What if you allowed EVERYTHING to be EASY


Heyyyyyy Beautiful —

The Equinox is TOMORROW!

The energies streaming into our world are so expansive and bringing forth all the relevant energy and information we each need to further our conscious evolution.

What a gift to be here now. SO fully supported and loved.
So resourced for this time. Being here AS WE ARE.

WE are beautiful and whole and capable and together we can do anything. I am SO looking forward to the Equinox Transmissions and all the love and support that I know is here for us.

Want to join us? Please do so!
Click here for all the details.

We’d love for you to be with us!

Here’s to LOVE and SO much happiness — for ALL.


FYI — the Equinox Event will be channeled live and recorded, so you can join live or listen later via the audio recording. Whichever works best for you! Register (or get a scholarship if you want one) here.

Coming together for Lightworker Collective Events like this is part of how we can support each other and create a new world.

Please feel free to invite anyone you know who might also enjoy it!
Sharing is appreciated. 


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