Sophia – Visions of our future

Hello there!
As the world watches the United States, and those of us here attempt to negotiate truth in numbers from seemingly unsubstantiated projections, I offer you a peek into what may lie ahead, not only for the USA, but for the world.
Thank you Stacy, for reminding me of these past conversations… It is refreshing and validating to see things said years ago play out now, and in that state of mind to then read about positive outcomes that played out. Reading them again brought much relief.
A word on predictions, as I have stayed away from them and do not believe that 3D specific events can be seen in that absolute way. It is all energy. There are outcomes that we are driving towards and that we’ll eventually reach, yet there may be unexpected weather or shortcuts or individuals that show up and alter the “time” it takes to get there.
These two conversations are from the years 2023 and 2038. Please take those dates with a “grain of salt”, yet do not ignore what is being shared.
Here’s why. There have been things said to me over these last several years that there was no way to confirm at the time they were said. These were personal and/or involved family members. They have been showing up lately with remarkable accuracy. Something occurred this past weekend that I had seen a year ago to the day.
I am less doubtful as a result. There is no physical 3D way to explain what has been told to me and subsequently happened exactly as it was told or seen. I am not 100% sure of why these things are told to me, yet I am 100% sure that they are meant to be shared and written for other people to see them as well, when they apply to the world at large. That’s why the “Words of One” Series of books is being published this year.
We are in for some remarkable times everyone. Keep the faith, and love each other first. The rest will follow.
In the conversations below, all of my parts from the present time are italicized. This is how you will know who is speaking.
We are the ones. We have anchored the light. It is done.
Many blessings and much love.
With appreciation for all that you are,
Below you’ll see an Online Fitness Coach who offers online fitness classes and personal training. Mention “Sophia” for a 10% discount! Ryan is my son. Give him a call! This is his passion. You won’t be sorry you did.
Here’s the link for Words of One. Volume II! I appreciate all of the wonderful reviews. Expect Volume III in early December.


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