The New Consciousness

Dear Friends

We are moving rapidly towards the time when the Sun moves into Scorpio (23rd October) and the Partial Solar Eclipse/New Moon in Scorpio on the 25th October.  Scorpio is a water sign, and so we can expect to feel the surging of emotions on a deep level as we approach the 23rd.  Scorpio always works with deep collective emotions, and so we can also expect that emotions will run high generally in people around us.  This will be part of a deep collective clearing.

As we make these shifts we will be introducing the New Consciousness, where Alpha and Theta states become part of normal life.  We can also expect much help from the Angels and Archangel Michael, as well as the Dolphins and the Whales who are Masters of Multidimensional energy and Conscious Breathing.  To assist you in this time I am including a channel from Archangel Michael as he speaks of the next step in our evolution:

There is still time to join our Scorpio Gate webinars which start on Sunday 23rd, and where we will explore the New Consciousness and the teachings of the Angels, Whales and Dolphins.  Here is the link to learn more and to book your place:

Have a week filled with joy and I hope to see you soon!

love and blessings


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