Hope: the Game Changing Emotion


The feeling that what you want, can be had … that things will turn out for the best.

The positive expectation as we face the moment, now, and as we look forward expecting what’s next.

Hope is the one of the most empowering emotions. It is an expression of trust, but trust rooted in knowing. Hope is confidence.

For me I experience hope as an ascending energy, uplifting, invigorating, encouraging. Expecting wonderful is the expression of hope arising from knowing. Knowing the truth of our being.

Today is the first day of a new year. A time when so many people come together in a shared feeling of new beginnings. The calendar may be only symbolic, but we can use this moment, any moment, to allow ourselves a fresh start.

What would you be living if you felt this kind of confidence in life, your life? In what the future holds for you? Do you live knowing life is continually expanding to meet your desires and feeling joy as your manifest life flows into new forms?

This can be our experience. Yes we all have rough patches or bad days, but we also have joy, pure unbridled joy and that joy is a reminder of possibilities – for now, for next. It can be our experience, more often, more steadily.

As the new year starts, dare to tune your energy to hope, to a feeling that what you want, can be your experience.

Do this just by pausing for a moment and focusing on the word. Close your eyes, and tune to the energy of hope.

It is there within you. A knowing of how to feel this. Let it open within you and expand.

Tune your awareness to a deep inner truth that reminds you that all is well and life is for YOU. Reclaim hope, now.

Once you’re already feeling hopeful, realize the value in it  and perhaps choose too, to kindle it, nourishing it, daily. Becoming a steadily hopeful, positive person. For the joy of it! For the blessings it brings.

There is nothing more beautiful than feeling joyful, or more fun than to be around a truly happy person. Hope makes it easy to feel happy and open, present to life and to each other.

Happy New Year, dear one. May your day, be the first of many in which life feels fresh, new and truly beautiful to you. May the hope that arises, from the true knowing of who you are, come forth within you and lift you up to joy – where you’re at home and life is wonderful.

The real you, felt here, now.

Here’s to a great year! I am so happy to share it with you!

With love,


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