Council of Love – Linda Dillon


In the Current of Change

Dear Friend,

If there’s one thing that’s undeniable in our current global situation, it’s the feeling that we’ve been rapidly swept into the current of change. And while as angels and agents of change, many of us have been working on this shift for what seems like forever – in this lifetime and many others – I don’t think any of us saw this phase coming quite like this. Yet here we are, no longer on the bank or wading in the shallows, but rather having moved right into the current. And although most who are reading this know and trust the ultimate and brilliant outcome of the Divine Mother’s Plan, it’s how we navigate this “current current” that determines how the journey unfolds.

And you know, being a dictionary girl, I’ve been rather fascinated by the interplay of the word current and what’s transpiring. Definitions of “current” from Miriam-Webster include: 1) occurring in or existing at the present time; 2) the part of a fluid body (such as air or water) moving continuously in a certain direction; 3) a tendency or course of events that is usually the result of an interplay of forces; 4) a flow of electric charge.

Well no wonder this word has been jumping out at me as each one of these certainly applies!!

So back to navigating within this current. Also being a water girl, I’ve learned my fair share of lessons upon the waters. When in a kayak, raft or canoe, it becomes quickly obvious that paddling against a strong current is not only exhausting but tends to go nowhere, holding my energies in a state of resistance. But when I turn and surrender into the flow, balanced and steady within the center of my vessel, I can far better navigate and enjoy the journey, noticing both the beauty and the obstacles ahead, catching sight of the eagle or heron fishing or the dragonfly accompanying me. Steering with relaxed yet focused deftness and discernment I can more easily remain upright and avoid being knocked over in an especially strong rapid, or caught swirling around in a whirlpool. The journey becomes a partnership between myself, my vessel and the current.

So here we are in this “current current” – and being reminded that it’s how we navigate it, both personally and collectively – that determines not the final outcome or destination (which has already been ordained by the Mother) but rather with how much ease and grace the journey unfolds. That choice is yours, mine and ours my friends. As the angels and agents of change, let’s partner together to steer our collective vessel as smoothly as possible through these transformational currents of transition!

And let’s not forget our unseen navigational partners in the heavenly realms. Recently Archangel Michael has declared that the Tide Has Turned and offers his perspective here (part 1 and part 2).

New COL Meditations each Thursday!

And to assist us upon this exceptional phase of our journey, the COL and I have been creating a timely new meditation each Thursday and posting them to the online COL Community. If you haven’t yet signed in as a member, what are you waiting for? We’re making membership to this conscious community of love available free of charge to assist all during this time. And within it you’ll find the sweetness of heart sharing and heart listening among your soul tribe, as well as opportunities to join together to co-create Nova Earth. Come join us – we’re waiting for you!

From my heart to yours, all my love, xxx Linda

Linda Dillon

Founder, Council of Love


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