Eclipse Energies Activate Your Soul’s Highest Path


 👋 Hello Beautiful ~

The Eclipse this past Saturday, like all Eclipses/Eclipse Cycles is bringing powerful and relevant energy structures, codes and activations into our planetary field. Our bodies are working with these energies, which are also affecting our consciousness and the planetary field as a whole.

I usually am guided by Archangel Michael and our non-physical friends to arrange gatherings and teaching opportunities before, and during an Eclipse, but this time I was clearly knowing to wait until after this weekend.

Tonight I did received some amazing downloads + clear direction from Archangel Michael about a special series of Eclipse Cycle transmissions we’ll be doing starting this THURSDAY, May 5 ~ A Special Eclipse Cycle Soar Fest Event.

Please take a moment now to read Michael’s new message:

Your Soul’s Highest Path is being activated

And, see if you’d like to join us for this new series of transmission supporting us through the second Eclipse on May 15/16 and giving us resources for opening up the new potentials and capacities that are coming online now.

You can find all the dates and details here.

It’s SUCH an exciting time.
I almost feel bad saying that. Right? So many awful things are happening. And also, same time, amazing changes are happening. Both are true.

If you’re someone who is or has been feeling so troubled or overwhelmed by all the disturbing things in our world…

I myself have felt that way for a lot of the past two plus years. And recently I’ve really come into clear knowing that any way I can choose joy, unconditionally, serves me and the greater whole. Sometimes I feel joy in the midst of sad or angry feelings. Weird, I know, but still — true.

The joy is about knowing who I truly am, and that I am ONE with GOD, and with all Life and that I am here for a reason, now. It gives me strength and courage to remember this and center in it. And when I’ve been channeling, or receiving transmissions, I am lifted up and that too, gives me joy.

We are here, together, for a time of profound evolution and transformation. The more those of us who are able to cultivate feelings of connection, inner harmony, kindness, inclusivity, oneness… the more of us who can open and embody and ground the new potentials, the more support and love we can bring into being in for everyone in our world. 💖

I loved receiving the message and Soar Fest downloads today. I can’t wait to channel live on Thursday.

+ I hope that you when you read Michael’s message, you too will feel the love and support that is being given.

Love and peace,


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