Ascended Masters 20121111 ~ Golden Age Messages from the Masters through the founders of the Ascended Masters Mystery School – Living in Paradise Part II


Golden Age Messages from the Masters through the founders of the Ascended Masters Mystery School

Living in Paradise
Part II

The time has now come for citizens of Earth to remain aware of how they can support the paradise vibrations that are a natural part of the Divine Crystalline Blueprint for your Earth and for humanity. When the remembrance of paradise expands within your consciousness, it can assist you in merging with more of your God Presence since your Presence is always abiding in the joy and well-being that the Paradise vibrations are still sustaining within and around your Earth. All of the fear-based energies that have created so much pain in your world were all created out of humanity’s thoughts and feelings, yet now you have the opportunity to move your consciousness into alignment with the Divine Crystalline Blueprint that was designed to launch humanity into the 5th dimension.

The Masters in the Councils of Shamballa

The magnificent Love and Light of Source is continuing to move through your world and through your bodies more than it has for thousands upon thousands of years based on the Earth now being magnetized by the Central Sun into the 5th dimension. This Divine Light is now filling your hearts, your bodies and your homes during this pivotal time that is now marking the days until you move into your 5th dimensional inheritance. Yet remember, beloveds, that this must all take place inside each of you before you will see it manifesting completely on the physical plane.

Within the crystalline, pre-separation memory grid that is surrounding your Earth and your bodies, many of you are remembering that you are here to live, love and create as your Presence. The 5th dimensional frequencies that are coming into your world are already filling your minds, hearts and bodies with an unquenchable desire to only create and focus your thoughts and feelings on what will truly expand the Love and Light of God within you, within your relationships and within your world. This is what will restore paradise to your world and your relationships and assist in realigning your Earth with her Divine Crystalline Blueprint for these times.

Paradise is a natural part of life when you are living as your Presence in Unity Consciousness. Oneness or Unity does not imply sameness or the disappearance of your True Self. In fact, your uniqueness is very valuable to the whole of humankind based on all the gifts you have gathered throughout your many sojourns on the Earth and elsewhere. Your unique viewpoints and gifts can expand the joy and often the wisdom of those who may be joining you in co-creative Golden Age projects.

Creating on the 5th dimension will involve shifting out of the desires of your ego that are not taking into account the larger good of the whole, which includes you! This is why the term Unity Consciousness is being used to define how you will be living in the new Golden Age. Your Master Self will then be creating out of the heart of your in-the-moment knowing as well as out of the akashic information that will naturally be reconnecting you with your ancient memories of having lived in oneness in previous Golden Ages.

Even now you are actually adding new information to the crystalline domains of your personal and collective akasha that will go down in history as part of the Great Shift that changed the course of human history. We are all here to support you in making this shift a reality within you, and upon the planet. It is you ~ living as your glorious God Presence or Christ Self ~ that will truly determine your world making a smooth ascension into the 5th dimension.

These are the times that have long been prophesized. The time of choosing is here, and in that Light we encourage you to consider taking the many courses that those of us on the Ascended Realms have designed to prepare your mind, heart and body for merging with the consciousness of your Presence.

These courses will show you what you can do to prepare for the full embodiment of your God Presence and how you can keep expanding your masterful capacities to be true wayshowers of a new Golden Age of Freedom. Saint Germain is supporting you in activating your true purpose for these times, as are thousands of other Ascended Masters who are already living in their freedom. Your year of 2012 was Divinely blueprinted to awaken thousands of you and to bring you into alignment with your Divine Purpose.




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