Messages of Light 20120904 GaiaPortal: Two New Postings – August 31, 2012


Posted by Alice C  2012 SEPTEMBER 1

Alice C: Two new postings from EirePort at Gaia Portal today, so have posted both below.

No 1 – GaiaPortal: Paradigms Not Aligned to Higher Energies Have Dissolved

By ÉirePort, GaiaPortal – August 31 2012

Efforts to slow the advance of Higher Energies have been discovered and neutralized. However, all such efforts are by the nature of their intent bound to fail. We encourage all to release fear about coming and or already occurring changes. Grids which have been constructed during the past months are enabling only incoming Higher Energies to infold throughout the planet via Gaia portals.

Flame-appearing balls of energy may be visible to some. These are Lighting up shadow places and burning all dross, both within and without. Conscious partnership is desired, not required. Non-conscious participants will experience higher inner turmoil factors.

All non-aligned-to-Higher-Energies paradigms have dissolved. Completely. Play-outs of such occur only in individual minds, not in Gaia planetary consciousness.

No 2 – GaiaPortal: Final Balancing of Gaia Energies in Process…

By ÉirePort, GaiaPortal – August 31 2012

Requisite balancing of all aspects of Gaia planetary energies is being conducted. Balancing of 3D tectonics, electrics, magnetic, and radionics is in process, prior to general human consciousness rapid-shift.

This balancing occurs in alignment with individual Hue-man unit balancing. Resistance is not at all effective in counteracting, as balancings are occurring on a Galactic scale.

Outer effects will be noticed, but relatively minor, and measured. Those desiring grand apocalypse are seeing such. Those desiring grand cataclysmic apocalypse and massive conflicts in Gaia energies and groups will not see such.






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