Join Us! – Conscious Business Podcast Interview! 🌟


Hello, My Friend –

Please join me today for 
The Conscious Business Zone Podcast

on YouTube Live

9:00 AM Pacific / 12:00 PM Eastern (US & Canada)

Just go here to join us!


I’ll be interviewed by the wonderful Kathy Mason on the new book, Messages from the Spirits of Abundance, and other issues affecting Light Bringers now.

Kathy Mason hosts Conscious Business Zone on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9 AM Pacific / 12 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada).

The show features amazing change agents, authors, healers, and resources for Conscious Business people. I’m honored to be interviewed on this very special podcast.

Write a question or comment into the Chat — we’re happy to answer!

Hope to see you there!

Much Love & Light,

P S  The preorder Special Bonuses & Lower Pricing are still available for the print version of Messages from the Spirits of Abundance, now through Wednesday, February 8.

Just forward your receipt to me at and et voila, I’ll send you the link to your gifts!


Conscious Business Zone YouTube Channel playlist:

Live-streamed to LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, FB pages, and FB Groups

Listen and watch episodes on global podcasting platforms:

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