Contacting Beings of Light 20130305 LOVE Goes within ALL THINGS Melchizedek’s Weekly Message ~ March 03 – 10, 2013 Received by, Julie Miller


Comprehend beautiful children of God that the unification of each dear soul is a spiritual practice that permits each of you with the realization of the Unity with ALL Life. This fundamental concept is established through the most universal, natural and inspiring of all human tendencies – LOVE. Gradually and inescapably, unification does require each of you to practice the presence of love that is carried already within your loving hearts; this becomes automatic and is expressed joyfully and easily – it requires very little effort. The goal dear ones of spiritual evolution is the Oneness each of you are to achieve with yourself, with your fellow brothers and sisters that share your Earthbound home as well as Oneness with God. 
We encourage each of you to fully recognize the unity that already exists that each of you can do without the aid of any guide. You practice unification each time you go within yourself to retrieve answers to your questions in regards to your journey and any time you focus on the brilliant energies of God your loving Creator, you are also practicing unification. Take a moment dear ones to create a moment of solitude, allow your mind to cease in its busyness and just BE. 
Understandably the process towards unification is pure unconditional love. Love is always the key to your spiritual progression that is also demonstrated through all you do in all areas of your life. Realize dear ones, unity is actually an extended state, which is loving and as natural and equally effective when you are working to expand your consciousness. When you choose to respond through love what you are truly doing dear ones is increasing the extent of your own boundaries of who you think you are, and you do this by leaving your troublesome ego behind. When you successfully move without your ego you are able to clearly discover your own inner Self, which holds for each dear soul the inner truth of all things. When you increase your ability to love, you are accomplishing a great achievement that comes from going within because we all know LOVE goes within ALL THINGS.
When you are consciously working from your heart through the pure love that is there you are demonstrating Right connection with God. When you actively allow your heart to expand through your pure loving intentions you are at that moment listening to God’s Will and Word which is expressed through Love that can only come from the heart. God teaches each of you to love Him, and your fellow man as you love yourself. When you make the effort to invite God’s Love and His Light within your own Love and Light you are demonstrating pure Faith in His promise that the door of His heart will be opened, and remember He loves each of you so much. 
When you set out with loving intent in all you do you are also demonstrating Right connection with your Self. As you learn to love yourself you also learn to listen to your heart and you respond to what it is you want most during each step of your journey – you discover many ways to liberate yourself from anything you put your HEART into. Through each liberation, you are developing a path for your soul that will find its way back home to the infinite heart of God. Understand dear ones and realize Love is the nature God wished for each of you to demonstrate and to be. We have clearly witnessed when any dear soul has illustrated whole hearted love, they became ONE with Divine Truth. Love is always an appropriate path that will always lead to the realization of God and of Unification. 
Through your physical world, understanding must be simplified. Just as you are to read a book, your body must work with you in order for you to read. Your hands will hold the book, your fingers turn the pages and your eyes take in the words and your mind gives meaning to what you read. Within your physical world, your efforts require focus, participation, co-ordination and complete involvement of the physical side of your Self no matter what it is you are doing. 
Your own intellect is required to be solid and steady in its strength, not permitting any interference from the outside world. When your mind is at this state of calm and control you are able to comprehend what you are doing even if what you are doing is as simple as reading. This is understood as an example of being involved, demonstrating co-ordination and being immersed through the intellectual side of your Self as to what it is you are doing. 
In addition; it is your dear spiritual heart that must acquire the passion and motivation to understand what it is you are doing, even if you are reading you must be able to comprehend what is being discussed easily. This is also a clear demonstration of being involved, exercising co-ordination and being immersed with the emotional side of your Self in what you aiming to do and accomplish. 
When we speak of the soul, we encourage you that your soul is to be supplied with the genuineness to learn and to become positive and beneficially transformed from what it is you have been doing. This kind of focus and involvement demonstrates that your efforts were not in vain instead showed pure focus, involvement, co-ordination and immersion of your Spirit Self. 
If one of these components is not exercised even if you are simply reading, you will be unable to fully comprehend what is being said. As you can see dear ones, it is essential to always put your whole self into all you do – become ONE with what you are doing and the results will always be much greater.
Within your brain as many already know there are two sides – a right and left hemisphere. It is also understood dear ones that each hemisphere has its own separate function that differs from the other. In most dear souls, this understanding of separation is described as unbalanced and linear – which will mean only one side of your brain is being used at any given time. Now, because of linear thought forms, your universe is considered by many as being separate instead of the Universe of Oneness. Let us dwell on this a little more dear ones; if both right and left hemispheres of your brain are balanced and can operate concurrently what then occurs dear ones is true spiritual enlightenment. Many of your scientists that have spent much time studying this area of brain involvement has also concluded that intense concentration will create a balanced amount of brain harmonization which in turn is also called FOCUS. 
Your brain will enter various stages when it begins to harmonize. You will discover the Alpha wave just before you enter sleep, and if you are awake during this state the experience is very similar to what many who meditate are able to achieve. You will also discover and may enter the Theta wave that is also expressed by many as the dream state. During wakeful moments, this will bring you into a deeper meditative state. As you continue to work with harmonizing your brain you will encounter the Delta wave which is your deep, dreamless state. These waves can also be reached through meditation but they are found through enormously deep states of meditation. 
The process of Inner Unification is essential as it provides you with the opportunity to create balance and understanding and the opportunity to eliminate any inconsistencies or disharmony that may have found its way to your own Light Energy. Being able to dissolve any forms of duality and the appearance of non-differentiation is what we call ONENESS. When you achieve this level of detachment, all phases of your personal journey and transformation will indicate you have developed equally, concurrently and methodically. 
Try to comprehend the importance to harmonize your body with your mind and spirit – you strengthen the harmony that you have been working to so hard to create. When you are able to reach this state dear ones, your body is no longer separated from the spirit or the mind – harmonization permits your mind to influence the body without conflict. 
Remember dear ones, your mind is neither in the past or in your future it is here in the NOW and is ready to focus on the task you may have before you. Your mind provides direction to your body and your body willingly responds. Then your own spirit will turn into a guiding light. Your dear spirit does have a mission, it is understood as the mission of the soul and your body and mind works together through the loving intent that is found within your heart to get the tasks before you done with ease and synchronicity. 
It is abundantly clear when your mind, body and spirit are aligned; the cosmic energies are instilled and begin to flow through each part of your Self beginning at your central core. You are able to clearly concentrate on the energy patterns, as they are united and connected with the expansion of your external demonstrations of Love. When you are aligned with the universal energies the divine virtues of love, compassion, joy, truth, humbleness and wisdom become unified and consistent – balance within your Self will become maintained by the movement of your whole being working together simultaneously. Remember dear ones your body understood as the temple it is a clear manifestation of your emotional and spiritual happiness of your soul. 
Don’t rush your journey, take your time dear ones and enjoy each step you take. We know there have been some rough patches. Many of the Divine have walked with you; God Himself has sat beside you when you felt alone. He has greeted you each morning with a gift of a new day. Take the opportunity each day brings you to learn something new, to redevelop or hone a skill or teaching. Be all you can be through the effort you apply with your whole being and we will support you and guide you each step of the way as you invoke our presence. 
And so it is,

I AM Melchizedek through Julie Miller




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