Revisit Your Family Roots


Revisit Your Family Roots

Transform With A Deep Dive Into Your Ancestry

Hello friends,

Before year-end is an opportune time to revisit your family roots in brand-new way. I suggest you use the holiday season to dive deep into your ancestry. Continue reading to grasp what you can learn about yourself and your path ahead by understanding what shaped you and continues to influence you now.

Family Roots & Living Your Truth

To live your truth, you must discover how your early life with family – and even your ancestral imprints – influenced your perception of self, others, and the outside world. Family and ancestral conditioning continues to influence you now. What you learned directly and indirectly impacted how you viewed your potentials, your creative gifts, and your ability to succeed.

It’s important to note that you are an individual soul, having incarnated in a particular family – at a specific place and time – for your self-evolution. It was no accident. That said, you as a soul are NOT your family. Each person has their own soul path. Your family members may seem familiar to you, like you knew them before. Perhaps you did! However, you had many lifetimes, with different sets of people – again, all for your learning and self-realization.

Transform With A Deep Dive Into Your Ancestry

Understanding this dynamic about you and family can make you more comfortable diving deep into your ancestry.

In my 1-on-1 astrology sessions, I assist people in connecting the dots between ancestry and their path of learning for this unique lifetime. Your astrology reveals potentials and possibilities – and specific life lessons to be learned. Knowing about one’s gifts and conditions the soul needs for highest expression is a priceless tool of self-discovery and understanding how to navigate life’s twists-and-turns.

There are countless ways to do a deep dive into your ancestry. By “deep” I’m not talking about a family holiday visit – though you may indeed gather insights via such a visit. I’m referring to deep inner work during which you intend to explore family in a new way – deep below surface appearances and what you think you know!

3 Examples of Deep Dives to Revisit Family Roots

Here are 3 examples of deep dives to revisit family roots:

  1. After an astrology session like the one described above, become still and go within – contemplating insights you received, and inviting inner guidance about a brand-new way to see yourself.
  2. On your own over the next several weeks, become still with the intention of deeply exploring your ancestral roots and how they have shaped you – then invite inner guidance to reveal an adjustment you can make to be more authentic.
  3. Students in my Divine Changemakers “ReAnchor Yourself – Live Your Truth” course – now evergreen – are receiving hands-on experience and support in going deep and learning to see and express themselves as individual souls with their unique soul path. They learn about ancestral influences and their connection with people over time as well.

Remember this: the holiday season, even without family visits, can trigger long-buried memories or bring to current-time awareness the many ways your early life with family shaped you. I’ve noticed this dynamic showing up when a person hears holiday music, hears a friend describing their visit home for the holidays, or wakes up having had a dream about a previous holiday celebration. If you are triggered, rather than allow your ego-self to react and sour your mood, ground yourself and get present; then go within and invite a knowing of what you can learn about yourself in that moment.

For More Energetic Support 

Participate with me in 1-on-1 personal support and astrology sessions for deeper work during which I hold the space for you and guide your exploration and transformation.


Join me in my “ReAnchor Yourself – Live Your Truth” Divine Changemakers course with simple, profound tools to bring the light of your soul into manifestation. During guided audio processes, you become skilled in accessing your truth, tracking your ego, and saying “yes” to decisions in your highest good. Each week you receive 5 carefully curated emails, including one focused on using astrology to better navigate life. My weekly guided audio processes can be done anywhere anytime!

This “ReAnchor Yourself” course is now evergreen. Now is a perfect time to begin this course – join us by registering HERE.

Coming up soon is my annual “Year End” Zoom Global Meditation December 3. This will help you end the year on a high note so you can be prepared for 2023. I look forward to seeing you and your friends there! 

Don’t miss it by registering now!

Feel free to contact me for more information, and to let me know how you are doing.  

Thank you for being a part of my life in these times, and for your ongoing support!

May love and success be yours,



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