The Causality Of Effect


The Causality Of Effect

In contract revocation we talk about past, present and the future existing simultaneously.  We must come to terms with our simultaneous existence and begin to recall our energies from those different places of simultaneous existence so we are only simultaneously existing in one space, time, frequency, dimension and causality of effect.

The causality of effect is the spark of our soul that is here.  To understand those words, causality of effect, our spark of our soul here, is the key. The absolute key to knowing when dream time is coming to awake on a global scale.

It’s a time for awakening.  Unify your souls.  Go through those soul shards.  Find what it is to be here and in the now, the now of the end, the end of casualty and effect.  So the end of causality and effect is when all DNA lineages resolve in karma, came to this world, in a massive remedy and resolve process that separated us in a non-separation way.

“The causality of effect is the spark of our soul that is here.”

– Andrew Bartzis


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