Ascended Masters 20121130 ~ It is Time for a Spiritual Treasure Hunt ~ AA Michael via Ro​nna Herman​


Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-12-2012

Beloved masters, the SPIRITUAL TREASURE HUNT began in earnest when you, the Star Seed, started to respond to the nudgings of Spirit in the last half of the twentieth century. The vibrational frequencies of spiritual, mental and emotional awareness are bombarding the Earth and humanity in full force. However, you must have prepared yourself to receive this magnificent gift beyond compare. The treasures and miracle cures you are seeking can be found by tuning into the frequencies of love, joy and compassion. You must learn to maintain a loving indifference to small slights, differences and disappointments. You have millions of cellular response triggers, some are very powerful, some quite weak, with many frequency levels in-between. Practice and aim for balance and harmony as you engage with your Soul Self and not with your ego desire body. The pure Love found within your Sacred Heart and the wisdom of your Sacred Mind will give you the truth, power, compassion and fortitude to follow the nudgings of your Higher-Self/Over-Soul, for it will guide you to the innate, inborn condition you seek. Each of you were placed in a particular energetic environment with harmonic frequencies that would be most advantageous in assisting you to learn the life’s lessons you chose before coming into this incarnation. In addition, you were given special talents, gifts and strong inclinations to assist you in learning your life’s lessons so that you could fulfill your chosen life’s mission.

Returning to the narrow path of ascension in consciousness is the beginning of transcending opposites where there is no good or bad, right or wrong, only harmonious personal choices within the accepted spectrum of duality. As a functioning Self-master you are learning to choose only the best choices for the benefit of ALL. It is vital that you free yourself from the strong, constricting forces of the solar plexus, which creates the push-pull interaction with others who are living in the third- / fourth-dimensional reality. You must strive to become harmless in order to tap into the wondrous God frequencies of Light stored within your Sacred Heart. First comes neutrality after which, over time, your capacity for love will increase to include all levels of creation. Gradually, as you tap into the more refined levels of your mental nature, you will begin to understand and integrate the many symbols and geometric patterns of the fifth dimension. Knowledge, talent and a high I.Q. does not create a genius. It takes concentration, courage, perseverance, tenacity and an ongoing drive, along with integrity, to tap into your spiritual genius potential. You must tap into and pursue your desire for excellence and strive to live your passion to the very best of your ability.

You are living in extraordinary times. To one degree or another, every human Being’s Soul-self is straining to be released from the prison of thought forms that were placed around the physical/mental and emotional vessel at birth. The strain of bondage is affecting all of humanity. The ego creates the illusion of separation and instills a fear of nonexistence, which creates a self-centered drive for survival: “me verses everything that is not me.” Awareness of the vaster Self begins with the Soul’s nudgings to explore beyond the limitations of the ego-self.

Striving to know one’s true Self can be a wondrous adventure or a painful, seemingly never-ending journey. Too often those who are struggling with the early stages of Self-mastery find that they cannot stand the pressure of the dramatic changes taking place within their personal world, and so they shift back into the frequency patterns which are comfortable. Even though they are dissatisfied and unhappy with their current personal reality, it is familiar territory, and they are not ready to move beyond the strong bonds of the mass consciousness belief patterns. These fragments of self that each of you has created are very strong-willed, and for many dear Souls it is a difficult struggle to gain control of the lower self. Those still stuck in the “herd state of consciousness” follow their leaders without question. They take the path of least resistance, which has already been established by others. They follow the ways of the past, for they fear the future.

As you access the more refined domains of expression, your knowledge and use of Light, Sound, color and, especially, the important Sacred Breath will greatly increase and will become an integral part of your spiritual philosophy of life. We implore you to take advantage of all the tools of mastery that we are supplying, for all of you are at a critical stage in the evolution process. The physical structure of those still mired in the third- / fourth-dimensional environment are in great distress as more and more strange maladies emerge. The origins and cause of many of these maladies cannot be diagnosed, and the traditional methods and drugs will not heal them. Therefore, the medical experts are becoming more frustrated and puzzled as to why so many new chronic conditions, for which there seems to be no permanent cure, are affecting the masses.

You must endeavor to shift from self-judgment to Self-love, which creates a resonance that extends beyond the physical body and begins to affect others. When it grows forceful enough, it can even assist in the healing process for those within your sphere of influence. The human body is a magnetic pole within the spectrum of Light and shadow or within the positive and negative forces of cosmic electromagnetic energy. The physical vessel is a complex organism which contains the Essence elements of all the lower dimensions: mineral, vegetable and animal, as well as the Stardust elements of Creator Light.

You have learned your lessons well, my sweet friends. You are mastering the ability to govern your thoughts and keep your emotions on an even keel. You have learned that pure Love must originate in the wellspring of the Sacred Heart, and you must first honor and love yourself before you can radiate this blessed gift to others. You are making great strides at becoming nonjudgmental and discerning as you allow situations and interactions with others to flow around you. You are fine-tuning your Inner Awareness so that you quickly garner the wisdom that is to be derived from the events of the moment. You are gradually beginning to sense the serenity and the magic of the higher dimensions as you weave in and out of the different levels and harmonic frequencies of consciousness.

Yes, there are still many lessons to be learned, and there always will be. However, you now have the insight to see the justice and perfection in the dance and drama of life that you must experience each day. You are being prepared to take a giant leap INWARD, OUTWARD and FORWARD, beloveds. The time has come for you to assume your proper role in this great event called, the Ascension of Earth and humankind. Your Light Quotient must blaze forth so that it can connect with that of other en-LIGHTEN-ed Beings, and in doing so it will gain strength and momentum. Eventually it will permeate and infuse the Crystalline Etheric Web of your home planet so that ALL will benefit from the CREATOR LIGHT OF TRANSFORMATION.

Remember, using your “LOVE POTENTIAL” means sharing your earthly talents, gifts and riches with others. Love is the catalyst for Creation. By igniting the Adamantine Particles of Light which have been allotted to you and then sharing the resulting fruits of your labor with those around you, a steady flow of Sacred Fire Light to and through you will be assured. It is important that you understand the power and magnitude of the refined Creator Light as well as knowing how to use it effectively. Adamantine particles are much finer than the oxygen you breathe. When done properly, it could be called Soul breathing or breathing with intention whereby you breathe in the elements of Creation, energize them with your loving intention, and then radiate them forth into the world of physicality. In our last message we told you: The SACRED WHITE COSMIC FIRE, Adamantine Particles, that you magnetize to you as an awakened Self-master must continually circulate. Only a certain amount, that which is appropriate for each Soul to integrate at his/her current level of en-LIGHTEN-ment, can be stored within the physical vessel; the balance must be RAY-diated out into the world of form.

As a gift, to assist you in the integration of the maximum amount of Creator Light, we have asked our beloved messenger to share a process that we inspired her to create. This is a gift of great magnitude; however, as with all the tools we offer to you, you must make use of them if they are to be effective.

I am honored to assist you to traverse the twists and turns you must endure on the ever-upward path of Ascension.. Won’t you join me as a standard bearer in this, the advanced phase of expression and learning on planet Earth, as you prepare to move back into the realms of higher consciousness so that you may reclaim your Divine Birthright? Reach outward, beloved ones, reach inward as well, we are waiting to shower upon you all the love and gifts from our Mother/Father God that you can absorb.

I AM Archangel Michael



Every morning between 5:00 and 5:30 AM, I walk out to our driveway to pick up the morning paper. As I walk to the driveway, I do twelve, deep INFINITY BREATHS. Sometimes, I keep them inside my body, from the Root Chakra to the Crown. Other times, I am guided to send them out into the skies and deep within the Earth as far as they will go. I face East, toward the rising Sun (even though it may still be dark outside), and I do the FIVE X FIVE * BREATH OF REJUVENATION. As I walk back into the house, I say the affirmation series given below three times, breathing the ACCORDION BREATH EXERCISE** as I say each word.

Before I come back inside, I move my consciousness into my Sacred Heart Center, and express my gratitude to our Father/Mother God–not in words, but through my feelings of great love, compassion and overwhelming gratitude and joy..

My heart and entire Solar Power Center swells with a sense of overwhelming love so powerfully sweet that it is beyond description. I know, without a doubt, that a Crystal Seed Atom filled with the Essence of our Father/Mother God resides within my Sacred Heart Core.

As many of you know, I am now in my 84th journey around the Sun. However, I have an over-abundance of energy and my health and vitality are excellent. I also know that this blessing is due to my constant practice of the many wonderful techniques that Archangel Michael has blessed us with. I am excited about our future.

You do not have to do the full routine as I practice it (such as first doing twelve Infinity Breaths or going outdoors), and you do not have to do it every day although I highly recommend that you do so. However, the exercise for the FIVE X FIVE BREATH OF REJUVENATION and for sending SEED THOUGHTS into our FLOWER OF LIFE CREATOR WHEEL** should be followed as Archangel Michael has instructed us to do so.

We feed our body food/fuel regularly and it is just as important, if not more so, that we FEED OUR SOUL on a regular basis. Let us all endeavor to make 2013 a year of miracles, blessings, loving interaction and joy. Let’s show the world what can be created using “ANGEL POWER.” Eternal love and angel blessings, Ronna




  1. The BREATH OF REJUVENATION is done with the mouth closed, breathing only through the nose. You will be building up a supply of Adamantine Particles of Light within your Sacred Heart. Some AP’s will come from the Kundalini Seed Atom stored within the Root Chakra and some will flow into the Back Portal of your Sacred Heart via the Rays.

  2. The FIRST FOUR BREATHS are a modified Infinity Breath, whereby you will keep the figure eight, INFINITY SIGN, within the confines of the body. These four breaths will be as deep as possible and somewhat forceful. Feel your stomach muscles ripple as you pull them up and inward in the Inbreath, and as you push downward on the Outbreath. After some practice, you will be able to do these four breaths very quickly and forcefully. You will also be building up and expanding your lung capacity. However, don’t overdo at first, for it can make you feel Light-headed. (Appropriate term, isn’t it)?

  3. FIRST FOUR BREATHS: Breath the Infinity INBREATH from your Solar Power Center up to the CROWN CHAKRA (remaining inside the top of the skull).

