Crop Circle Update: Circle Near Church Offers Message Of Compassion For Religious Death/Rebirth


SoulFullHeart Healing

Crop Circle Update: Circle Near Church Offers Message Of Compassion For Religious Death/Rebirth

Published on June 4, 2019 by Jelelle Awen

By Jelelle Awen

Crop Circle UPdate: This one appeared near a church of Notre Dame (not the same one in Paris that just burned), near Moisselles, France. It was reported on June 1st by a French Aeroclub. The crop circle is in a field right by the church yet also next to a grouping of trees grown into the shape of a Christian cross.

This is a rare location for our Star BEing and human alliance friends to offer a crop circle communication, yet its placement seems more important than even the formation of it.

Here is the message I am hearing and feeling from this crop circle and I invite you to feel into what you receive from it for yourself:

The death and rebirth of your religions is one of the most important aspects of your ongoing Ascension and awakening into 5D timelines. There ARE beautiful and soulful, pure elements to your religions….in the heart of every seeker is the ache for reunion with the Divine. In the heart of every seeker is the ache to experience themselves as the Divine.

The distortions and manipulations of your religions are the shadow side that need compassion in order to heal and return to the light. We offer MUCH compassion and forgiveness to those who have been drawn to religions and those who have been polarized from fear around and because of them. We experience reality beyond the filter of doctrines and dogmas. We experience the Divine AS us… we are the children of Divine essence.

This circle is a code activation for those who need a reminder of liberation, of their personal sovereignty and of freedom. It is a communication of the phases that are necessary of death and rebirth (waxing and waning like your moon) as you ascend. It is also a reminder of OUR presence here to assist you in your transition from 3D/Lower 4D consciousness reality that traps and binds you…….into 5D consciousness that can ONLY free you.

We are here… the Earth… your skies…..and in your seas. Connect with us through this circle and we will take you into an exploration of your most beautiful sacred humanity and Infinite Love Essence!

Much love,
Star Mu Family Alliance with Jelelle Awen – –

Photos by: Aéroclub Les Ailerons d’Enghien Moisselles


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