Ascended Masters 20121210 Archangel Gabriel’s Daily Channeled Messages November 26 – December 2, 2012



Shelley’s Note: Please note, these messages do not expire the day after they are posted. 🙂 They are pertinent to the days, weeks and months ahead, and many are general spiritual guidance that would apply at any time. Please know that if you would like to read the daily messages on the day they are received, you can do so by liking Trinity Esoterics on Facebook, following us on twitter @trinityesoteric or checking our website

November 26, 2012

When you use the GPS on your vehicle, you set your intention on where you wish to go and then you surrender to it, allowing it to lead you. You trust that it will get you there, and that it will take you the most direct way possible. You do not fall into doubt. You don’t sit in your vehicle, refusing to move because it might be wrong. You don’t agonize about whether it is taking you in the right direction. You don’t hear it telling you to turn right and then decide to turn left instead. You simply trust and you get where you wish to be in record time. Dear Ones, don’t you see, the same is with your internal guidance system? Set your intention where you would like to go, surrender, and know that you will be guided to exactly where you would like to be, in the most direct way possible, if you just trust and stay in the flow. ~Archangel Gabriel

November 27, 2012

Dear Ones, we cannot impress upon you enough the importance of using surrender and flow to navigate your daily life. Trying to control how things unfold, especially in a time of such fast and greatly shifting energies, is nothing more than an exercise in futility and frustration. The flow is self adjusting. It will always navigate you beyond stalled energy or blockages if you merely surrender to it and stay in that momentum. The flow is a place of peace, as it is from that place that you are working in partnership with spirit to have the best outcome possible. It is also a place of great excitement and magic. You will see, as things continue to proceed with the Great Shift of the Ages, that those who seek control will be becoming very uncomfortable indeed, while those who have become masterful with staying in the flow will be thriving as never before. The flow, truly, is mastery in motion. ~Archangel Gabriel

November 28, 2012

In any time of tremendous growth, it is quite common for the ego self to rear up, desperate to regain control because it recognizes the more you step into your authentic power, the less it will be listened to. Be aware of that, Dear Ones. It is a great saboteur and it is feeling greatly threatened by the Shift. Just like an abuser, the ego self seeks to separate you and perpetuate the illusion that you are somehow not worthy, good enough or competent. If you feel yourself falling into fear or doubt, the ego self’s two favourite growth stalling tools, recognize it for what it is. With your intention reconnect with Source, embrace your truth and your authentic power, and surrender back into the flow from that place of faith and inner knowingness and you will never again be derailed by that part that seeks to keep you small. ~Archangel Gabriel

November 29, 2012

It is a wonderful time to practice unconditional love and nurturing for yourself. You have everything you could ever possibly need to heal your old wounds. If you have been abandoned, commit to yourself. If you have been neglected, dote on yourself. If you have been abused, stop your negative self talk and commit to keeping yourself safe and cherished. Take the aerial view and look at yourself and see yourself in all your delightful glory! Create the environment necessary to allow yourself to thrive and fall madly in love with yourself. By doing so, you will be created sacred space for healing and will magnetize the experience of unconditional love your heart has been yearning for. ~Archangel Gabriel

November 30, 2012

Dear Ones, today is the best day of your life. This Now moment is the best moment of your life. How can we say this? We say it because it is true! Each moment is the only moment. Each moment is filled with endless possibility just waiting for you to create with. Each moment finds you alive, and breathing, and embodying your highest purpose as a vital part of the great shift of the ages. This means that each Now moment of your incarnation is something your soul has waited for not only the entirety of your lifetime thus far, but millennia to experience. Use your mastery and connect with the complete magic that is the miracle of being in human expression on your planet at this time and you will truly see each moment for its preciousness and shine with joy and excitement for life. ~Archangel Gabriel

December 1, 2012

Dear Ones, we highly recommend using your central light column on a daily basis. Simply imagine yourself standing in a beautiful beam of light that stretches up into the heavens and down into the earth. There are several reasons why this is such an important practice. First, it is energetically cleansing. It is balancing, which is so very important as you continue to shift. It supports staying in your highest alignment and energetic clarity. But more wonderful than that, it is a means of helping your beloved planet stay in balance as well. When you do your central light column, you are acting as a bridge, connecting the energies from Gaia to Source, using your body and intention to be of service. How incredibly powerful and delightfully divine the human being is! ~Archangel Gabriel

December 2, 2012

When you plan to come into the body, you choose your unique personality traits and interests that will help you navigate your path to your highest ability. Then, what the enlightening human being does, once they reach adulthood and really start walking their path, is to pretend to be something completely different and hide their unique self and deny their joys and passions! They do so because they have bought into a belief that said their true essence was somehow not good enough. This is yet another example of how old belief systems have kept you small. Dear Ones, your own unique energy – all aspects of you, are exactly what is required to live your highest life expression and be of the most assistance on the planet. You came in with everything you need! Stop hiding! Let your light shine, accept your divine nature and recognize how empowered you are in your BEingness. ~Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel thru Shelley Young
Facebook: Trinity Esoterics
Twitter: @trinityesoteric




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