  4. The OUTBREATH is breathed down into the ROOT CHAKRA (again, keep the Infinity Sign inside the bodily form).

  5. THE FIFTH BREATH IS A LONG, SLOW BREATH (not an Infinity breath). Envision a double helix, or two intertwined spirals rising up from the ROOT CHAKRA and going up and out the CROWN CHAKRA as far as they will go on the INBREATH. Then see them arcing and spiraling back down through the CROWN CHAKRA and into the spinal column as they exit through your ROOT CHAKRA–sending them as far down into the Earth as they will go on the OUTBREATH. (After a while, this process will come naturally and you will easily feel the spiral move up and down).

  6. You are to do FIVE SETS OF FIVE BREATHS * FIVE X FIVE in one series.


  8. When you have completed the FIVE X FIVE BREATHS OF REJUVENATION, immediately begin the series of affirmations given below while breathing the BREATH OF INFINITY into your PERSONAL TWELVE RAY CREATOR WHEEL / YOUR PERSONAL FLOWER OF LIFE. I REPEAT THE FULL SERIES OF AFFIRMATIONS THREE TIMES.






Enlightening Videos 20140528 Oribel Divine: Prayer to Earth Mother – Planting Seeds of New Beginnings


Posted on May 27, 2014by Jean

We each play an important role. We are just now beginning to recognize this role. It is the role of a steward.

It is about being in service and taking action using our heart energy. The systems around us which know who we are, are going to start working with what we know. Aptly so, we are using our gifts, talents and passions to be of service in ways that are benevolent and that will serve all for the highest good. By all I mean the galaxy. The very place where we come from.

The shift has begun. All is appropriate. All is well.

Oribel Divine

For more information about the contributor of the prayer poem, pls. visit Michelle Frost’s website:

For more information about the vdieo editor, pls. visit Oribel Divine’s website:

Thank you for watching!



Laitonn Pleiadian Dolphin 20120904 The Rainbow Light Body and the Rose Merkaba: Emerging into Infinity

Channeler: Corrina Steward

A dragonfly died in my midst a couple of nights ago. I watched as the creature’s wings pulsated with a soft flutter, and she awaited her physical death. I put a ball of light around her and asked the angels to assist in her transition. The fluttering of her wings stopped. She quieted, and I heard a beautiful message that she would come back to the Earth as pure light essence. She would emerge as part of the Earth’s new Rainbow Light Body. With this message, a puzzle piece was completed, and I felt the emergence of the Rainbow Light and the Rose Merkaba, which will propel us into a new human experience of infinity.

The August Blue Moon (August 31st, 9:58 EST) is providing the support for the awakening of the Rainbow Body and the Rose Merkaba field. Up until this point in our co-creation of the New Earth, the Rainbow Body and Rose Merkaba field existed in upper dimensions as possibilities for our Earth’s evolution. We can now access the Rainbow Bridge (a concept long prophesied about) via this August Full Moon. The moon is creating a gravitional pull towards our passage across the Rainbow Bridge into the New Earth and new human body.

As we align with this field of possibility we move through other fields of possibility. I’m noticing in this process a false reality projection in the Earth’s grid that can confuse, trick and surprise us. It may be prudent to be aware of this. As we are knocking on the door to our God Self, the co-creator God/Goddess, we are moving through personal will to Divine Will, and in this final step towards the Rainbow Bridge take note of what may confuse your way. Many of us who have come this far to see the Rainbow Light now at the end of the tunnel have mastered the strings of duality that can rock our boat. What I’m noticing is the “surprise” tactic from the shadows of the old Earth hologram and Self. It appears to be acting as a function of the “death program” in our collective energy field. In this time, standing before the Rainbow Bridge we may be taunted by the death program, or simply aware that it is running it’s program somewhere in our reality. This can be an opportunity to pierce the veil of death and bring the light to all things in our experience. When we do, the illusion of death becomes visible and the substance of our Earthly and Human matter turns into pure light (it ascends into the heart and beyond!). What the dragonfly showed me is that in this “death” unveiling process, we become digestors of death and functions of light.

In this time, Earth and humanity is walking to the edge of the bridge where on the other side our future is (it is, in fact, a future timeline, and thus, time may really feel like it’s accelerating the closer you get to the bridge). Each step towards the bridge we leave the old reality (i.e., timeline) behind. We are dropping the old humanity and with it the death program, as well as all limiting beliefs that hold us in finite living patterns. On the other side we are immortal and infinite, and all projections of reality re-aligned with immortality and infinity. With the support of the elementals, bees especially as the weavers of the new physical Earth grid, and our star families, we are being guided to “land” the Rain Body Light grid into the physical Earth. It is through the powerful vehicle of the unified heart (the embodiment of our soul light, divine masculine and feminine, God connection, and divine intelligence) that we can bring the infinite possibilities reality through our heart and re-project the Earth’s hologram to reflect infinity and a new cosmic Earth positioning.

As we feel, sense and know this possibility in our hearts, we are drawn over the Rainbow Bridge. I am seeing on the other side that we come through the rainbow light and these “strands” of light infuse into our physical body aligning us with the rainbow light of the Christ Consciousness. We are greeted by the “Christ”, which is the intelligence, light and love of our new galaxy, the spiraling Rose Galaxy. In the rainbow light are the “elements” of our new biology, the new DNA (12 stranded DNA — and even more strands in some cases) that will quickly begin running into our bodies and new reality. Our biology is supported by the “stars in the blood”, which fully activate and become our new way of assimilating light from the cosmos. It also becomes a signature in us that says we are of the Christ Consciousness galaxy. Our cosmic address is in our blood!

The process of assimilating from the old to the new timeline has a gestation period of at least two weeks. By mid-September I’m understanding there will be a turbo charge, like a rocket ship lifting off, that will support many in fully embodying infinity. It is through this turbo charge (if you tune into the center of a coffee bean, you will understand this energy signature — thanks to my galactic traveling companion Gabriele of Dimensional Re-Alignment ( this understanding came through!) that we activate the new Rose Merkaba Field. The Merkaba is a field of light around the physical body in the formation of two star tetrahedrons. When the “booster” of the rocket ship comes off we are in our new Merkaba field, which is a reflection of the design of the spiraling Rose Galaxy where the hum of the Cosmic Mother is known to us again.

There have been many ways to get to the Merkaba. The process unfolding before us now is to emerge into the Merkaba field organically through the womb of the Cosmic Mother. (A process that began in the Earth’s grid as the formation of the Star of David – see New Earth Formations.) The star formations are like two roses facing one another and spiraling into our center to become the Double Rose Merkaba. The frequency of infinity propels the spin of the two rose-stars, and in our heart center infinity begins as a four-petaled flower emerging outward into greater “flowered” expansions. We come into re-alignment with the organic flower of life design with the capability of co-creating new expanses of infinity. As co-creators, we re-align with the many textures of love, which serve as our inspiration to create. It’s going to be a very, very interesting next couple of months as we realize our new found reality and dream the infinite dreams!

In these months ahead, I am knowing the grace of this process for Earth and Humanity. That a group of brave, bright lighted beings will lead the way across the Rainbow Bridge will ease the passage for all as the heavens open up at the close of the year with the alignment of December 21, 2012. For those that know this is their passage at this time, we are the peace emissaries from many star nations, and we have with us the amazing support of the Earth’s natural kingdoms. I continue to be amazed by how the elementals in their multi-dimensional form are expressing the design of our organic evolution into freedom, sovereignty and liberty. If at this time, you need extra support call on the elementals that are here with you to brave the layers of dis-illusionment and re-member the way of Truth. Namaste and joyful crossing!

Original posted at Earth Hive,





September 9-16, 2012

Beloved Ones,

And so we come to an even greater increase in the energetic waves of Light that are bombarding your Planet. This energy will continue to bring up all issues and subconscious belief systems that anyone on Earth holds within themselves that have not yet been addressed or looked at. This will create stress for many people and it behooves the Lightworkers of the World to maintain a calm and peaceful state within your own energy fields in order to create and hold a steady balance to counteract all that might take place. Hold the space of love, empathy and compassion within your hearts and minds for all your loved ones and your sphere of influence.

Take time to be out in nature in order to connect with Mother Earth and send her your energies of love, empathy, compassion and support. More and more, your work here at this time is to be the stabilizing force, the uplifting force, the steady, calm force. Breathe deeply so that you ingest the higher pranic energies through your breath and hold these inside you for as long as is comfortable before exhaling. This will help you maintain stability as the World around you goes through the gamut of experience, both the high and the low. Every polarity that has ever been felt and experienced throughout the ages is coming up for review, dissipation and transmutation. You have been through the worst of it as the forerunners and now your task is to be here now as the grounding force.

Go with the flow of events as they unfold and stay in a space of peace and calm as much as possible. Affirm often that all is well and everything is perfect and is a part of the Divine Plan for the Earth and her inhabitants. This helps more than you can know, Dear Ones. Also be cognizant of the fact that you are also continuing in your integration with your Higher Self, your Holy Christ Self and your Divine Monad. Much is occurring on many levels and dimensions and you are capably giving assistance to the immediate tasks before you, even if you have no waking memory of it. Know that it is so.

Each of you is being led to those on Earth who can facilitate further openings and initiations as you become ready for them. This will continue to happen as your Higher guidance takes you to the people you most need to connect with. If funds are needed, ask that you be given what you need, then have faith that it will be supplied and given back to you. Your Higher Selves know what is required for you to move forward during these times and they need your absolute faith in them to take action in whatever way you are guided to in each moment. Stay aware and awake, Beloveds, and be observant to the synchronicities that take place.

These times you are living in ARE the Ascension and you are in it NOW, Dear Ones. Keep focused on your highest visions for a sparkling new World and let nothing distract you from it. Set the highest vision that you can for yourself and do everything you can to maintain this in the days to come. Connect within to bring up all the wondrous gifts that you have had locked away until the time was right. This IS the time and the puzzle pieces of your life begin to fall into a semblance of Divine Order and a much clearer picture of your purpose on Earth emerges.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included.




Ascension Earth 2012 – 20120617 ~ Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/16/12 ‘Show us you are Ready’

‘Show us you are Ready’

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/16/12

Planting the seeds of thought where they may take root is your task at this time here in this world. We, the Galactic Federation of Light, travel beyond the stars and travel to worlds that we feel are ready to accept the gifts that we can offer on behalf of the Creator of us and our universe. We have traveled to this planet you call Earth before. This is not the first time we have traveled here, but it is the first time that we feel your people may now be ready to accept the gifts that we extend to you in love and in friendship, to better serve you and to better the lives of each and every soul that calls this planet their home at this time.  

