Earth’s energy is removed. You need to protect the sacred places and stargates, as the evil reptilians guarding them need to be removed. It is heartening that so many people have come together from all over the world to become involved in this most important work. You are serving humanity and planet Earth. It is indeed a noble thing to do. One day you will look back and marvel at just what you took on !
You need time to do the revocations on Andrew’s web site, so I will take my leave of you, if I may.
My dear, you have had so much to deal with this week. Our work must go on, and it will ! People are seeing the light and taking responsibility. There is much to do.
I am guiding you always. Your adoring, Monty.
Website:Â The Montague Keen Foundation

The Dogali Obelisk, Via delle Terme di Diocleziano

The Obelisk Augustus in Piazza del Quirinale

The Obelisk of Augustus in Piazza dell’EsquilinoÂ
All the obelisks in Rome can be found on Google Maps, and watched on Streetview, here.Â