What Are You Waiting For?


What Are You Waiting For?
by jenniferfarley

Many of you are waiting for a change. Waiting for something mighty to shift that will bring manifestations to light, for the ‘love of your life’ to knock on your door, for an opportunity to express, feel, love or participate. You may even be waiting for permission and wondering why all that you want/wish for has not appeared yet.

Take a moment and think; what is the operative word?


The Universe has provided everything you need to grow, learn, manifest and love but, still, you wait. The truth of the matter; action is a necessary piece of the picture! If you are unable to move outside your comfort zone, unwilling to take a chance because you might fail, then it is best to stay put. It is time to release your fear and step into your dreams. In truth, failure does not exist…there are only attempts at success. (Smiling) So, dearest one, what are you waiting for? ~ Creator



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