Please demonstrate to us that you are indeed ready to receive these advancements in technologies, sciences, health and wealth, and we will do what we can to share these gifts with you. We do see many of you at this time who are demonstrating that you are indeed ready to receive these gifts and that you will use them wisely and correctly, safely and prudently. These are the prerequisites for this sharing of gifts, for each world that we travel to must first demonstrate that they have now reached a certain level of responsibility and wisdom in regards to the proper handling and facilitation of advanced technologies and sciences. We feel, based on our surveys of your societies and your consciousness levels, that you may now be ready for the implementation of a certain amount of advanced technologies in your world.   

We would like at this time to discover just how many of you are now prepared for these advancements and for the announcements of our presence here, as this is a necessary part of this project as it must be understood by your people where this technology is coming from. This is why we stress to you how important it is that those of you who have reached an understanding of who we are and why we are here share this information with all of your brothers and sisters that are within earshot of you, always keeping in mind that it is not your job to convince them that what you say is truth, but rather, you should plant the seed of possibility within their minds and allow it to grow on its own through rays of the sun that shine in the form of further evidence of our existence which is all around each of you at this time and only awaits  the opening eye or the awakening mind to recognize it.  

There are so many signs that we are here in your world at this time, and one only needs to look and they will see, it is as simple as that. It does not take anything more, yet it does not take anything less, and this is the key. One must wish to learn new concepts and ideas to learn them. Knowledge and wisdom cannot be forced upon a person, it must be welcomed and it must be sought after. We do take notice of many of your people who do not wish to learn of certain new things, at least at this time. We therefore must be careful not to tread clumsily on their domain. We must instead proceed cautiously, doing our best not to crack open like an eggshell their fragile reality if we were to land our great ships on their front lawn. Do you understand this dear ones? Do you understand that we cannot come down from our positions in space around your planet and frighten so greatly those of your world who are not yet ready to learn that they are not alone in the universe and that we are here and we are now introducing ourselves to you?  

We realize there is a very dynamic dichotomy of those of your world who are ready, willing and eager to meet us and begin a working and friendly relationship with us, and those of your world who would be terrified to learn of our existence and even further terrified to learn that we are here in your world. This is a matter that has been under great study and through much long discussion here in our great meeting halls and conference rooms. This is not something that we have overlooked or have neglected to plan for. This is not the case at all. One of the greater difficulties concerning our reunion with you has been through the planning stages of how to safely and calmly introduce ourselves to you, causing as little as a disruption to your society and your flow of your day to day lives as is possible.  

We have at this time reached some conclusions on how to proceed in this regard, and we also have reached a conclusion as to when we will begin these next phases of operation. We will not disclose with you at this time any precise timetable, but we will report to you at this time that we have now set a very definite schedule and we will do all that we can to adhere to this schedule and introduce ourselves to you when certain other matters are dealt with firstly. What these matters include is a suitable agreement with those aligned with your criminal cabal for their peaceful surrender and apprehension for many of them. This is a matter that must be dealt with, as we see it as a great difficulty to begin our many projects with you with those still sworn to the powers that control your criminal cabal and their agenda to cause chaos, destruction, panic, fear, problems and difficulties in your world free to continue their disruptive efforts.   

We have outlined a plan to our Earth allies on how we feel it is best to approach these arrests and the following adjudication. We have received confirmation that our Earth allies have received our communications and we wait at this time for their response that they agree to the principles outlined  and are ready to move forward with the operation that will remove from power many important members of your cabal and free the people of your planet once and for all. This is where we stand today. We are as prepared as we will ever be on our side of this operation, and we feel the time has long come that our counterparts known to you as our Earth allies are also fully prepared and as prepared as they will ever be.  

We must move forward, now is the time for this. There is not much time remaining after today to sufficiently complete the many vital projects that we feel are imperative to the advancement of your world and that will keep your planet from suffering further destruction that may reach a point that it is irreversible. This has always been our greatest concern in regards to time, and it is now time to get our tasks completed, one at a time and in order of importance and necessity. Many tasks necessitate the completion of another task before it. This is the unchangeable nature of our overall mission here, and it is important that all parties involved fully understand this. One cannot begin on certain tasks before other tasks are not only begun, but are fully accomplished, and due to this fact and due to the possibility of unforeseen delays and difficulties completing certain tasks, we feel we are now beyond the date to have begun many of the tasks that should have, for the sake of assurance, been started already.   

We would like to see more of you demonstrate that you understand the sequence of events necessary to be completed before certain events that you may be looking forward to can get underway. We see many of you making your discontent clear that you are waiting for certain events and certain gifts to be shared with you and you are running out of patience waiting for their arrival. We wish to stress upon you today that you are not waiting on us, but our entire mission is aligned strategically with many points of operation scheduled in a very particular order and we do not have the luxury of skipping over certain operations and neglecting to complete them.  

At this time, we have reached the point of the schedule where two things are needed to be accomplished. (1) The breakdown of your criminal cabal and their many associated wings and factions, accompanied by the arrests of as many of their members and associates as possible. (2) We wish to see that there are enough of you who are fully aware of our presence and our plan to introduce ourselves to you, as well as introduce advanced technologies to you. These are the two items on our agenda that we have reached and have reached some time ago. We cannot now skip ahead to the next items on our agenda until these two tasks have been adequately accomplished.  

We ask you at this time to complete your tasks, whether your area involves the arrests and the prosecution of the members of your criminal cabal or if your area concerns the dissemination of the information about us and our intentions here, and we look to see advancements on both fronts as soon as possible. We will continue monitoring your world to keep abreast of developments in these areas, and we wish you great success in your efforts and remind you again that you are not alone, that we, your friends and your families from the higher realms are behind you every step of the way each and every day as we together move forward on our mission together. 

We are the Galactic Federation of Light. 

As channeled through Greg Giles


Awakening News 20130716 Financial Tyranny Collapsing at Free-Fall Speed: David Wilcock Update July 14th


by 2012thebigpicture

As you know, we writers love to play with words and David is lavish with his dramatic prose and imagery, so please read the remainder of the update at the Divine Cosmos web site.  ;0)   

This will get you started. In this piece you may find YOUR car is equipped with a system enabling it to be fully controlled remotely by… ???

And, you will get a fresh  look at whistleblowers and leaks that explains my “feeling” that Russia is on the side of The People.

But never mind that!  I am SO ready for the “I-told-ya-so-party”!!!!  Are you?  What a ride, indeed!



Financial tyranny is now crumbling apart so fast we can barely keep up with all the new information. Thousands of years ago, the “what”, “when” and “why” of everything we are seeing now was predicted — by ancient cultures spanning the globe.

In a three-hour Russian TV special, one-hour radio show, and a bold new article, David Wilcock explores the fulfillment of this long-prophesied shift in human consciousness!

[Some additional updates may appear on or around Monday, including more graphics and “pullquotes” to spruce things up a bit — but the text is here now.]



For those who were following the story, the Mayan Calendar seemed to be a huge disappointment. At first.

Nothing appeared to have happened on the all-important date of December 21, 2012 — even though grandiose-sounding prophecies concerning this window of time appear in over 30 different ancient cultures.

I review some of the key points of this story in the free OM Times article and one-hour radio show linked in this piece.

The biggest thing that happened to me in December 2012 was that I was filmed twice — by a top Russian TV network.

These interviews were soon featured in six hours of prime-time documentary footage on REN-TV, which was all built out of my epic ebook, Financial Tyranny.

These documentaries aired on January 16th and January 30th, 2013 — and electrified the Russian public. The truth was right there — on prime-time broadcast television.

Now, you can watch the three-hour series’ conclusion — with complete English subtitles — and help blow the lid off of the greatest cover-up in human history.



Germany asked for a sizable portion of their gold back from the Federal Reserve on the very same day that the first of these documentaries aired — January 16th, 2013.

Was this a mere coincidence? Or was it a blatantly obvious political move against the Establishment — and its control of the media, not to mention the world’s gold?

Now, six months later, the hidden truth is being revealed so quickly that our team is spending hours a day just identifying, documenting and archiving all the new information.

The story is literally evolving on a day-by-day basis. It’s hard to know when to stop and write about it, because new information is coming in so fast we can barely keep up with it.

This is no time for laziness. Things are moving far too quickly to even afford to take a single day off.

Priceless, astonishing new information is rising and falling like a furious tide — crashing against a rocky shore. Up and down. Up and down.

If we don’t grab each new piece as soon as it surfaces, it can disappear on the very next wave.



You may still be clinging to the riverbank, struggling like mad not to let go.

You may still not be prepared to plunge into the wild, terrifying and invigorating “white water” ride of Disclosure.

Nonetheless, just as we have been expecting, disclosure is happening now.

If you ever wondered about what disclosure would actually look like once it started happening, this is it.

As we are now seeing, it cannot be constrained into one single, all-defining moment where “everything happens”.

We do not all wake up with a single, streamlined, easy-to-understand story that everyone believes… where all of a sudden the world has changed forever.

This is a massive, systematic, and total shift in what the average person knows, thinks and believes to be true — on the most basic level.

It is an exciting opportunity to completely “start over” with the basic nature of civilization as we know it — and build a much happier and healthier world.



The amount of information that has been classified and hidden from us is so vast that it literally takes years of study just to understand the basics of it.

There may only be a few thousand people on earth — if that — who really know what the heck is going on.

The closest that most of us ever get to this world is in our imagination… as we watch various science fiction movies and TV shows that have systematically leaked — and distorted — the truth.

Even within the classified programs themselves, there is so much compartmentalization that very few workers with a security clearance ever get to see the Big Picture.

I have had extensive, personal access to at least four major insiders who DO see the Big Picture — or at least a majority of it.

Each of them have worked at levels where most of the hidden information is common knowledge — and they have access to many of the compartments.

Other insiders have revealed key facets of this astonishingly brilliant jewel.

The information is precious beyond belief — as it has the power to utterly transform our world.



The NSA is considered a low-level group within this greater hierarchy.

Surveillance is a long, tedious job of “dumpster diving” — hoping to find a few stray treats in the process.

Surveillance is like being the security guard outside a gorgeous royal palace.

You stand there — and you listen, listen, listen. Watch everyone. Suspect everything. Trust nothing… and no one… except the hierarchy itself.

Couriers meet with you, pass along information, and you pass it along to someone else who works inside. Go home, go to sleep, get up and do it again.

Although occasionally you get served a nice, fancy dinner, you have little to no idea about what is really going on inside the palace.

Your job is simply to identify and eliminate the threats to the Crown. You are only told as much as you need to know to do your job.

