Ascended Masters 20120727 Oakbridge University – Jeshua Online Message of the Day


Message of the Day 26

Everything is energy, everything is in motion, everything is fluid, everything is changeable and is changing. There comes that freedom to choose; no judgment. What is right for one person is their choice. What is right for another person is their choice. The world loves to judge. The world loves to say, “You’re not quite ready. You don’t know enough. Your self-worth isn’t high enough to make the right choice. Let me tell you. I will judge for you.” But you say, “This is what I choose, and I don’t care if this one or that one or anyone else has judgment about it. That is where they are living, but that’s not where I’m living. I am living right here with my choice with what I know to be my path at this moment.”

Message of the Day 27

Beloved one, at any moment you are free to choose a new path. That is part of the freedom. So you see, nothing is ever set, except love. Allow yourself to live in joy. Allow yourself to wake up in the morning laughing; laughing at how silly you have been the day before to have worried about whatever it was that you were worried about, and just say, “Ah, you know, I see that differently now.”







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