Video: Israel-Palestine Peace Meditation + A Message from Saint Germain 💫


Hello my Friend –

I know that it has become a painful and soul-shaking moment to watch the news these days, due to what is happening now.

So we did a beautiful Peace meditation on A Night at the Roundtable on last Thursday, supported by our guest, the amazing Multidimensional Healer and Spiritual Coach Ina Lanara.

You can watch the video of that here — I offer it as an episode of the Abundant Living Podcast:

Israel Palestine: 💜 Guided Meditation 💜 for Peace 🌟 Abundant Living

Vicarious trauma is very real, as my friend, soul historian and psychic medium Omena McGee has pointed out.

Particularly if you’re empathic, I do encourage you to read a bit of news, rather than watching news reports on TV or internet and steeping yourself in the details.

To view scenes of conflict is not only painful, but can draw up the very reactions of duality and defensiveness that this week’s Message speaks of.

The news media is a tool of the deep state. It exists to lower our vibration and to encourage us into anger and prejudice.

So for this week’s Message, I asked Lord Saint Germain to speak on the Israeli-Palestine conflict, and on the “Us and Them paradigm,” as he phrases it, that wars shove us into. 

His insights are powerful and empowering. They draw us away from taking sides — or condemning neutrality and forgiveness.

They also inspire and comfort, which so many of us need now, and bring us out of feelings of passivity and helplessness. 

Go here for the video of the Peace meditation, and here to read the Message from Ascended Master Saint Germain on the website.

Again, I will say that it took real bravery to volunteer to come forward at this time. I celebrate and give Thanks your presence, my family! 

In higher Love & Light,

P S  Please join us for A Night at the Roundtable on, Station 1 Thursdays at 6 PM Pacific / 9 PM Eastern Time.

Call in with a question or comment — all are welcome!

P P S  And please also join us for Cosmic Truth Transcendence!


« Transcendence: Embodying Your Multidimensional Self »

A Free Online Event: October 23 – 27, 2023

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My friend and colleague Anne Lise Ashaara created a powerful new global event, bringing together 20 masterful Ascension guides, including the wonderful Gene Ang, Daniel Scranton, Susann Taylor Schier, Tiffany Tin, the Collective, and many others.

We will share potent multi-dimensional wisdom, to help us TRANSCEND the profound meaning of our human existence and EMBODY our Multidimensional Selves.

Please join us!

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