Right now, the security infrastructure that protects this extensive, compartmentalized world of secrets is being widely and openly revealed — for the first time.

However, the secrets of what is going on “inside the palace” have barely even started to be identified and appreciated on a mass level.



The pattern that disclosure will take has now become obvious.

You can extrapolate from what is already happening and have a good idea of where this is going.

“New” information comes out… and the public then realizes the truth was there all along, waiting to be appreciated.

“New” whistleblowers come out… and the public then realizes many other whistleblowers risked their lives to tell us the same things, years ago — and were ignored.

It is natural for the human ego to deploy the full arsenal of “defense mechanisms” against the truth — including the all-time favorite method of attacking the messenger.

Unless you are “completely brand-new to all of this,” you have undoubtedly suffered these sarcastic, belittling attacks yourself. Many times.

Now, you are finally starting to be vindicated — for having known and discussed things that are quickly becoming common knowledge.

Your vindication has only just begun. 2013 is indeed the year of the “I-told-ya-so party” — and we’re only halfway through it so far.



The main focus of my work in the last two months has been to integrate an astonishing range of data showing how a systematic, coordinated effort is being made, behind-the-scenes, to tell us the truth.

These “leaks” are not random. They are not arbitrary. There is a very strong, focused, coordinated effort underway to reveal the truth — with exacting precision.

This disclosure is NOT being orchestrated by the Cabal / New World Order / Federal Reserve / Illuminati / Bad Guys — which is centered in the US, UK and Western Europe.

Although many people who read “truth media” like to disbelieve every single news event they see, it is quite obvious that Snowden is not “controlled opposition.”

Isn’t it interesting that Snowden ended up in Russia — and is still there – given what we revealed in the last article about how Russia is the geopolitical center of an international alliance that is defeating the Cabal?

This seemed like the best time to release Part Two of the epic six-hour Russian expose’ of Financial Tyranny — which was built off of the huge ebook I published here, for free, in January 2012.

The day before Snowden identified himself as the NSA leaker, we published a whole article revealing that Russia has been working to defeat the Cabal ever since the year it started — in 1776 — as the “Bavarian Illuminati.”



We are not in a game of “problem / reaction / solution,” where the Cabal creates the problem and then presents a “solution” that takes away even more of our freedoms.

Though there are at least three major, warring factions in the Cabal at this point, not including the Alliance, the one thing they’ve all agreed on is secrecy.

As soon as the public discovers the truth, in mass numbers, the Cabal can no longer maintain control. None of its factions can. It’s that simple.

The public is far too powerful to control — once they become aware of the extent to which they are being lied to, spied upon and manipulated.

Ignorance, superstition, fear and disbelief is absolutely necessary to keep the game going.

For that same reason, it is astonishing, and deeply gratifying, to see this all happening now.

Excellent, pulse-pounding movies will be written about the times we are now in — for many years to come.



I can now talk openly with a “normal person” about subjects that would have gotten me a sarcastic rebuttal, a cold silence, an obsequious defense of the System, or a sudden change of subject only three months ago.

The “burden of wisdom” that we have been carrying, thanklessly, for so long is now starting to be shared by everyone on earth.

Furthermore, if you think that most of the “new information” is over and done with, and life will just go on, all I can say is:You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

The changes these events will produce have barely even started. This will shock and surprise even the most battle-weary, hardened cynics and skeptics.

Thankfully, what we will get out of all this is NOT doom, fear, catastrophe and loss of freedom.

It will be precisely the opposite.



The NSA is only a minor player in comparison to organizations like the NRO, Naval intelligence, Air Force intelligence and many other groups behind the UFO cover-up.

However, many, if not most of the personnel and leadership in these organizations are NOT sociopathic. They are patriots who DO want to tell us the truth — and improve our world.

Secrecy is a burden that most of these personnel would love to release — even just in their day-to-day life at home with their families.

I do believe a positive international alliance is orchestrating this ever-increasing disclosure of new information — behind the scenes.

Some members of this alliance are still working within the intelligence services themselves as well — under deep cover, in fear for their lives.



I do also believe that they are releasing new leaks as fast as they possibly can, without completely overwhelming us.

The public needs time to digest each new piece of information — and right now it’s a huge feast, with hundreds of intriguing new items to choose from.

The stories are getting wilder by the day. Things that would have seemed impossible to believe even two months ago now seem entirely plausible, if not obvious.

Let’s examine one minor example of something that may still sound “crazy” today, but might become common knowledge in as little as another month or two.

This is one example that will make people really pissed off – if it turns out to be true.

We need more of those kinds of revelations right now — to break through the incredible denial, and understand the truth.



What if ALL new cars sold in America for the last five years — all makes and models from 2008 and up — can be remote-controlled by certain insider groups?

What if this system is designed so that it can fully override the actions of the driver?

What if all automakers were required, by a secret and unconstitutional law, to install this system in their vehicles — to “protect” the public?

Would this not violate the fourth amendment of the US Constitution against “unreasonable seizures” of personal property?

Does the Cabal now possess the technology to achieve a blatantly unconstitutional feat of this scope and caliber?

Could they quietly install GPS systems, tiny smartphone-sized video cameras, power steering, power brakes and acceleration control in vehicles?

Why do most cars now have a push-button starter system — and no longer require you to stick a key in the ignition?

Could it be possible to send these cars a signal to start up — without the “key” being in the car at all?

Could someone use these automated systems to pilot the car at a distance: to steer, to accelerate, decelerate, brake, and watch where they’re going?

What could a person or group do if they had this capability? Should we entrust them with this power — if the truth were to be widely known?



We already know the OnStar service gives unseen groups a surprisingly high amount of control over a motor vehicle.

The “bad guys” we’re supposedly being protected from would already know about this — and disable it — in any car they would actually use.

Being in a car accident is a nightmare — you’re often disoriented, upset and unsure of what to do once the actual crash is over. But if your car is equipped with GM’s OnStar service, you don’t even have to find your cell phone.

The system can get help for you. It can also check your e-mail hands-free, make hotel reservations, and unlock your car if you’ve locked your keys inside, among other things.

OnStar is the most popular telematics service available in North America. As of May 2005, it had more than 4 million customers [ref].

But what is a telematics service? How does OnStar know where you are, and how can your car let the OnStar Call Center know that you’ve been in an accident?

In this article, we’ll explore the technology behind OnStar, find out how to use it, and learn about some of thecontroversy associated with it….



GM admits that all of their vehicles since 2007 are equipped with extensive, remote-control automated systems — via OnStar.

OnStar is included with all new GM vehicles, and some non-GM vehicles also include it.

You may find these systems in certain Japanese and European vehicles that were manufactured between the 2002 and 2005 model years.

Acura, Isuzu, and Subaru were the Japanese automakers that were party to the deal, and both Audi and Volkswagen signed on as well.

If you purchase a GM vehicle that was produced during or after the 2007 model year, it may also include a subscription to OnStar.

After that [2007] model year, all new GM vehicles come with a subscription [to OnStar, meaning all the tech is fully installed].



A “subscription” to OnStar may not really be the proper term for this, considering that it is an extensive, fully automated remote-control system that is installed in your car, whether you want it or not.

Power steering uses computerized electrical motors to push the tires in the direction you tell them to go — when you turn the wheel.

Could these motors be strong enough to force your steering wheel to move in ways you cannot control? Can a mechanical motor be stronger than your arms?

Why would Acura, Isuzu, Subaru, Audi and Volkswagen all pull back from officially using this system as a selling point in any of their cars… since 2005?

Image credit: greissdesign / 123RF Stock Photo



Were these systems still being installed by these various car manufacturers, and others, after they officially stopped including them in 2005?

Were they required to go quiet about it? Would their top executives have been threatened or killed if they ever tried to resist?

Will they all rush to defend themselves, and say they were forced to do it, if an insidious-sounding story like this ever broke through into the mainstream?

Since most of the assembly line for an automobile is now automated with robotics, would most of the employees even be aware that such a system was hiding in the electronics?

Could a tiny camera, mounted in the rearview mirror, for example, give a real-time view of the road via a Skype call to the groups who have access to it?



Let’s look at another quote that publicly reveals how much we already know about the OnStar system.

OnStar is a subsidiary corporation of General Motors that provides a variety of in-vehicle services, which are alldelivered via a CDMA cellular connection….

General Motors established OnStar in 1995 with cooperation from Hughes Electronics and Electronic Data Systems, and the first OnStar units were made available in several Cadillac models for the 1997 model year.

OnStar is primarily available in GM vehicles, though a licensing agreement also made OnStar available in several other makes between 2002 and 2005….

Some OnStar systems can also perform other functions that might make it easier to recover a stolen vehicle.

If the police have verified that a vehicle was stolen, an OnStar representative may be able to issue a command to the OBD-II system that will slow the vehicle down.

This functionality has been used during high-speed car chases to stop thieves in their tracks. Some vehicles are also equipped with the ability to remotely disable the ignition system.

That means if the thief shuts your vehicle off, he won’t be able to start it back up again.


What else Can OnStar Do for Me?

Since OnStar has access to many of your vehicle’s systems, there are a number of ways that an OnStar operator can help out if you’re in a bind.

In many cases, OnStar can unlock your vehicle if you accidentally lock your keys inside.

[DW: The system would therefore also be able to lock you in, and prevent your escape, while the car is accelerating outside of your control.]

The system may also be able to flash your lights or honk your horn if you’re unable to find your vehicle in a crowded parking lot.



This next excerpt reveals that there were already serious privacy concerns with this technology — BEFORE all the NSA disclosures we are now seeing.

Bear in mind that cheap, tiny cameras could also be installed inside the vehicle’s cabin — so the driver and passengers could be monitored in real time.

OnStar has access to a lot of data about your driving habits, so some people have expressed concerns about privacy issues.

The FBI has even attempted to use the system to eavesdrop on private conversations, but the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals denied them the ability to do so.

[DW: And of course, we all know we can trust the FBI and other agencies to follow court orders.]

OnStar is also set up so that it makes an obvious noise whenever an operator places an incoming call, which makes it impossible for an unscrupulous operator to eavesdrop.

[DW: Couldn’t they also install a bypass switch to disable the “obvious noise” of an incoming call — when certain groups wanted to listen in?]

OnStar also claims that it anonymizes GPS data before selling it to third parties, but this remains a privacy concern.

While the data may not be tied directly to your name or the VIN of your car or truck, GPS data is by its very nature not anonymous.

