Inner Light: a NEW Conscious Evolution Program


Hello Beautiful  ~

It’s good to connect with you. I am feeling so good. So happy and free, inspired and supported.

I have been shifting and evolving in significant ways these past few months and even more so, during this Eclipse cycle!

I’ve released so many things.
I’ve really come into a even deeper sense of trust. A knowing that everything that is FOR ME, is here, or on it’s way…

A wonderful ease, knowing I don’t need to “make anything happen” — it’s all being given to me!

And I just let it come and follow my bliss… (Seriously!)

And what isn’t mine, or isn’t mine anymore, just flows and I have a clear sense of knowing how to let it just be… and flow where it is going now…

I’m active, but there is this amazing sense of not needing to do much of anything, except enjoy Life.

Enjoy imagining and enjoy what I’m creating and choosing and being and becoming.

There is this deep and beautiful feeling of flow and peace and abundance and well-being happening.

I sometimes find myself just relaxing in a chair, my feet dancing and I’m smiling, just being, and it’s like I’m listening to music and enjoying it, but it’s quiet.

I suddenly realize how happy I am. And a moment before this I was entirely IN IT.

Absorbed in BEING.

I am experiencing, just some amazing and radiant moments of connection and freedom and fun and love and a kind of sweetness…

In other moments, I am feeling a growing awareness of the profound and coherent order in my life at a very deep level. How every thing is happening for me!

As things magically fall into place. Over and over again.

As I feel at ease and confident, without needing to know HOW.

I am sure that this is happening because I’ve asked for so much from my Divine Self…

Because of this, I’m now allowing myself to be GIVEN so much more than I ever allowed before.

My capacity to receive has opened up SO MUCH.

This is what was missing for me!

Letting my Life — ALL OF MY LIFE — be full of ease.

I realize even with how much I rest, I have been overdoing it.

But the more I do less, the more I am given. And the easier it comes.

Each and every day, I am more and more aware of my own inner light and the joy and clarity that emanate from the very core of my being.

And I’ve asked for it…

I have repeatedly asked my Divine Self to teach me JOY.

To teach me alignment.

To teach me how to receive more.

To teach me HOW to embody All That I Truly Am…

And it’s happening!

I invite you to open up this amazing and liberating relationship with your own Higher Light.

Is it possible that these same kinds of inner shifts into more and more abundance and ease and freedom and fun and brilliance might be just waiting for you to ask for them and open to them???

(What do you think?)

When we begin to work with the Divine Self — the fullness of our being — and to invite and connect, and cultivate inner harmony, peace, alignment and unconditional love…

We begin to feel, deeply the TRUTH, the essence, the core of who we really are…

And in this knowing, the perfection of our being is revealed. As is the perfection of life and the well being of all.

All of this becomes vividly real and alive.

This shift is something we can each choose and empower for ourselves.

Allowing who we truly are, to FULFILL US. Over and Over again!!! 

Allowing ourselves to flow and evolve and elevate and SHINE. NOW.

As we fully integrate our OWN Higher Light~!!!!

I’ve received a wonderful channeled transmission from Archangel Michael, that invites each of us, to integrate and become the Divine Self

READthe Invitation to Inner Light ~ Becoming the Divine Self

We are all becoming more conscious, whole and free. This is natural! This is who we truly are. Merging with and integrating our own Higher Light, into our embodiment, is something that brings us into harmony with All of Life and aligning with who we truly are, is bliss…

And the means to everything in Life!

Won’t you join me in choosing, to Be Your Divine Self here?



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