Cosmic Weather Report: The Track of Happiness

Cosmic  Weather Report June 2019:The Track of Happiness
by Soul Level Astrologer Mark Borax    
Putney Mountain,Vermont
Throughout this June massive Jupiter is the most active planet, forming big and little aspects with many other planets. This planet of fortune presides over the optimal destiny your soul signed up for when it chose to reincarnate, and is always urging you to follow that direction and gain the fortune of blossoming into your most powerful positive future. 

by Paula Duró
When you’re on track and in the groove, rocketing toward your brightest future, you receive the ultimate blessing of the king of the gods, a blessing of goodwill, wholeness and well-being. Just as Jupiter is massively larger than all other planets (which could fit into him combined) so too is your greater destiny so expansive that it’s sometimes hard to fathom when you get mired in the daily challenges of life– but becomes easier to see at times like these when Jupiter is so active.
This month the fuller scope of what you’re here for will be pulling on you, and even though Jupiter is the strongest and most positive planet, there’s a downside, which is that if the life you’re living has strayed from the one you were born to live, Jupiter’s increased presence reveals this gap in a stark measurement of the distance between the two.  

by Matt Mills
But this colossal planet of goodwill is so supportive of your greatest happiness that, once you recognize you’re heading in the wrong direction you’ll receive enormous support for changing track, lining up with your higher nature and following through on what your soul chose to came here for. This requires a leap of faith that what feels right to you on a soul level is what you’re here for, and making good on it is the whole purpose of your life.

Who Are You Really?  What Are You Here For?  How Much Longer Are You Willing to Wait?

Master Soul Level Astrologer Mark Borax

Mark Borax is a teacher, astrologer, musician and bestselling author who lives in Vermont and writes the monthly Cosmic Weather Report email newsletter. He offers readings over the telephone and in-person, and classes that catalyze individual evolution. His books 
2012 and the Cosmic Weather Report can be ordered from bookstores and Amazon. 

Soul Level Astrologer Marcella Eversole

For 20 years, Marcella Eversole has been recognized for her evolutionary style of leadership, empowering entrepreneurs, business leaders, political advocacy groups and individuals to align with heart and purpose. The founding director of two international organizations for world change, Marcella supports human evolution while recognizing the deeper forces at work.    Learn More  
Soul Level Astrology ® | |  http://www.markborax.comPO Box 623 
Putney, VT 05346 


  1. Thanks for re-posting my cosmic weather report for June! I’ll be speaking at the Arise Festival in Colorado in August, and doing astrology readings in Oregon in July. Keep the love light burning!


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