Contacting Beings of Light 20140127 Archangel Michael Message for 27 Jan.-02 Feb. 2014


AA Miguel

You have been on a journey for a long time now, your steps are getting quicker, the faster you get, the easier you reach the places you will stop by. The light emanating from your heart first illuminates you, and then it flows to others from you, illuminating the path and your paths. Although, every moment is more confident and wiser than the previous one, everything you make happen is new. This week you may experience sharp turns, sudden changes. The wheel is turning. Moving towards new beginnings, new things. Give your thanks to every person and every situation that has served you until now but is no longer valid, and hand it in to the Universe. You are opening up layer by layer, flaking off; you are becoming more transparent, lighter. This eases your ascension. New things happen at every moment. Situations regarding your relationships are also being renewed. You may develop new points of view, new understandings, or you may proceed to completely new unions. In all of these new happenings, continue to remain in your centers and proceed with serenity. Be aware of the moments when you must care for yourselves, and give yourselves the time needed to rest. Turn over all that must be left behind with love and receive the divine gifts presented to you with love. Dive into the depths of your hearts by cleansing, grounding, uniting with animals, requesting the support of your guides, for higher.

Love and Light,

Archangel Michael




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