A leading and guiding hand during your transformation ~ Step 3 : release everything


A leading and guiding hand during your transformation ~ Step 3 : release everything
Door M̩line Lafont РMarch 12, 2019

As we have entered another Astrological transit – this being Mercury retrograde – I find this step to be excellent for this occasion. Astrology does imply influence of circumstances entering our Being. Actually we can create and recreate everything for ourselves, even with astrological influences. You decide how big you let things become or not. You decide how much you let some influences and information to be true or not.

Let us question this for a moment with the following step:

3rd – Really release everything in a way that not a single thought appears in your mind so that you can end up in your state of true Being. From an empty mind one can create and shift enormously. One is detached from all control and from all thoughtforms. It leads you to a state of Being, which is a creation in itself .

Writer: Méline Lafont

Copyright © by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.


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