Corey Goode with James Gilliland – Trials & Tribulations of Disclosure + Live Q&A with Corey


James Gilliland of ECETI Ranch Interviews Corey Goode on As You Wish Talk Radio

“Trials & Tribulations of Disclosure”

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Aired on Jan 11, 2023 

It’s been a while since James Gilliland of ECETI Ranch and Corey have done a show together. If you missed it live Saturday night, click a link above to watch this lively discussion where Corey once again addresses the hot topics of his deposition & lawsuits and several personal stories as they each share their experiences of how gossip, rumors, and hypocrisy have taken a toll on Disclosure. Find out now what each of them are working on next.

This Sunday: Livestream Q&A with Corey Goode

Sunday, February 19th – 10am MST


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