Council of Love Monday Letter


Daybreak – Compassion for Self

​​​​​​Enjoy this week’s insight from Linda Dillon on living a spirit-filled life. And don’t forget to check out the newsletter below!


Living Truth by Jennifer Donaldson

Dear COL Friends, Happy New Timeline!

How exciting to know we are progressing as a whole! I am so glad to be in this ascension process with you.

The new energies are bringing greater clarity to all of us, and to me for our upcoming webinar called LIVING TRUTH, which will be thisSaturday, Jan. 21! Divine support is pouring in! Just yesterday in meditation I channeled this with Divine Mother:  

“Believe in Truth: arising refreshed each day, present with you – as you… not your personality disguises, but your aligned, loving, being presence. Let this be enough ~ enough to feed you, enough to inspire you, enough to direct your focus in creation. Believe in yourself, your SELF, trust and celebrate! 

What does it mean to celebrate self, life, truth? Move forward, feeling the inner music, hearing your inner urges and leanings, bringing forth your expressions as a dancer of life, moving confidently and joyfully in a parade with other dancers… let this image lead you forward into your own SELF expression, your own dance steps – and do not judge them, be they clumsy or graceful – they are You in motion, in choice, in feeling, in life!” 

Can you see the parade? Can you feel the music of your heart? Come and join our webinar team of Rob, Adrienne, Sue, Paul and me, in aligning to all the new energies, all the new LIGHT pouring into our lives!

It’s all about being alive in the NOW, as your wondrous divine SELF, unique but part of the Whole.  We are ALL in this exciting time together. Let’s connect and chat, share, support and celebrate each other, heart to heart to heart!

We invite you to join us on Saturday, Jan. 21, at 11 am ET for 90 minutes of being truth, being light, LIVING TRUTH… xxx Jennifer

For More Information or to REGISTER click here 

​​​​​​​Claiming Ignition by Lee Degani

One of the things I love about teaching a class with the Council of Love is that I become a student too! The Council not only teaches me what they want to bring to you but I also receive the same energy downloads and attunements.

In working on our upcoming workshop, “Ignition!” the energies have been phenomenal! I have truly Ignited a New Life filled with Harmony, Joy, Miracles and more! I so want the same for you!

Jesus Sananda has told us: “I give you the gift of Ignition, I give you the gift of awakening, I give you the gift of lift-off.” Will you claim this amazing gift?

I so hope you will join us virtually or in person in Boca Raton, FL Jan. 28-29 and claim Ignition! Can’t attend the entire weekend? Everything will be recorded and contain the same energies!

AAUriel has told us this new portal is open to you. … We are waiting for Ignition..

Claim Ignition Here!

With Infinite Joy!

💖Love, Lee and the COL​​​​​​​​​​​​​


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