A Personal Invitation For You

Hi my friend,
You are your own greatest healer.
When you read this statement, notice what thoughts and feelings come up for you.
Does hearing that you are your own greatest healer feel true and life affirming, or is it something that brings up a lot of resistance within you?
Whatever thoughts and feelings come up, know that it’s all just serving as feedback to help you come back into alignment with your happiest, healthiest and most free version of yourself.
You get to decide how challenging or easy the journey to becoming your own greatest healer has to be.
There’s a deep inner wisdom within you that already knows that you are your own greatest healer.
The key to accessing this wisdom is to move beyond the distractions and noise that prevented you from tapping into it.
Society often leads us to believe that we must look outside of ourselves to find what we’re looking for.
This approach often leads to a lot of suffering and hardship.
Even when it comes to reading personal growth books or working with a holistic practitioner, teacher or mentor, it’s important to align with those who empower others with the tools to heal themselves.
We have the opportunity now to finally get off of the hamster wheel of suffering, for good.
This is our time to create a much brighter, happier, healthier reality for ourselves and the world around us.
I would be honored to support you with the tools to become your own greatest healer.
I’ve put together a 5-Day Healing Intensive to help you thrive and know how to heal yourself and others, especially during these transformational times.
Together, you and I will resolve stuck patterns and traumas, especially in your neurological and physiological constitution, and create space for peace, well-being and healing to fully be realized in your experience. You will also learn to support others with how to heal themselves. We will do this using The Core Work Method,a therapeutic healing technology that combines neuroscience and holistic principles to help you free yourself from the root cause of the physical, mental, and emotional challenges that may still be holding you back in any way.
When: Saturday August 27th – Wednesday August 31st
Time: Each session lasts for about 1 hour and 15 minutes and begins at 11:00am Pacific Time / 2pm Eastern / 7pm London Time
Where: This 5 Days of Healing will be offered LIVE virtually via Zoom. A recording of each session will be provided for all participants.
The early bird offering is available until Tuesday, August 16th
I look forward to supporting you on your journey to becoming your own greatest healer.


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