GM also purportedly tracks this data even after you cancel your OnStar subscription, though it is possible to completely sever the data connection.



Let’s imagine that a “crazy” idea like “All vehicles sold in the US since 2008 are legally required to be remote-controllable” were to be disclosed, publicly, by a whistleblower.

(I have no idea if that will ever actually happen. It’s only a hypothetical question at this point — but some insiders have suggested this may be the case, as we will see.)

What would the official response be? Would they say this remote-control piloting system was only being used to stop criminals, dope dealers and terrorists?

Could these systems also be used for targeted assassinations — making cars accelerate really fast, without the operator’s control, and then steering them into a tree while locking the driver inside?

Could power groups then use this to “take out” people who threaten them — like journalists chasing a major new story?

How many drivers would think fast enough to realize what was happening, have a good tool on hand to smash out a window, and jump out before the impact?

Would we entrust our “leaders” to be able to completely take control of our vehicles, and remotely pilot them, without our consent — if this were publicly known?

How far would the “I have nothing to hide” argument get you at that point?



Let’s say there is a Cabal of insiders who are jealously protecting their secrets — and defending their corporate interests against whistleblowers.

Up until recently, the majority of people in Western society might not have believed that something this massive and ugly could be true — but that’s all changing now.

A remote-control system like OnStar may have been responsible for the death of journalist Michael Hastings, who died in a fiery, high-speed car crash.

Hastings was driving a 2013 Mercedes C250 coupe when he crashed into a tree on Highland Ave. in Los Angeles at approximately 4:30 am on June 18.

Video posted online showed the car in flames, and one neighbor told a local news crew she heard a sound like an explosion.

Another eyewitness said the car’s engine had been thrown 50 to 60 yards from the car. There were no other vehicles involved in the accident.

The fire was so all-consuming that it took the Los Angeles County coroner’s office two days to identify Hastings’ body….



As our excerpt goes on, we find that Hastings had already been very effective at upsetting the existing power structure.

Hastings practiced a brand of no-holds-barred journalism that tended to anger powerful people.

His 2010 profile of Gen. Stanley McChrystal, published in Rolling Stone, was so damaging that it ostensibly prompted President Barack Obama to fire the general (the president denied that the article had a role in his decision).

In the days before his death, Hastings was reportedly working on a story about a lawsuit filed by Jill Kelley, who was involved in the scandal that brought down Gen. David Petraeus, according to the LA Times.

KTLA reported that Hastings told colleagues at the news site BuzzFeed that he feared the FBI was investigating him.

On June 20, the FBI denied that any investigation was under way.


It is possible that Hastings was under a lot of pressure, got drunk, and went for a joyride. It is also possible that he was assassinated.

Was this fiery crash intended to stop Hastings from breaking his story, and intimidate other journalists from coming forward at the same time?

It is certainly true that the speed of new information leaks in the mainstream media decreased after Hastings’ death, for almost two weeks, before it picked back up again.

However, even with strongly obvious, Mafia-style “hits” like this being openly conducted, there is no stopping the avalanche of disclosure.

After working hard to reveal the truth for so many years, I am relieved to see it all coming out now — even though it is an incredible amount of work to try to keep up with all the new information now emerging.



These excerpts reveal that the fiery death of this journalist may have been intentional — as he was working on a very major story right before it happened.

Wikileaks Says Michael Hastings Contacted Them Just Before Death

WikiLeaks just threw some gasoline onto the conspiracy fire. On Wednesday night, they Tweeted: “Michael Hastings contacted WikiLeaks lawyer Jennifer Robinson just a few hours before he died, saying that the FBI was investigating him.”….

And Hastings’ last article was about the evils of the NSA – which ended with the tantalising line, “Perhaps more information will soon be forthcoming.” Glenn Greenwald Tweeted a link to the piece after Hastings’ death.


Hastings Said FBI Was Investigating Him

CULVER CITY ( — Questions persist following the death of Michael Hastings Tuesday, after reports that the award-winning journalist told WikiLeaks the government was watching him.

WikiLeaks tweeted a message to their millions of followers Wednesday stating that the 33-year-old author and war correspondent had contacted the organization’s lawyer to say he was being watched by the FBI….

Police have not yet confirmed that the person killed was Hastings because the body was reportedly burned beyond recognition.

One friend who declined to speak on camera said Hastings was very paranoid that he was being watched by the FBI, but that it is too soon to speculate on the conspiracy theories surrounding his death.



Senior, high-ranking whistleblower Richard Clarke revealed to The Huffington Post that there are indeed ways to gain remote control of a vehicle, based on his insider knowledge.

If you read between the lines, Clarke appears to know a lot more about this system than what he has officially revealed in his statement.

Senior Insider Richard Clarke Reveals Cars Can Be Remote-Controlled

The peculiar circumstances of journalist Michael Hastings’ death in Los Angeles last week have unleashed a wave of conspiracy theories.

Now there’s another theory to contribute to the paranoia: According to a prominent security analyst, technology exists that could’ve allowed someone to hack his car.

Former U.S. National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection, and Counter-terrorism Richard Clarke told The Huffington Post that what is known about the single-vehicle crash is “consistent with a car cyber attack.”

Clarke said, “There is reason to believe that intelligence agencies for major powers” — including the United States — know how to remotely seize control of a car.

“What has been revealed as a result of some research at universities is that it’s relatively easy to hack your way into the control system of a car, and to do such things as cause acceleration when the driver doesn’t want acceleration, to throw on the brakes when the driver doesn’t want the brakes on, to launch an air bag,” Clarke told The Huffington Post.

“You can do some really highly destructive things now, through hacking a car, and it’s not that hard.”

“So if there were a cyber attack on the car — and I’m not saying there was,” Clarke added, “I think whoever did it would probably get away with it.”



If you feel suddenly tired, weak, disgusted, angry and fearful as you read this, then the Cabal puppetmasters are getting exactly what they want.

However, in warfare, once you fire more than one gunshot from the same location, you have revealed your position to the enemy. You are now exposed.

If the Cabal is going to take a shot with a weapon like this, they’d better make it a damn good one — as they really only get one chance to use it.

Vehicular remote control would be a system the Cabal couldn’t use very often without creating widespread suspicion — and the revealing of the method.

The only thing that would stop the public from believing it, at that point, would be the emotional trauma of seeing that such a massive, horrifying conspiracy actually exists.

Now, just one prominent use of this system has triggered a damaging insider rebellion. High-ranking whistleblowers have come forward and revealed some of what they know about it.

Therefore, this apparent assassination seems to be another sign of genuine desperation within the elite.

They may have been willing to reveal a long-standing secret weapon just to ace one journalist among thousands.

Clearly they have no interest in plea-bargaining for a lesser sentence. They are running it hot and hard, and fighting all the way down.

History is in the making. Right now. Today. Thankfully, there is an Alliance working against the Cabal. We are now learning more about them as well.



Now, at last, it seems like the right time for us to release Part Two of the Russian television series — which blew the whistle on the greatest secret of all.

There really IS a Cabal of secretive, occult-minded insiders who have systematically been building up to a “New World Order” for hundreds of years.

Their plan to seize control of the world and its resources was extremely comprehensive — seemingly beyond belief — but nonetheless very real.

Imagine if a medieval kingdom could have “hacked” any of the horses of the knights from any nation that opposed them — and made the horses kill their riders, as if by remote control.

You could write a good fantasy scene in a movie with a Merlin-like wizard who has the power to cast spells that enchant battle animals.

This is the type of awesome power that computers, tiny cameras, 3G connections, video-over-cell-phone technology and modern automobiles can provide the Cabal with.

The story goes much deeper than that — or any of the other jaw-dropping stories that are surfacing at this time.

It really is an ancient conspiracy, and it is all unraveling now — step-by-step.



At the bottom right of the YouTube window, there is a button that says CC. You need to click on that and set it to “English” in order to be able to read the subtitles for what you are about to see:





This three-hour documentary would probably never have happened if Neil Keenan hadn’t filed a lawsuit against the Cabal in November 2011.

I was one of the first journalists to cover the story, and the only journalist to write an entire book based on this new information.

Financial Tyranny was written after the Alliance began passing me hundreds of photographs and documents — through Neil Keenan.

There were many details I was asked to keep secret, for their own protection — and I have.

However, now that the death threats and smears from the “controlled opposition” have ramped up, more information is being offered.

Michael Henry Dunn has gotten even closer to all of this than I have, in some ways, by traveling to Indonesia to be on the front lines of this battle with Neil and his insiders.

Dunn is now regularly writing updates on behalf of the Alliance, and posting them on Jean Haines’ website.

Lethal threats have continued happening throughout this process — and now, as a result, more information is emerging.




Although there is nothing provable in this article — at least not openly provable at this time — it confirms several key details that I have known all along, and was not in a position to share with you before.

Unfortunately, the story begins with yet another harrowing attempt to murder Keenan and his associates. Thankfully, this attempt has failed — just like the others.

I do not at all believe this is a made-up story. The stakes are very real, and many people have already died.

Assassination Attempt Made on Keenan’s Team in Jakarta

Neil Keenan’s team was the target of an assassination attempt last week.

The hotel suite previously occupied by this writer was broken into in the middle of the night, and the gas valve on the main tank unscrewed, so that the entire gas supply was released into the apartment.

Inchul Kim and our colleague Jo were narrowly saved from being either poisoned or blown up by the timely actions of Inchul.

[He] woke in the middle of the night, smelled the overpowering gas aroma, found the sabotage, recognized the danger, and carefully opened the windows to clear out the apartment.

The slightest spark would have been sufficient to blow the rooms sky-high, killing not only Mr. Kim and Jo, but in all probability Mr. Keenan as well.

Neil Keenan jokes about it in his recent video update, but that is just because it is Keenan’s nature to make light of danger.

But it is no joke to him – the lives of himself and his friends are in danger in Jakarta from many enemies. But that is the risk taken by a real whistleblower….



As Dunn’s update goes on, we see a defense against a new round of attacks that came from a spokesman for the OITC.

This is one of the groups responsible for manipulating the massive funds in the “Global Collateral Accounts” that were built from the gold stolen by the Federal Reserve.

These Collateral Accounts constitute a “secondary market” with its own economic system, and dollar values vastly greater than in our open world market.

David Crayford… is a self-appointed spokesperson for the so-called Office of International Treasury Control (OITC), a fraudulent organization claiming affiliation to the UN, which is currently selling phony diplomatic immunities for $20,000 apiece….

