Our very own antenna


Our very own antenna

Psychics and many traditional cultures have maintained that human beings have a special connection with the earth and, as the earth and the planets wax and wane, so we do, too.

Is there any evidence for this, and if so, how can we maximize our ability to tap into the earth’s energies?

Any oriental mystic will tell you the answer lies with a tiny gland buried deep in the brain which functions as the body’s conduit to psychic energy and the universal cosmos. The pineal gland has been called the ‘Oracle of Light’ or the ‘third eye ’in animals because it lies close to the skin in birds that can distinguish day or night without the benefit of sight.

Scientists believe that, in animals, this gland acts like a receiver to monitor electromagnetic fields and help align the body in space.

The pineal gland is a cone-shaped pea that sits on the roof of the third ventricle of the brain, directly behind the root of the nose, floating in a small lake of cerebrospinal fluid.

Although its full function is still poorly understood, in some scientific quarters, it is thought that, rather than being simply another endocrine gland, the pineal may be the ultimate master switch in the brain, even controlling the pituitary.

In all higher vertebrates, including humans, the pineal gland secretes melatonin, a derivative of the amino acid tryptophan. Production of this hormone is stimulated by darkness and inhibited by light, so its production peaks in the early hours of the morning.

The pineal converts serotonin from dietary tryptophan into melatonin using enzymes.

Melatonin acts as a kind of master clock, regulating our sleep/wake cycle and retarding the ageing process. However, it also appears to function in regulating growth and other aspects, including mental stability. Low levels of melatonin have been implicated in many diseases, including cancer.

The conventional wisdom is that a small percentage of the impulses from the optic nerve are detoured to the pineal from the visual pathway, and it is this input which controls the production of melatonin.

However, the pineal gland appears to be far more complicated than electrical nerve impulses or chemistry.

Italian scientist Bruno Tarquini, fascinated by the prospect that human beings are connected to earth’s and other planetary rhythms, discovered an amazing pattern.

The pineal is not simply following circadian rhythms, but other rhythms as well. On comparing healthy women with those with breast disease, he discovered that healthy women had a similar annual rhythm in circulating prolactin. The same signature annual rhythm was not found in the women with breast disease.

Tarquini also discovered pronounced weekly rhythms in neonatal blood pressure and heart rate. In fact, he found that these rhythms were predominant during the first month of an infant’s life, suggesting that, as humans arrive on the earth, they “lock into the . . . seven-day harmonic of the planetary geomagnetic disturbance.”

Tarquini also revealed an association between heart-rate variability and the stage of the solar cycle. His studies show something extraordinary – that melatonin is being produced according to two impetuses rather than single one: light by day, but also geomagnetics at night. Something more profound than light is having an effect on our life.

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Next week I’ll give you some fun experiments to test your own human antenna.


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