A Message to Light Bringers – January 7, 2022  🌟


Greetings, Beautiful Being!


I pray you are well,, as we send much Divine Light to this 2-2-2 year!

In today’s Message, I ask Archangel Michael how we can deal with the trend we are seeing now, to dissolve  our freedoms and life choices.

Lord Michael’s words are freeing and empowering, yet take in the energy of his presence and the Forces of Light  — just amazing

On last night’s A Night at the Roundtable show on BBSRadio.com and in their most recent news update, our White Knights of the Ashtar Command, Rama Berkowitz and Tara Green, spoke of the powerful, transformative Diamond Light code particles pouring in now.

They also encouraged us to call on The Wise Council of Elders:

Slow down, sit down, and breathe, and listen to the Great Silence.

“In between moments of silence, we will hear the Music of the Spheres. This resonates from the higher realms. 

“I see Quetzalcoatl, Lord Lanto, Lord Kuthumi, Saint Germain, Lord Maitreya, Lady Master Victory, Lady Master Hope, Lord Michael, Sanat Kumara, Lord Aramu Meru and Lady Master Meru, Lord Anton of the Silver Fleets of the Inner Earth, Lady Master Quan Yin, Captain Ashtar . . . 

These are just some members of the Wise Councils of Elders who are here  . . . ”

As we calm our energies and call in these beautiful beings, opening to their presence, they share their energies and outlook with us. The Love that emanates from them is utterly powerful, lifting us above the fray.

Stay strong, friend! We are on the path of this New Earth, and nothing can turn us away.

With more Love than I can say,

P S  I love this beautiful New Year’s blessing from Mike Dooley’s “The Universe Talks: TUT”:

My Friend,

I was about to wish that your every dream come true.

That you find yourself surrounded by friends, laughter, and good times.

I almost wished that your every cup runneth over financially, romantically, spiritually, and creatively.

That good health be your faithful companion, Peace your guarded ally, and love your perpetual guide.

When suddenly, it dawned on me that as an infinite, powerful, fun-loving gladiator of Joy, with eternity before you and the power of your thoughts to help shape it … it’s you, my friend, who will be granting wishes this year.

I’d like Peace on Earth, please —
The Universe

A Message to Light Bringers
January 7, 2022


This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this connection with you today.

Today our writer asks a question of Archangel Michael, who is amongst us here in the Collective: COR: Greetings, Lord Michael!

ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: Greetings, dear one! How may we be of assistance?

COR: From what I understand, you are on the ground now, working in the physical, along with your Legions of Light, and with those of the Ashtar Command who are Earth-based.


COR: My question is, What is the best thing for Light Bringers to do at this time, as we see plans coming forward now to erode what few freedoms are left to humanity? . . .

ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: For one, be aware that you are viewing your position as being one of response, and in some ways, reaction.

We would get the upper hand in this situation very quickly, friends!

You are not here purely to respond or to take your cues from an expansive power structure that has claimed influence and control on the planet for so long, that your brain’s neural pathways are set to bow to their determinations and preferences.

What of your own determinations and preferences?

What of the influence of your Light, and the Light of millions of empowered souls on the planet at this time . . . 

Read More HERE


Copyright 2022, Caroline Oceana Ryan

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