·         CHARGE:  “Keenan in an article dated 2010 stated that General Keith B. Alexander and Gen. Myers were fully cooperating with him in respect of the Collateral Accounts and his actions (Unlawful and Criminal), and that they (Alexander and Myers) held the power to make decisions.”

·         REALITY:  Crayford does not provide a link to the article he cites.  Nor does he provide a context for the supposed statement by Mr. Keenan.  Nor does he provide a quote of Mr. Keenan’s words.

Crayford goes on to accuse Neil Keenan of actions “unlawful and criminal” but does not state what those actions were, what laws (of what country) were broken, nor does he provide any evidence to back these accusations.

These are libelous and actionable statements for which he may be called to account in a court of law.



Regarding Keenan’s alleged relationship with General Keith Alexander and General Myers, in point of fact, Neil Keenan has many contacts in the military and intelligence communities, which have been very useful to him in the process of his work.

As anyone following the story of the lawsuit and the global financial shift should be well aware, there are factions within factions, and webs within webs, plots within plots, and dangerous ground wherever one treads when it comes to these networks.

Since Mr. Crayford has named the wrong general in this case (the General Myers known to Neil Keenan was Jack Myers who has since passed away), and has completely misstated the facts of the meeting in Monaco, it is apparent that his due diligence is, in fact, as usual (if you will) doo-doo diligence.


·         CHARGE:  In an article in late 2011 related to the Monaco Accord organized by Keenan and the Swiss Government, it was clearly stated that Gen Keith B. Alexander and Gen Myers were at that meeting.

If readers remember, [this meeting] was held in Monaco and moved to a US Warship moored in the Mediterranean Sea following the disruption, which was blamed on Jay Rockefeller, of the meeting in Monaco.

·         REALITY:  Once again, Crayford’s “facts” are falsehoods.  The meeting was indeed organized with the help of certain Swiss officials, but it was held on a 160 foot yacht, not a U.S. warship.

The entire purpose of the Monaco Accords gathering was to free the non-aligned nations (especially the Asian nations) from domination and control by the Western oligarchy. No such gathering could ever have been held on a U.S. warship.

Word of the gathering reached the Rockefellers, the pre-eminent U.S. clan of that oligarchy, who dispatched Senator Jay Rockefeller to essentially “crash” the party as an uninvited guest.

He was physically blocked at the gangplank by Neil Keenan. When he demanded “don’t you know who I am?” Keenan responded, “Yes, you’re exactly the person we don’t want on this boat.”

After Rockefeller’s unceremonious ejection, the yacht was then buzzed by Blackhawk helicopters before French fighter jets gave a warning pass overhead, whereupon the copters retreated.

The Monaco Accords proved to be a hugely important event, providing the basis for the subsequent BRICS alliance (though that alliance will apparently prove to be just a rerun of the European Union, as it lacks access to the Collateral Accounts).

As a sitting U.S. Senator, Jay Rockefeller would not have been denied entry to an American warship, nor would this hugely sensitive and secret gathering of non-aligned finance ministers ever have taken place on such a warship.

The finance ministers would simply have refused to board it.



Michael and I may not completely agree on the value and significance of the BRICS alliance — or it could just be a misunderstanding in the wording.

I do believe that this opposition group is very important, has humanity’s best interests in mind, and can ultimately help us form a fairer and better system.

With that being said, I do understand that this entire story can be psychologically overwhelming.

Much like Snowden, it is very easy for people to hate Neil Keenan — rather than consider the potential validity of the story.

It would cost at least hundreds of thousands of dollars just to produce all the photos of alleged Federal Reserve bonds, bond boxes and chests in Finanical Tyranny alone.

Also, remember that multiple, independent sources have come up with similar-looking images — including those in the Joseph Riad lawsuit and the bonds seized in Chiasso, Italy.



So, apparently the Cabal systematically plundered the world of its gold reserves, through staged events including World War I and II, in order to gain full control of the financial system.

Surveillance is being used to make sure that these deep, dark secrets stay hidden — but now everything is coming out in the open.

Most people who encounter this kind of information will deny and ridicule it completely, in order to feel more comfortable in their daily lives.

The truth has always been available — at least most of it. The real test, from a psychological standpoint, has beenwhether you can handle the truth.

Now, we have finally reached a tipping point — where the truth is openly and commonly known, whether you can handle it or not.

This, of course, can be psychologically overwhelming.



The truth can propel many people into depression, anxiety and paranoia — the so-called Dark Night of the Soul.

However, the Dark Night of the Soul is not the end of the story — even though it totally seems that way while you’re in it.

The illusion of Hell is that it is “eternal.”

However, the journey through Hell, or the Dark Night of the Soul, is only one event within a much greater “script.”

Best of all, the script has a happy ending. It’s guaranteed. It’s one very key “fringe benefit” of the living Cosmos.

This happy ending is actually written into the mind of the galaxy, the sun and the earth itself.

As far-out as this may sound, there is compelling evidence that this is actually true.



The biggest surprise — which very few people really understand at this point — is we are now living through one of the most exciting “plot points” in a story that was written long before we ever got here.

This story keeps repeating, again and again, throughout all of recorded history.

The closest and most precise retelling of this epic tale, in the actual life of a human being on earth, occurred in the story of Jesus.

This is undoubtedly the reason why Christianity, and its offshoots, has become the most prevalent religion on earth — with nearly 30,000 different sects.

All other religions and their individual sects combined “only” amount to an additional 10,000 faiths — as I revealed inThe Source Field Investigations.

Is there some great, unifying force that connects together these 38,830 different religious denominations — all battling it out for the authority to proclaim Truth?



Many ancient cultures, and their mythologies, featured various elements of this great body of hidden knowledge.

This knowledge was given to them by advanced human messengers who did not evolve into being on earth, but visited us — to help us grow and evolve spiritually.

I also reveal in my new book, The Synchronicity Key, that Jesus left us compelling clues, which survived into the modern-day New Testament, that reveal how he knew about this grand, universal design.

A great deal of evidence appears in the Old Testament as well — such as an astonishing mystery we find in the Book of Daniel, complete with numerical clues.

Until we identify and understand the great cycles, and how they work, these numerical clues cannot be correctly deciphered.



The Cayce Readings often said “Jesus is the Pattern” — and now, it appears that we have figured out what they actually meant when they said that.

This does not mean that each of us will be literally nailed to a cross, suffer a bodily death, and re-appear in an Ascended light-body at this time.

The crucifixion and resurrection story is a very powerful, visually and emotionally compelling embodiment of the underlying pattern of initiation we all must go through — at this time in history.

The events we are now seeing in the world, with the disclosure of astonishingly vast and invasive surveillance, represent a worldwide All is Lost point — a journey through Hell, much like the crucifixion.



I was quite surprised to find out that all Hollywood screenplays are written off of this same pattern of “plot points” — right through to this very day.

The “structure” behind all Hollywood screenplays takes time to explain — but once you know the pattern, it becomes quite understandable and obvious.

The other night, I was watching a movie with a buddy of mine, stopped it at a certain point, and told him exactly what was going to happen to the “hero” at a certain point about ten minutes ahead of where we were in the film.

I had already stopped before the halfway “midpoint,” and told him we would “either see a ‘false up’ or a ‘false down’ for the hero at this point.” I was right.

Then, once the hero was ten minutes away from the All is Lost point, I forecasted exactly what was going to happen — and when.

My friend was quite surprised, and laughed out loud, when it happened exactly the way I told him it would.

I said, “Look… these guys could never have sold their script if they didn’t insert that plot point at that exact moment in the film. All the execs know what they’re looking for, and where they expect to see it.”

Every movie must have a “Whiff of Death” moment where the hero’s goal seems to be completely beyond hope. This pattern is written into the mind of the galaxy itself.

These plot points also occur in the movement of historical events — not just in mythologies, movie screenplays and our personal lives.



Any inhabited planet in our galaxy will have some variant of hominid / human life. That’s one of the biggest secrets that I thoroughly reveal in my new TV show, Wisdom Teachings.

This is very different than the paranoid, Cabal-financed Hollywood view of extraterrestrials as “Aliens” who are frightening and evil.

High-level insiders have told me that no human we’ve ever found has more than a 4-percent genetic deviation from our own DNA structure.

This is because DNA — and human life as we know it — is a galactic template, written into the basic energy of the Cosmos itself on a quantum level.

Ultimately, human life is energetic, not biological. The biological form is only one phase of our overall evolutionary curve as souls.

This was all well-established, with extensive academic references to peer-reviewed scientific studies, in The Source Field Investigations.

Now, with Wisdom Teachings, I’m taking the time to explain all of this in a lot more detail — with a new half-hour of densely-packed info every Monday, at a low monthly fee comparable to Netflix.

Once we grow and evolve into the next level of human evolution, we begin moving out into the galaxy to help other planets move through the same growing pains.



We do live in a biological universe. The evidence is voluminous and undeniable — though not popular, due in part to Cabal suppression of science.

The origin of the universe was much like a seed — wherein the full form of the tree was already contained in potential.

This “tree” happens to grow human life — at least in our own galaxy, and apparently 40 percent of all the other galaxies out there in the Cosmos, according to the Law of One series.

In our next update, I will feature a 15-minute clip from Wisdom Teachings that features some very juicy information about this piece of the puzzle — showing human ET visitors that appeared worldwide.



Furthermore, every inhabited world will run through the same “script”, again and again, until the people master the lessons it provides them with.

Every religion that forms on a given planet will feature some variation of this script as well — revealing various aspects of what this story is trying to teach us.

One of the names this story is given in the Bible is The Book of Life.

Instead of rushing right into a technical discussion of the cycles of history in the new book, I spend the entire first half building the foundation of what the “story” means — and why the universe works this way.



I consider the Law of One series to be the most credible intuitively-derived document in modern times — due to the extensive, provable scientific data it contains.

Much of this data did not become verifiable, with actual scientific studies, until well after the series was written in 1981-83.

The Law of One series gives us several critical clues revealing that Jesus became a physical embodiment of the mind and personality of our galaxy.

The “Father” may well be the mind of the Cosmos — whereas the “Son” may well be the mind of the galaxy.

I see this as a “Cosmic Christianity” that may become far more widely known in the future.

Ultimately, all of us are the Logos. Jesus was, in Law of One terms, a master teacher who fully and completely remembered who he was — and therefore became an embodiment of it.



The Law of One calls our galaxy “The Logos.” In the original New Testament Greek, Jesus said “I am the Logos” more than once.

