In case you missed it, you can review this recent written report that Corey will be discussing:
SSP Update: The ORION GROUP and their Allies Attack the Lunar Operations Command (LOC)
By Corey Goode, Aug 27, 2022 – Updates Posted on AscensionWorks.TV
…As everyone who has followed my information knows – The LOC is actually 3 different bases that are designated LOC-Alpha, LOC-Bravo (aka Beta), and LOC-Charley. Alpha Base is where all of the meetings take place, where the spaceport is, and where all space traffic is tracked and managed. Bravo and Charley Bases are below the Lunar surface and have their own purposes. These parts of the LOC are even more highly classified than LOC-Alpha due to the nature of their operations.
A few years ago I was given an extensive tour of the interior of the moon after visiting LOC-Bravo and Charley for the first time… |