Your Science Already Acknowledges That Time Is An Imaginary Concept
by John Smallman
Time is a barrier to your ability to understand the spiritual realms, because it is practically impossible for you to not make it a part of any concepts or ideas that you develop. It is as though you could go directly from place A to place B, but instead choose to go via all the other letters of the alphabet, possibly many more times than once. A to B is instantaneous; the other route takes time and can seem endless, and is quite unnecessary.
And that is difficult for you to make sense of, because you measure space – distance through the cosmos – by means of the passage of time (light years), leading to the logical conclusion that you cannot really expect, even with the most highly developed technology, to move beyond your local solar system. You have basically set yourselves up to believe that you are contained when truly you are not. It is largely a matter of perception or belief – change your beliefs or release them altogether, and the possibilities open up exponentially. Much of your newest communications technology has been developed by young people who refused to accept limits on what is believed to be possible – and their numbers are growing – so expect further great advances in all your technologies.
Your science already acknowledges that time is an imaginary concept which is useful but very limiting. Nevertheless, in your daily lives you use it constantly for scheduling purposes of all sorts (beginning your day, meetings, transportation services), so time-management is a seemingly essential skill that everyone needs to learn and use effectively if they are to succeed in life. But life is eternal and by definition cannot fail! Its success is divinely guaranteed.
In previous eras, before you measured time so accurately, meetings occurred when people gathered spontaneously at a meeting-place. Now, with everyone rushing crazily about, that just would not work, and so you have become slaves to an imaginary, measurable concept that can be helpful, but which mostly just causes you enormous amounts of stress as you rush to meet deadlines, and strive to find time in between for the truly meaningful relationships in which you are involved.
Those among you who have consciously managed to establish a more relaxed relationship with the clock are much happier, and therefore more able to enjoy the moments in which life occurs – smelling a rose, watching a sunset, delighting in the laughter of children. Time is an invention that you have constructed, and how to use it or whether to use it is a choice you make in every moment, even though you are probably unaware of it. Those of you who believe you do not have enough time to do what you want, or believe you need to do, can change that belief. To do so is very de-stressing. Those of you who believe that you cannot, because your work demands that belief, can find different work; or if you enjoy the work, then change your belief and see what happens. You will probably find that the time shortage that was such a concern slowly dissolves.
In the spiritual realms, where you have your eternal existence, time does not exist – there is no need for it. Anything and everything happens as soon as it is desired and thought into being – instantly. That is how Reality works, and it is time for humanity to wake up and resume its role in the ongoing creative ventures that Reality embraces. You will find it infinitely more satisfying than coping with the stress and pressure of life enslaved by time in the illusion. Nothing so complex, limiting, and demanding could be anything but illusory!
You were created as immensely powerful and enlightened beings directly from the divine field of Love in which all that exists is. You chose to experience an illusory reality which, as the eons passed, has brought you increasing pain and suffering. It is time to let it disintegrate, crumble, and fade away so that you may once more dwell in the total Love and awareness that is your natural state of being.
The separation that you have seemingly experienced and endured within the illusory reality that you built to play in is not your domain. If you really take the time to observe the illusion you will see that it is divided into many restrictive and exclusive parts that compete with each other for the necessities of life. In Reality everything necessary for life is constantly and abundantly available without stress or struggle. It is your Domain, your Home, the environment that is always completely aware of you and that responds lovingly to you, encouraging you to be you, as you encourage It to be Itself. That is how you are harmoniously and cooperatively present for each other in the ongoing song or symphony of Creation, which is a constant joy unto Itself.
Your loving brother, Jesus.