Nowadays, we read this as “I am the Word” — but what this really seems to mean is the word(s) of the Story itself.

This story, again, is the Book of Life — the so-called Hero’s Journey.

The “archetypes” or plot points within this story appear in our dreams — whether we understand what they mean consciously or not.

On a higher, soul level, each of us knows where we are in the Book of Life — and what we need to learn in order to reach the next step.

Right now, we are all going through the same lesson at the same time. This is one of the greatest functions of the repeating cycles of history.

The cycles, and their corresponding events, will happen right on time. The real key is what we choose to do with the experiences they create in our own lives.



The discussion of the Logos also explains the enigmatic phrase that opens up the all-important Book of John, chapter 1, verse 1:

“In the beginning, there was the Logos. And the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God.”  –John 1:1


Remember that John had direct, personal access to Jesus on a day-by-day basis — if you believe that the Bible is discussing real-world events.

It is very likely that this and other phrases were direct paraphrasings of things Jesus had said.

In various conferences, I have speculated that this seemingly mysterious phrase actually refers to the galaxy as the Logos, and also how the entire universe is the Logos as well.

No one knew what a “galaxy” was back then, even though more-advanced beings clearly would have — so all of this knowledge had to be hidden away in metaphor.

This phrase says the Logos is the One — is God — but is also with the One, i.e. a part of the One, as well.

They are two seemingly different things — our galaxy and our universe — but they are ultimately formed from the same Mind.



When the Law of One series uses the term “logos”, they describe it in these exact terms. Ultimately, the “One Infinite Creator” is the Logos.

Our galaxy is also a full embodiment of the mind of the Logos — while also retaining some degree of its own “personality” and individuality as well.

The galaxy is made up of stars. All of them are alive in this new scientific model.

Each star is a sub-Logos. Click here to see all Law of One passages that say “sub-logos.”

A planet only has a portion of the consciousness of the Logos active within it. Thus, in Law of One terms, it would also be a “sub-Logos.”

Then, human beings like ourselves contain a smaller portion of this consciousness — and at times are referred to as“sub-sub-Logoi.”

In Law of One terms, our goal is ultimately to attain “personality transparency” — and regain our full identity and consciousness as the Logos.

The site has a concise summary of this cosmology, including the seven main “densities” within the universal Logos, at this link.

I did my very best to make this new knowledge all understandable, entertaining and inspirational in The Synchronicity Key.

Here, I am opening up some side discussions that I didn’t have time to cover in the book, with “only” 500 pages — but that also leaves room for sequels.



The word “history” itself has an interesting history behind it.

The etymology of the word is “His Story” — the story of the Logos, or galactic mind — the “Christ Consciousness.”

“His Story” would be an outdated, gender-specific term in our modern world — but it was meant to reveal how history keeps revealing the same pattern of lessons we must learn.

The story has a very definite design — written into the greatest mythologies around the world.



Each of us is ultimately the Hero – moving through His Story.

Each of the plot points in this story are called “archetypes.”

They are written into the mind of the galaxy itself.

They are written into the space that our planet and solar system drifts through as we move along.

Our lives and decisions are being invisibly and benevolently guided by these energetic patterns — to steer us through a well-established “school of enlightenment.”

This grand course curriculum was designed long, long ago — by the Universe and the galaxy itself.



I would have loved to see a major, uplifting, awe-inspiring spiritual event at the end of 2012. That was one, perhaps overly optimistic interpretation of the prophecies we have inherited.

The Law of One series does indicate that we will decisively move into “fourth density” some time approximately 30 years after 1981. They also say it will take 100 to 700 years for this transition to fully complete.

Once it seemed that “nothing happened” in 2012, it was time to go back to the drawing board — and study the 25,920-year earth cycle that was scheduled to end in or around December 2012.



So many ancient cultures placed such critical importance in the shift-point between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius, calculated to occur during this time, that I wasn’t willing to give up just yet.

Even if the “grand finale” of the cycle didn’t perform as I had hoped it would, that doesn’t mean we just throw away all the data — as it is extremely compelling and comprehensive.

Now I had to go back to the very same material that I had cut from The Source Field Investigations and look again. I had eliminated almost 200 pages to whittle it down to 500.

One of the subjects that got completely eliminated, in this epic and horribly painful cut, was the bizarre phenomenon of history repeating itself.

Major events in human civilization do repeat, as it turns out, in very precise cycles of time.



In The Synchronicity Key, I revisited these deleted pages — and solved what I consider to be the greatest of all mysteries of life on earth.

There is indeed a great script — an overarching Story — behind the events that unfold on earth.

Once you understand that we are continually moving through a series of plot points, all the fear about where our current history is heading can be eliminated.

Not only can we identify exactly what these “plot points” are, we can also identify when they will happen – with astonishing precision.

The entire second half of The Synchronicity Key – from about page 250 to page 500 — presents a wealth of scientific data that shows how this works.



The provable evidence is so voluminous and solid that “attacking the messenger” will be the only viable means for the opposition to attempt to discredit it.

And now, in just one month and seven days, you can study the whole case yourself — either in hardcover, ebook or audio book form, which I read in the studio.

I am about to get the final hardcover version, in advance, probably Monday in my mailbox. I can hardly wait to hold it in my hands after so much hard work.

This was the book I wanted to write four years ago, when I started doing The Source Field Investigations – but I was missing key pieces of the puzzle.

I really did need to see December 21, 2012 come and go before I could properly write the sequel — and trace out a path through our future.



Yes — this book is not free. I could never possibly have afforded the time to put such a complex argument together if I had tried to release it that way, as I did with Financial Tyranny.

Thankfully, you can explore this epic research at a nominal cost — well under 25 dollars if you pre-order before the August 20th release date.

Writing a book is NOT a huge money-maker, contrary to what attackers and skeptics always say.

I work very hard, but there still isn’t much left over in the bank after the bills are paid — including the salaries of our paid staff members.

If you rank it in terms of the dollars earned per hour of work, for a project of this scope and complexity, it would be way below minimum wage.

Being a writer is a modest, middle-class living, even if you hit the New York Times best-seller list — but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

However, we still need a lot more pre-orders to reach the position we had at this time in 2011 with The Source Field Investigations.

Your support is vital to the success of this mission. Admittedly, it’s a lot easier to promote a book like this once it’s out on Amazon and the reviews start coming in.

Your pre-orders are the best way to get this on the best-seller list. If this happens again, we have a fighting chance to have this research break into the mainstream and be taken seriously.

That, in turn, could radically affect how disclosure takes place in the weeks and months ahead — by revealing game-changing new scientific data no one ever expected to see.



During this same timeframe, I signed a deal in January to produce my own television show – Wisdom Teachings with David Wilcock — to reveal the truth in half-hour weekly episodes.

You can sign up for a free 10-day trial and watch every episode that is currently available. New shows appear every Monday evening — and there is much more yet to come!

Everyone who has watched it is dazzled by the scope and depth of what is being presented. Each episode is a concentrated burst of amazing information, and it all fits together into a grand framework.



I recently wrote a cover story for OM Times magazine right after doing a radio show where I revealed some of the epic knowledge within the new book and TV show.

Both the article and the one-hour radio show can be found in OM Times, at the following link.

If you have enjoyed this huge article so far, I highly recommend you check this out — particularly the radio show — as it will add even more to the overview!



I have been scrambling to get ready for the epic “Lightning in a Bottle” event I am speaking at tomorrow — a more organized, lower-temperature Burning Man.

I still have to tweak my presentation with more new data about the cycles of history. I am speaking on the smaller of two stages, away from the music, but will still very likely end up with a huge crowd.

14,000 people are already there on the land as I write these words! It’s totally sold out. We couldn’t beg, borrow or steal to get anyone else in, including our own film crew!

We nonetheless hope to film my presentation with the help of the LIB staff and our own camera equipment, and turn it into a free video that will reveal even more of this great, hidden truth.




Another event I am very excited about is “Contact in the Desert”, occurring next month in August — before my big release date for The Synchronicity Key.

This is a truly epic lineup of speakers — and even though I usually just do my own private events, this one had so many of my favorite people in it that I couldn’t resist.

Furthermore, the retreat center in Joshua Tree, east of Los Angeles, is a long-term favorite hotspot of mine, complete with private cabanas all throughout the property for its guests.

After withdrawing from almost all public appearances for nearly three years, with one exception, I finally jumped back into the game with an event held by Richard C. Hoagland at Joshua Tree in 2006 — and had a great time.

The vibes there are very, very special, and the land itself is a major selling point. This was the exact area where many of the great 1950s ET contacts and gatherings occurred.

I have lectures, a panel and a separate post-conference workshop that can be attended singularly, or as an add-on to the rest of the weekend.

Either way, this event is a brain-trust of many of the greatest thinkers in UFOs and spirituality out there today.




Still to this day, the single best way to get the full vision of the Law of One viewpoint, the science, and where I see all of this heading, is at our all-weekend Convergence events.

In these cases, I get the full 16 hours to speak — running through what often amounts to well over 1000 different slides.



I am constantly upgrading the material as I go — and it really does take 16 hours to give a robust overview of the information.

I’ve been all wrapped up in book and TV work this year, and haven’t been able to update this site anywhere near as much as I would have liked.

As a result, our Convergence attendance numbers have been small and intimate — but this gives people a much more personalized group experience.

These are the ONLY events where I can stop and breathe enough to meet people in the audience. At the bigger events, simple logistics make this impossible.

Denver is coming up next weekend — and tickets are still available. We also have Portland, Oregon in September, and Albuquerque, New Mexico in October.

I hope to see you there!



This new book is the “center of gravity” that pulls all these various projects together, and gives far more detail than I can share anywhere else.

Once I saw the Mayan Calendar end-date come and go, I knew the secret to the 25,920-year cycle had to be found in the great cycles of history.

All of these cycles are perfect sub-divisions of the “Great Year” — which measures up to 25,920 orbits of the earth around the sun.

I only solved the mystery of how this all works last August — and it has been quite a wild ride to put it all together so quickly. It really wiped me out — but it was totally worth it!

This book actually has far more of a narrative structure and “flow” than I achieved in the previous one.

Nothing had to be cut. I took a lot more time to ensure it all remained a single, cohesive unit.


The Synchronicity Key is available now for you to pre-order at a much lower price.

I thank you for your support — as with your help, we can change the outcome.

This is the first mass-market book I am aware of that reveals the deepest secrets of Financial Tyranny — and the epic, universal story that is now driving its full exposure and defeat.

