How to boldly & confidently speak your truth ❤️


Hello, beautiful Friend!

Have you ever found yourself holding back on what you really want to say or do because you feared what others would think of you?

For many of us, this suppression of our truth started in early childhood. I know it did for me, in this and other Earth lives.

So many experiences during our most impressionable years teach us how to act so as to be accepted.

With the sad result that we learn to hide our truth, even from ourselves.  

So many amazing women I know still experience this repression of the Authentic Self as chronic anxiety — I did for years, and it wasn’t fun.

Addressing this experience is why my friend Thea created The Authentically You Show.

During this Free virtual series, you’ll receive empowering guidance and wisdom from experts (including the Collective) in the areas of art, manifestation, relationships, feng shui, sexuality, and confidence —

To help you connect intimately with the most Authentic You, and feel confident expressing your True Self everywhere you go.

Wow — breakthrough!

Save your seat here before the doors close . . . 

Thea is a powerful host, and I know these conversations will guide you into feeling safe to show up consistently as your True Self.

Hope to see you there!

Much Love,

P S  Step into your fullest self-expression, confidence, and Joy . . . 

Join Thea and me to learn exactly how, in this juicy series — doors close soon, so hop in now! 


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