Greetings from Herak/Sirius 20121124 Atlantean Energies Creating The Path And Possibility For Change


“Life in Atlantis, dear ones, has been described to you in many ways and we wish to reaffirm, if you will, that this glorious way of life, this harmonious, glorious, gentle and loving way of life is available to you all.

Many of you are beginning to see the glimmer of light of how things are changing and this gives you evidence and optimism, hope and courage that things can and will change.


Freedom, Possibilities and Joy 

As we have indicated, when life is not about financial gain only, but about many more aspects of life and enjoyment, harmony and love, then this opens out a much wider view of life than necessarily working for more than 40 hours a week at a task that does not necessarily fulfil your soul purpose nor provide you with an energetic reward that is compatible with your worth.

But many have looked at this idea and wondered if it is possible to create such a way of life and how will this happen, how can we change the current way of perceiving and valuing our life on Earth and make changes to create this new wonderful way of life?  And yet, dear ones, all things work on an energetic level, we are all one, we are all part of the same, all part of the same energetic presence, all part of the same fount of love and joy.  And as energies change among people whose awareness has already begun to open, who have been guided in other ways of being, and had the courage to follow this instinct, have established new ways of being, thinking and working that are beginning to show themselves as viable alternatives to the current system that operates.

As people begin to reconnect with their Atlantean energies and begin to reconnect with the wonderful feeling of freedom, possibilities, joy, happiness, contentment, collaboration and co-operation, once they begin to see how working together for a common purpose can create such wonderful outcomes for all, then this sets out the path and the possibility for many changes.


A glorious future of joy and harmony

Indeed co-operatives are beginning to establish themselves in many different areas of life, local towns are making decisions that are best and supportive for their needs, local currencies are being made available, groups are working together in a myriad of ways to create a better environment for local people be it through growing wild flowers, using waste land to grow vegetables, offering land share to grow crops, groups working and supporting each other in many, many ways.  And these groups are now attracting mainstream attention, they are being shown on your magic lantern TV sets, they are being written and talked about nationally and internationally.

And so can you see, dear ones, how the groundswell of changing energies is now creating the visual outcome, the tangible result that demonstrates how things can change, that there is a way forward there is a way to create a better life for yourselves, your children and future generations.

As the energies raise, so other people are affected and can sense this change, this optimism, this hope of a better future that we can all be part of and benefit from, this glorious future of joy and harmony.


New energies of love  and light

For all these projects are created by people at ground level, if you like, rather than an organisation or a government making decisions and imposing ideas on people.  When people genuinely want to make a difference and come together with a common purpose they soon attract people of a like-mind and the idea or concept grows, and grows, and gathers more energy, and if the concept is at one with the changing energies of Mother Earth and the changing energies of love and light being made available to you all at this auspicious time, then the idea will gain support, interest, following and momentum and so it will flourish and grow and develop because it is in the flow of the energy of love and light and is at one with all that is.

And so, can you see, dear ones, how this can happen, how things can grow from a grass-roots level to become securely established and become a mainstream phenomenon until it is part of life for everyone.

And rest assured, dear ones, as more love and light is made available to you as we approach 12-12-12  when the crystalline 144 grid will be activated, when the wonderful energies of 21-12-12 enter your orbit, then this groundswell of love, optimism, positive change and positivity will continue to grow and flourish for you all and for Mother Earth.

For Mother Earth is your heartbeat, your shelter, your foundation, if you will, for this existence you have chosen at this time and as you continue to awaken to your true soul energy, your true path and purpose in this life, your connection, appreciation and gratitude for Mother Earth will deepen and grow and become a part of who you are and who you wish to be for, we are all one, we are all part of the same.

And so, dear ones, we remind you that we are here for you all, at anytime and we send our deepest love to you all.”

Channelled by The Crystal Team

Copyright @ Lindsay Ball





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