The previous book didn’t get into politics at all. First I had to build the canvas, and the palette. Now I’ve created the first painting — revealing how this science applies to our own lives, individually and collectively!

Thanks again for your support at this critical moment in our history. Freedom is in sight — and what follows will surely captivate the world’s imagination!






Available in hardcover, audiobook and ebook formats as of August 20, 2013!

#1 Best-Seller in “New Age Divination with Prophecy” category on Amazon!




Enlightening Videos 20140528 Oribel Divine: Prayer to Earth Mother – Planting Seeds of New Beginnings


Posted on May 27, 2014by Jean

We each play an important role. We are just now beginning to recognize this role. It is the role of a steward.

It is about being in service and taking action using our heart energy. The systems around us which know who we are, are going to start working with what we know. Aptly so, we are using our gifts, talents and passions to be of service in ways that are benevolent and that will serve all for the highest good. By all I mean the galaxy. The very place where we come from.

The shift has begun. All is appropriate. All is well.

Oribel Divine

For more information about the contributor of the prayer poem, pls. visit Michelle Frost’s website:

For more information about the vdieo editor, pls. visit Oribel Divine’s website:

Thank you for watching!



Awakening News 20140506 Space Battles! “It’s Not Science Fiction” says U.S. Air Force Recruitment Commercial

airforcespace 06-05

UNEARTHED IN PERU: Overwhelming Evidence Stuns Experts–Something, or Someone “Else”, Was Here! ~ Extensive Photos and Videos

Posted: 05 May 2014 01:20 PM PDT



By Lyn Leahz

But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.  Matthew 24:37-39


If you have ever had doubts about the existence of Biblical Fallen Angels, Nephilim, and Raphaim, then wait until you see what has been discovered! Included in this post are detailed photographs, as well as videos, showing you firsthand what has been unearthed!


Unearthed In Peru-the Evidence Is Overwhelming!


Not far off of the southern coastal area of Peru, specifically Paracas and Nazca, evidence has been discovered that many academics have not even bothered to investigate. It is the overwhelming evidence that pre-Colombian people had red hair.  


Many experts in the industry claim that the reddish and/or blondish hair color in the mummies is the result of age, sun bleaching or the use of henna or other dyes.  But this is not so. Instad, it shows that some of these individuals had hair that is genetically ‘different’ than most of the Native Americans. 

According to Brien Foerester:

Red hair occurs naturally on approximately 1–2% of the human population. It occurs more frequently (2–6%) in people of northern or western European ancestry, and less frequently in other populations. Red hair appears in people with two copies of a recessive gene on chromosome 16 which causes a mutation in the MC1R protein.  It is characterized by high levels of the reddish pigment pheomelanin and relatively low levels of the dark pigment eumelanin. 


Remarkably, the royal bloodline of the Paracas culture, who preceded the Nazca had red hair in most cases. As the Nazca moved into the Paracas territory about 100 AD, they mated with the latter, and mounting evidence suggests that they eventually exterminated the royal Paracas. This evidence, for example, is indicated by the almost complete absence of elongated skulls/cranial deformation during the Nazca period, and reduced presence of red hair.  The above skull is that of a 2 year old baby which one of the last generations of Paracas, dying about 1950 years ago. Notice the strawberry blonde hair. The question is, where would the red/blonde hair have come from? A probable answer is that the Paracas migrated to the coast of Peru, possibly via Easter Island, but from an unknown land.   —Brien Foerester


Were you aware that the red “hats” of the Moai of Easter Island (Rapa nui) actually represent the ‘red hair’ tied into a top knot? And that many of these large stone figures were made well before the arrival of Polynesians, who first arrived in approximately 100 AD, at the earliest? 


The above photo is a rendition by artist Marcia K. Moore depicting how the Paracas might have looked. What’s more, archaeologists do not know the origins of the Paracas peoples. However, the DNA testing is underway as we speak, and it may hold all the answers. 


But, there is another mystery in Peru—the ‘Star Child’ skull.  



Lloyd Pye was an investigator of anomalies regarding human origins. Astonishingly, his research and theories have rasied questions in the conventional “Darwinian Evolutionary paradigm.”  For nearly twelve years, one particular item became a major quest in his research, although it was not his ‘exclusive’ focus, up until his death in 2013—the Starchild skull.  Lloyd Pye agreed that even the name in itself was misleading in that it seemed to imply that it was ‘extraterrestrial’, which is far from the truth. 



This strange skull (above) was found in a cave in Mexico in the 1930s. It has many different attributes—physically, chemically, and genetically. As a result, there are strong doubts that it is Homo Sapien. As a side note, the shape is not the result of any known disease, including hydrocephaly, which is ‘water on the brain.’ 



Surprisingly, they have discovered a similar looking skull in Peru. It has never been photographed before, and is owned by an individual who wishes to remain anonymous for now.



As clearly seen in these photos, the overall shape of the skull is extraordinary and peculiar, even more so the shape and shallowness of the eye sockets.



Below is an initial impression of what the Peru skull probably looked like when the being was alive. This rendition is by Marcia K. Moore.  Please visit her website to see her exceptional artistic abilities and work. 



Here are some more photos by the same artist.  Do you notice they appear as what the world believes are “aliens”?  People today have claimed to see creatures who look just like this in ‘flying saucers’. These are descendants of the Nephilim..their hybrids…their offspring—Raphaim.  And they are coming soon to deceive humanity—quite possibly, even the elect.



Photos Above Used With Permission by Brien Foerester Via the Work of Marcia K. Moore



Stretching Your Consciousness ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You have immense capacities to stretch your consciousness out, to go beyond where you have been before. The desire to do this, however, is not present in the vast majority of you. Therefore, we are reaching out to you, the awakened ones, in the hopes that you will exercise your right and your free will to stretch your consciousness further.

Now you might wonder what we mean by stretching your consciousness. First of all, recognize that your consciousness is not limited to your physical body. Your consciousness exists eternally, whereas a physical body will not always contain the higher level of consciousness that you hold.

Just imagine for a moment where you would take your consciousness if you did not feel that it was tethered to your physical body. Where would you like to go right now? With whom would you like to interact? Do you believe that you can get there without your physical body while still being in the fourth dimension?

We suggest that you start small. Start by stretching your consciousness out just beyond your physical body. See what you can sense in your energy field. Take control of your energy field with your consciousness. Let go of any thought forms that are floating around in there, keeping you in a repetitive cycle. Now, move your consciousness out even further, beyond your energy field.

Feel for the higher frequency energies that are available to you. Reach for them with your intention. Vibrate in harmony with them, and now bring them back into your energy field and back into your physical body. And breathe. You have just given yourselves an upgrade, and you have demonstrated to yourselves that you can indeed stretch your consciousness.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Listen to the audio here

Awakening News 20130325 Historic Interview Reveals National Security Secrets Learned from Extraterrestrials [video]


by 2012thebigpicture

Alfred Lambremont Webre brought this to our attention— and this is a fabulous website, BTW. You might want to check out the other articles there. (see Source)

What a great old interview this is. More sobering truth about Extraterrestrials and their contact with us for so very long; hidden.

If you like old movies, you’ll love this.

An historic television interview with George Van Tassel recorded in June 1964 reveals a number of technologies that have been secretly developed by the U.S. Air Force and Navy based on information first gained from extraterrestrial visitors. Among the national security secrets revealed by Van Tassel is that the U.S. Air Force has possessed antigravity technology since at least 1956. Van Tassel claims to have witnessed a practical demonstration of antigravity technology in 1953 when he was taken up into an extraterrestrial spacecraft that had landed at Giant Rock airport in California which he managed at the time. In the interview, Van Tassel further claims that technologies based on retrieving visual scenes from any time period, including television signals and even time travel itself, have been developed, and then classified for national security reasons by the U.S. Navy. Based on his extraterrestrial contact experiences, Van Tassel devoted great effort to developing time travel technology and expanding human longevity through the four stories tall “Integratron” he built at Giant Rock. He died of a heart attack in 1978, only weeks before the scheduled completion of his Integratron. Circumstances surrounding his death suggest that the knowledge he gained on extending human longevity, another topic with important national security implications, had been appropriated by U.S. authorities for secret development.

 The television interview was conducted by Jack Webster from KVOS TV on June 18, 1964. Chief among Van Tassel’s claims is that he was taken up into an extraterrestrial spacecraft and given technological information by four space visitors that were human looking, and about 5’ 6” in height on August 24, 1953. One of the visitors was 700 years old according to Van Tassel. He was given a simple mathematical formula for time travel that directly correlated frequency with time in an inverse relationship. Remarkably, Van Tassel claims that the technology had subsequently been developed to view any visual scene from any time historic period. The technology was quickly classified by the U.S. Navy and the inventor was forced to work in a secret project. The time travel/viewing technology described by Van Tassel in his 1964 interview is similar to what was much later described as “Project Looking Glass” which whistleblowers claim to be run by the U.S. Navy.

 The equation Van Tassel received from his 1953 extraterrestrial contact became the basis for his development of the Integraton, a four stories tall structure that would lead to cellular rejuvenation and increase human longevity. It was intended to be free and open to the general public. On the verge of completing his Integratron project in 1978, Van Tassel died in mysterious circumstances of a heart attack. Select U.S. government agencies then intervened to confiscate material and documents from his property. The Integratron project was then abandoned. Van Tassel’s pioneering research on cellular rejuvenation and human longevity was very likely absorbed into a highly classified project that again had important national security implications.

 Finally, in the interview, Van Tassel also says he witnessed first-hand the antigravity technology of the extraterrestrial visitors who have had bases on the moon for centuries. Van Tassel also claimed that the US Air Force has developed antigravity technology in highly classified projects in 1956. Antigravity technology based on the principle of electrogravitics was discussed in open source scientific literature up until 1956 after which such research suddenly became highly classified.  No more scientific studies had appeared after 1956. Van Tassel’s claim gives a plausible answer for the mysterious disappearance of antigravity research from open scientific literature. Government agencies had succeeded in demonstrating their practical value, and importance for national security. All subsequent open source or civilian efforts to develop antigravity technologies were either classified or repressed. In the case of Otis Carr, a disciple of Nikola Tesla, his own civilian based antigravity technology was repressed with terrible results. Carr was jailed on trumped up charges and it was only four decades later, in March 2006, that one of Carr’s technical assistants, Ralph Ring, came forward to reveal the truth. Carr had successfully developed antigravity technology, and was subsequently repressed by national agencies.