It Takes Courage: Cat’s Angel Message for July 7, 2019


It Takes Courage: Cat’s Angel Message for July 7, 2019 
Posted on July 7, 2019 

daily Angel Message sms 

It Takes Courage: Cat’s Angel Message for July 7, 2019 

July’s Theme: Pay attention to your path. You will be receiving important guidance this month so get ready to receive some important guidance.If something compels you to take action this is the time to go for it! 

It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but even more to stand up to your friends. – J.K. Rowling 

77:  We know from past readings that our path is unique. We also know that we are the only ones who know the scope of our dreams and what we need to be and feel fulfilled. Today, the angels are giving us a little advice. “Stand your ground where your path is concerned.” There will always be people, including loved ones, who will try to push you in a different direction. This can happen for various reasons like fear, greed, or simply because they think they know what’s best for you. If you know with every fiber of your being that your path doesn’t go that direction bless the situation with love and keep moving forward. The key is to honor their concern for you, by sifting through the information, consider what has merit and file away or discard the rest.” 

Archangel Jeremiel oversees life changes and helps us to let go of what we no longer need. He teaches us that by taking inventory of our lives we gain clear perspective of where we are on our path, which in turn helps us to make positive life changes. The Ascended Master Serapis Bey brings us the necessary spiritual insight we need when dealing with negative people, feelings or situations. By surrounding yourself with loving energy you can find the peace you need to deal with off color moments. The Hawaiian fire goddess Pele helps us to find our spark and ignite our inner fire. This fire when channeled correctly helps to fuel our passions and sense of purpose. She is a goddess of empowerment teaches us about honest communication and how it aids our goal setting and getting. “Within you lives the sacred fire that gives life to your greatest dreams and passions. This part of you must be allowed to come forward, not smothered beneath fear, resentment or the expectations of others. Your fire will help you forge new paths!” 

Our Sacred Stones for the day include the following: 

 Howlite helps us to formulate and achieve our ambitions and goals and helps us to communicate these things calmly and reasonably and helps us to find our patience. Howlite also creates a link to the universal realms and prepares the mind to receive guidance. 
Red Jasper which helps us see problems before the get out of hand while promoting new ideas and creative problem solving. It strengthens personal boundaries and keeps us grounded. 
Lava Stone. This simple stone is a powerful symbol of our own energy and is connected to Pele. It is a stone of rebirth and helps us to burn away unneeded layers so we can initiate new growth. 
Bright blessings for a magickal day! Cat 


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