Monthly Message for the Holidays

Q: Is there a lot of celebrating in Telos?

We celebrate holidays with our families and friends. We gather together in our houses and have feasts, and give thanks to God for the abundance ON Earth, and IN Earth.

We come together often, at intervals, just to socialize and eat. Our feasts are full of many varied vegetable dishes, since we have eliminated meat from our diet. We dance and sing, and have wonderful festivities in our homes beneath the Earth. We are a very social and gregarious people, always wanting to be together and sharing life’s joys. For joy is all we know, and all we allow into our lives. Anything less than joy is just not in our mass consciousness.

We wake up with love in our hearts, and go to sleep at night satisfied with our daily service of love to each other. You on the surface will soon learn to openly display your feelings of love for one another, and to gaze directly in each other’s eyes and see the soul behind the gaze, and know that this soul and yours are one.

~ Adama

Copyright © Dianne Robbins 
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~ Dianne Robbins


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