New MTL on Football, Congress, & Ascension Symptoms 🌟


Greetings, Beautiful Being!


New Year’s Blessings, my friend!

Today’s Message speaks on the extremely high energies we’re experiencing now, as well as other current goings on.

But first, some lovely news — the latest channeled book will be launching soon! 
Messages from the Spirits of Abundance

Channeled Guidance from the Spirits of
Prosperity and True Wealth

Releasing on Amazon
Monday, January 30, 2023


Great Thanks and Appreciation to all who continue to continue enjoy these channeled books, and to all who contribute the questions that start each chapter!

Messages from the Spirits of Abundance answers your own questions, with powerful wisdom from the Spirits of Abundance — including the Lord of Gold, the goddesses Lakshmi and Fortuna, the spirit of Money, and the Collective.

The answers address powerful issues: How to dissolve Abundance blockages . . .  What Money needs from us in order to flow to us fully . . . How to stay balanced in our thoughts and feelings about our Abundance journey . . . How over-giving can chase Money away . . . and more.

Embedded with higher energies, each chapter offers real-world support for staying peaceful and centered in this time of unprecedented upheaval, and opening to receive your prosperity in joyful ways. 

Stay tuned for more on the new book, and some excerpts, in the coming weeks!‹‹

Meanwhile, this week’s Message answers a few of my own questions, and speaks on powerful issues, such as the NFL and the US Congress.

If you feel it’s too hard-hitting or political for your preferences, that’s OK. Just move on to what does assist your path. 

COR: My friends, these energies are completely out of hand.

Many are experiencing extreme dizziness, exhaustion, erratic emotions, old anger or trauma rising to the surface, disturbed sleep . . .

If you have any insights on this, we are happy to hear them!

The news cycle is likewise in a state of confusion: A young pro football player collapsed with a heart attack on the playing field the other day, a former president is probably facing tax fraud charges, which will only increase the extreme divisiveness in the US.

And the US House of Representatives in disarray over the House Speaker vote, among other even heavier issues . . .

The façades that are usually held up in front of the old systems look to be crumbling at a phenomenal rate.

Even if that’s a good thing, it’s still hard to watch.

If you have any insights on these issues as well, we’re more than happy to hear them!

THE COLLECTIVE: What you are seeing, dear ones, is the end of the old order.

Some of what you mention here has to do with false government structures, and some of it has to do with the brutality of the capitalist system. And much of this has to do with race.

We speak of race, as you mention a young man nearly dying on the field, not to vilify the game of football, to speak on that issue first, but to assist those who are unaware of the exploitation of the professional players, who are predominantly persons of color, and mainly African American.

All contact sports mimic war in intention and strategy.

The professional level of the game therefore presents its players as avatars on a field of battle.

This appeals powerfully to the wounded masculine in the human psyche, and supports the desire for aggression and revenge amongst those who would like to feel vicariously that they are warriors seeking glory.

The United States is a country that has long presented as a democracy, yet which is covertly run by a dark experiment of both subtle and overt racism, economic separatism, and sharply divided social hierarchy . . . . ” 

Go here to read more.

Love & Blessings to you, my friend, for the most fulfilling, empowering, and Abundant year yet in 2023!

And much Love,

P S  If you are interested in posting a review of the book on the day it launches on Amazon (January 30), just email me at, and I will happily send you a reviewer’s PDF copy!

P P S  Speaking of Abundance . . . 

Join manifestation teacher Bernadette Wulf for a free, action-packed webinar next Saturday: 

Fix Your Finances!

Cash When You Call It!​

Saturday, January 14, 2023
9:30 AM Pacific / 12:30 PM Eastern


Does Money Come When You Call It?

If not, maybe it’s time to fine-tune your relationship with cash.

This is a FREE Zoom workshop — no strings attached.​ What have you got to lose? 

Nothing but your bad habits and the subconscious patterns that keep you from allowing an unlimited flow of money in your life.

So why not give it a try?

  • Where: On Zoom — link will be emailed shortly before the workshop — on January 14
  • Recording available for those who can’t make the live call
  • Cost: Free!

Sign Up Here! 


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